Page 8 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '25
P. 8

Page 8, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Concierge Care Is A Family Affair

        When Kim Hoffman                                   TGH Concierge Health is part of Tampa General’s   fellows receive specialty training at the academic health
      began experiencing                                 commitment to connecting the Palm Beach County and   system in areas ranging from general internal medicine
      complications following an                         Treasure  Coast  communities  to  innovative  care. TGH   to neurosurgery.
      emergency appendectomy                             Concierge Health patients receive the highest level of     Tampa General is the highest-ranked hospital in the
      at a community hospital in                         primary care, with after-hours access and personalized   market in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024-2025 Best
      Palm Beach County, Tampa                           care plans. TGH Concierge Health includes same-day or   Hospitals, with two medical specialties ranking among
      General Hospital’s (TGH’s)                         next-day appointments, after-hours communication with   the top 20 in the nation and eight medical specialties
      Dr. Laurie Rothman was                             the concierge physician or staff, annual executive-level   ranking among the top 50 best hospital programs in the
      the first person she called.                       physical examinations, and more.                  United States.
      “She answered on the first                           Since 2020,  Tampa General has been creating a     “Dr. Rothman has been there for all my ups and she’s been
      ring,”  says  Hoffman.  “I                         framework of state-of-the-art services for patients in the   there for the downs, and it’s been quite the journey,” says
      was upset and concerned                            Palm Beaches and on the Treasure Coast, with the expertise   Hoffman. “But we’ve come to the other side, so everything’s
      about what the doctors at  Kim Hoffman             and innovation of a preeminent academic health system.   going pretty well right now. I’m so very happy.”
      the hospital  were telling                           One of the leading academic health systems in the     For more information about TGH Concierge Health,
      me. She reassured me that she’d speak with them and   nation, Tampa General has been affiliated with the USF   please visit or call (561) 739-
      that everything would be okay. I was incredibly grateful   Health Morsani College of Medicine at the University of   4TGH (4844).
      and relieved knowing she was there for me, and would   South Florida since the school was created in the early
                                                                Ballet Palm Beach - Gtasby Seabreeze 012024 .pdf   1   1/20/25   10:10 AM
      determine the next best course of action.”         1970s. Today, more than 700 medical school residents and
        Hoffman has been a happy patient of Dr. Rothman’s
      for more than 12 years. A friend recommended her after
      Hoffman moved to Florida. “They told me that I would
      love  her,  and  I  do!”  Dr.  Rothman  has  been  practicing
      medicine in Palm Beach County for more than 20 years.
      Recently, when Dr. Rothman joined TGH Concierge
      Health, a service of TGH Primary Care, Hoffman jumped
      at the chance to reunite with her trusted primary care
      physician. In fact, she not only signed herself up with
      TGH Concierge Health, but also her husband and two
      adult sons. Diagnosed with several different autoimmune
      disorders, Hoffman has a complicated medical history.
      She says Dr. Rothman is truly at the center of her care
      – a master of coordinating and communicating with
      multiple medical specialists so everyone is on the same
      page. Hoffman notes that Dr. Rothman excels at breaking
      down information into ways she can understand. “She
      remembers everything,” notes Hoffman.
        Along with coordinating Hoffman’s health care, Dr.
      Rothman monitors Hoffman’s husband and sons’ well-            February 28-March 2, 2025
      being, ensuring preventative measures like specialized
      blood tests for her adult sons, one of whom has type 1
      diabetes. “When our younger son is home from college,                      Sponsored by
      he can easily reach out to Dr. Rothman to get a refill on a
      prescription. She is like an old-fashioned family doctor,”
      notes Hoffman. “She treats patients holistically.”
        Prior to joining TGH Concierge Health, Dr. Rothman
      served the brave men and women in law enforcement as                    For tickets visit
      the dedicated doctor for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s   
      Department. She is also a member of the Florida Medical
      Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians
      and the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

                                                                      Photo credit: © Steve Caras. All rights reserved.
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