Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '25
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13
Palm Beach Dramaworks Annual Gala
Celebrating 25 Years Of Professional Theatre Excellence
Saturday, March 15, 2025 place on Saturday, March
15, at the Kravis Center for
At 6:30 p.m. the Performing Arts’ Cohen
Pavilion (black tie optional),
Cohen Pavilion at the Raymond F. Kravis Center for will be a glittering celebration
the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd West Palm of the company’s rich history.
Beach, FL 33401 The festivities get under
In an ever-changing city, Palm Beach Dramaworks way at 6:30 p.m. with a
(PBD) has been one of the few constants, providing cocktail reception in the
award-winning professional theatre in West Palm lobby. The room will feature
Beach for 25 years. Since its founding in 2000, PBD an art exhibit that spotlights
has consistently delivered acclaimed productions of the teamwork involved in
classic, contemporary, and world premiere plays that putting on a show, paying
enlighten, entertain, and stir the imagination, what the tribute to everyone from
company refers to as “Theatre to Think About.” PBD directors and designers to
also provides exceptional educational opportunities for the box office, marketing,
students, appealing community engagement programs, development, and public
and the Perlberg Festival of New Plays which, as the title relations departments with a variety of clever displays. One of the evening’s most anticipated highlights is a
suggests, is an incubator for the plays of tomorrow. Dinner, dancing, and entertainment follow, beginning costume fashion show, curated by and featuring the wide-
A quarter of a century of sustained excellence, of at 7:30 p.m. Dinner will be served to the sounds of string ranging work of Brian O’Keefe, PBD’s gifted resident
enriching the cultural landscape of South Florida, deserves instrumentalists playing classical arrangements of contemporary costume designer and costume shop manager. Actors will
a special fete. PBD’s 25th Anniversary Gala, which takes music. A D.J. takes over when the dancing begins. serve as models, and huge projections that include research,
sketches, and photos will augment the fashion show to
provide a sense of all the work that goes into a design.
The Hon. Ann Brown is the gala chair. The Gala
Committee is made up of Beth Alcade, Penny Bank,
PBD Managing Director Sue Ellen Beryl, Tina Bolton,
Benjamin G. Boynton, Bruce Cohen, Hermine Drezner,
Susan Ellerin, Edith Hall Friedheim, Jim Fuld, Susan
Goldfein, PBD Producing Artistic Director William
Hayes, Lisa Koza, Lew Kramer, Carlton Moody, Cynthia
Nalley, Bernard Perry, Marsha and Stephen Rabb,
Lawrence Rothenberg, Susan Schwartz, Gretchen Shugart,
Louise Snyder, and PBD Chief Financial and Operating
Officer Rudina Toro.
Individual tickets are $750, and a variety of sponsorships
are still available. To purchase tickets or sponsorships, and for
further information, please visit
or contact Sue Ellen Beryl at sberyl@palmbeachdramaworks.
org or (561) 514-4042 x102.
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