Page 17 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '25
P. 17

Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 17
      Detecting And Treating Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)

        With February being the month to raise awareness
      for your heart, it’s an ideal time to emphasize the
      importance of detecting and treating AFib. AFib is a type
      of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) that causes numerous
      debilitating symptoms.
        Symptoms of  AFib range from fatigue, chest
      palpitations or pounding, chest pain or pressure, difficulty
      breathing, dizziness or fainting.
        Unfortunately, some patients are found to have AFib
      only after having a stroke. Some people with AFib feel
      no symptoms at all.
        Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center offers a variety of
      minimally invasive treatment options for AFib and is on
      the forefront of procedure options for this potentially life-
      threatening condition. Leaving persistent AFib untreated
      can lead to blood clots, stroke and heart failure, as well
      as other heart-related complications.
        The heart has groups of specialized cells that generate
      electrical impulses that travel through natural pathways
      from the top chambers to the bottom chambers of the heart
      (from the atria to the ventricles). These impulses make
      the heart contract and pump blood efficiently. In AFib,
      there are changes in the structure of the atria that result
      in abnormal electrical firing creating uncoordinated and     Patients with suspected or proven AFib need a full     Dr. Klein concludes, “We have a unique and great
      ineffective atrial contractions. Blood can pool in the atria   history and physical exam. An electrocardiogram should   opportunity to treat patients that have AFib. Treating AFib
      forming clots that if dislodged can travel to the brain,   be done to confirm the diagnosis. There are devices like   successfully improves quality of life, reduces mortality,
      causing a stroke. The heartbeat in AFib becomes irregular   Holter monitors and event recorders that are worn by the   and decreases the potential for developing strokes and
      and can result in very fast or slow heart rates because of   patient and monitor the heart during days or weeks. All   other cardiac conditions.”
      this abnormal electrical activation.               patients with AFib should have an echocardiogram done by     For more information about AFib treatment available
        As an electrophysiologist on the medical staff of   a cardiologist to detect any underlying heart disease. Blood   at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center visit https://www.
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, Dr. Matthew Klein   thinners are indicated if the risk for stroke is significant. or call
      encourages patients to seek medical attention immediately     Treatment options depend on how long, often, and   (561) 622-1411.
      if they are experiencing AFib symptoms, and says,   severe the AFib episodes occur. Treatments range from the
      “Knowing if a person has AFib is important. It is associated   use of medications, noninvasive procedures (cardioversion
      with a fivefold increased risk of having a stroke, a threefold   and catheter ablation), to hybrid procedures where cardiac
      risk of developing heart failure and a twofold risk of both   surgeons and electrophysiologists work together to get   Advertise in this newspaper.
      dementia and mortality. AFib strokes are likely to be more   the patient back into a normal heart rhythm.
      severe than non-AFib related strokes.”               AFib treatment options offered at Palm Beach Gardens
        Conditions that predispose patients to develop AFib   Medical Center include:                           For more information
      include  age over 60, coronary artery  disease, heart   • Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
      failure, high blood pressure, heart valve disease, prior   • Convergent Procedure                           call 561-746-3244
      heart surgery, sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism, diabetes and   • Laparoscopic Atrial Fibrillation Surgery
      alcohol abuse.                                     • Watchman
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