Page 16 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '25
P. 16

Page 16, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      When Young Kids Hate Themselves

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             a young student to make statements such as they hate   tutors and started three times a week tutoring. Once she
      School Psychologist                               themself, they feel dumb, or they want to die. No student   received our written report, the teacher helped get the
        My first grader has                             wants to go to school and repeatedly fail. Furthermore, it   child  an  IEP  for  school  support. The  IEP  allowed  the
      recently  said,  “I  hate                         is a giant red flag when your child’s teacher says your child   school’s special education teacher to work with her in
      myself” because she doesn’t                       is the lowest one in the class. Given these challenges, this   addition to her private tutoring. Parents used children’s
      feel smart. She says things                       young child’s self-esteem is at risk of long-term damage.   books to help with her anxiety of being embarrassed for
      are too hard and I can see                          As a concerned parent, you can provide your child   her reading struggles. In a follow-up conversation, her
      her getting discouraged. She                      with  support  and  understanding.  If  you  suspect  an   mom said she had renewed hope for her child’s future.
      has trouble remembering                           underlying learning disability like dyslexia, our school     We test students from age 2 through college for
      letters, sounds, some                             neuropsychological testing provides answers. We also test   dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and more.
      numbers. She can’t keep up                        for processing problems such as a weakness in phonics   Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or learn
      with everyone. Her teacher                        development and memory. Once you understand the specific   more at
      says she is the lowest one in her class.”         problem you can then provide the right treatment to help.
        This concerned parent’s description of her child cried     The testing revealed this child had dyslexia with
      out for help and understanding. It is highly unusual for   anxiety. Her mom followed up with one of the specialized
      Oline Cogdill, Mystery And Theatre Writer

      Critic, To Speak At Panhellenic Fundraiser In March

        The Panhellenic
      Alumnae of Palm Beach
      County just announced
      its guest speaker for
      the Annual Scholarship
      Benefit Luncheon will be
      Journalist and Mystery
      Writer, Oline Cogdill.
      Cogdill has been with the
      Sun Sentinel as a theatre
      writer and mystery critic
      for  years,  and  she  has
      been the recipient of
      several awards such as
      the Raven Award for
      her work. Cogdill will
      speak at a luncheon in  President of Panhellenic Alumnae,   Susan Breece announced the guest speaker
      the  banquet  room  of  Jeanne Hibbard, prepares to start   for the March 8 upcoming scholarship
      the North Palm Beach  the Jan. 11 meeting.        fundraiser while Libby Krape listens. In  Cheryl Gooding holds the money house she  Joyce Garberoglio and Julia Pichette
      Country Club on US 1                              the background are Stacey Easterling,  created for members to place donations  are comfortably awaiting the Jan. 11
      in North Palm Beach at                            Margery Soffer, and Honnie McClear.  inside as Patty Hiscock sits nearby.  meeting to start.
      11 a.m., and the public
      is invited to attend.
        The event benefits
      women who reside in
      Palm Beach County,
      are presently in their
      third or fourth year or
      higher in an accredited
      college or university
      located anywhere,
      have maintained a
      3.0 GPA or above,
      and  show  a  financial
      need. Applications
      for these scholarships
      are available on the  Treasurer Nancy Stainback
      Panhellenic Alumnae’s  welcomed members to her home
      website.             in January.
        As well as a luncheon
      and guest speaker, there will be raffle and silent auction
      items, a Lottery Hat, and a 50/50 cash prize, so attendees
      are encouraged to bring extra cash in which to bid upon
      these choices. For more information check the groups’
      Facebook page.
        Tickets are being sold in advance to the event for $60
      per person, and they can be purchased from the Panhellenic
      Alumnae of Palm Beach County members.
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