Page 15 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '25
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 15
      The Amazon ArtiKids Zone:                                                                              Book Review from page 14

      A Creative Playground For Children                                                                     believe are interchangeable,
                                                                                                             but which are not … and
                                                                                                             in each case to explain the
      At ArtiGras 2025                                                                                       differences. The text by
                                                                                                             author Eli Burnstein is laced
                                                                                                             with such a wonderful sense
                                                                                                             of humor that you hardly
      February 15 to 16, Gardens                          For more information about the Amazon ArtiKids Zone   realize you are learning
                                                                                                             so much, and many of the
      North County District Park In                     or to apply for a vendor booth, email   explanations are illustrated
                                                          The 40th Annual ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival will take
      Palm Beach Gardens                                place on February 15 to 16, at the Gardens North County   with delightful cartoon
                                                        District Park, located on 117th Court North. The festival
                                                        will feature a juried fine art exhibition, live entertainment,     If you care about using the correct words in your own
        Get ready for an unforgettable family experience in   the new Culinary Arts Studio, a dedicated Amazon   conversations or in your writings this is a must-have
      the Amazon ArtiKids Zone at the 2025 ArtiGras Fine Arts   ArtiKids Zone, and the Youth Art Competition. Ranked as   reference book. If that is not a problem you care much about,
      Festival presented by Tampa General Hospital. Designed   a Top-100 fine arts festival by Sunshine Artist magazine,   then it is a must-have for the fun it will add to your life.
      for children of all ages, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone offers   ArtiGras offers visitors the unique opportunity to meet   Here are just a few examples of words you may be using
      an interactive, fun, and creative environment where young   and engage with over 300 of the nation’s leading artists.  incorrectly. For lack of space here I offer only the author’s
      minds can explore the world of art and play.                                                           brief opening statement for each. He almost always follows
        The Amazon ArtiKids  Zone  features  an  on-site                                                     up with a fuller explanation, but you will have to see the
      playground, giving children                                                                            book for those.
      a chance to burn off some                                                                              • Poisonous vs. Venomous. Poisonous is when you bite it
      energy while enjoying the                                                                              (as with a toadstool mushroom). Venomous is when it bites
      festival. Plus, families can                                                                           you (as with a snake).
      visit a variety of vendor                                                                              • Irony vs. Sarcasm. Irony is when you say one thing but
      booths where  children                                                                                 mean another. (Lounging on the beach: “It’s a tough life.”)
      will receive take-home art                                                                             So is sarcasm, only what you mean is insulting. (After
      crafts to keep the creativity                                                                          someone trips: “Smooth move.”)
      flowing long after they                                                                                • Pronunciation vs. Enunciation. To pronounce a word is
      leave.                                                                                                 to say it correctly. To enunciate a word is to say it clearly.
        Whether your child is a                                                                              • Hors d’oeuvres vs. Canape. Hors d’oeuvres are bite-
      budding artist or just loves                                                                           size appetizers. Canapes are bite-size appetizers on bread,
      to  explore,  the Amazon                                                                               crackers or pastry.
      ArtiKids Zone promises an                                                                              • Schlemiel vs. Schlimazel. Shlemiels are bumbling fools.
      art experience like no other.                                                                          Schlimazels have bad luck. Hence the Yiddish crack that
        Vendor opportunities                                                                                 when a schlemiel spills their soup, it’s the shlimazel whose
      are still  available  for  the                                                                         lap it falls on.
      Amazon ArtiKids  Zone.                                                                                 • Assume vs. Presume. To assume is to suppose without
      Showcase your  creative                                                                                proof. To presume is to do so with confidence or authority.
      products and services to                                                                               • Gala vs. Ball. A Gala is a large, upscale social event. A Ball
      families attending this                                                                                is a large, upscale social event with dancing.
      beloved community event.                                                                                 In any case, from now on I will have no more excuses
      Don’t miss your chance to                                                                              for using incorrect words in any of my columns. You have
      be part of ArtiGras 2025!  So many crafts for the children in the Amazon ArtiKids area at the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival   my permission to chastise me if I do.

                                                                                                                                Get Your
                                               2025 Season                                                                      Today!

                                 • (561) 207-5900  • All shows start at 7:30pm

                                                                The Kenny Rogers Band
                                                                Presenting the songs of          3.10
                                                                Kenny Rogers, the way that  2025

                                                                he performed them, from the
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           The Lovin’ Spoonful                                                                2.26
           The Lovin’ Spoonful were America’s                                                2025
           answer to the Beatles, with their first
           seven singles soaring onto Billboard’s                                               Turnstiles
           Top 10 charts virtually overnight.                                                   Turnstiles delivers in such a faithful way that
                                                                                                they will certainly move the casual listener as
                                                                                                well as the hard core “Joel fan” to their feet.

          11051 Campus Drive, Palm Beach Gardens
          Box Office open Monday-Friday 10AM-5PM & one hour prior to curtain
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20