Page 8 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
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Page 8, Palm City Spotlight
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Finding Female Ancestors how we can hit genealogical gold by using these unique records Palm City from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, March 21. The meeting
begins with a social time followed by a brief business
and manuscripts to piece together a family story.
With The Martin County Senior genealogist at American Ancestors New England meeting. The presentation, broadcast via Zoom, is at 2 p.m.
Genealogical Society Historic Genealogical Society, McClure is a nationally To attend on Zoom register at (Please
recognized professional genealogist and lecturer. Before
note: The Cummings Library is a temporary change of
joining American Ancestors in 2006, she ran her own venue for our February and March meetings; we’ll return
Although women comprise half of your ancestry, their lives genealogical business. She has been a contributing editor and to the Blake Library in April.)
and experiences – and even complete names – are often absent writer for several genealogy and history magazines, and has The Martin County Genealogical Society offers a
in written history. If they survive, however, diaries, letters, written 12 books, including the award-winning The Complete variety of services in the Genealogy Room at the Blake
account books, family Bibles, samplers and organization Idiot’s Guide to Online Genealogy, Finding Your Famous and Library in Stuart including an extensive research library,
records can reveal more about a woman’s daily life than any Infamous Ancestors and Digitizing Your Family History. She access to several genealogy websites and assistance
government document. During the Martin County Genealogical also edited the sixth edition of the Genealogist’s Handbook from MCGS volunteers. For more information about
Society’s March meeting at the Cummings Library in Palm for New England Research. membership, activities and services go to
City, professional genealogist Rhonda R. McClure will present Free and open to the public, the meeting is at the Peter
“Researching Women in Archives,” via Zoom. She will discuss and Julie Cummings Library, 2551 S.W. Matheson Ave.,
Good Works from page 7 The 2025 Martin County Emerald Award honorees are: the Martin County Healthy Start Coalition, Hetherington
Maureen Cotter, President Of Impact100 Martin advocates for the health and well-being of mothers and
The Pet Cottage Secures As president of Impact100 Martin, Maureen Cotter embodies babies, demonstrating her commitment to nurturing future
$15,000 Grant For Veterinary the spirit of the Girl Scouts mission by empowering women generations. In addition, Hetherington is also active in
the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association,
to drive transformational change in Martin County. Under
Expenses Supporting Forever her leadership, the organization has invested more than $1.8 Associated General Contractors, Florida Marine Contractors
million in community projects since 2017, addressing critical
Association, Florida Transportation Builders Association
Guardianship Program needs and fostering innovation. Cotter’s dedication extends to and local chambers of commerce where she strives to create
her involvement with St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, where her positive change. Through her advocacy and commitment to
The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce a generous $15,000 faith and service inspire others. Her unwavering commitment service, she inspires young women to pursue their dreams
grant from the Knopf Family Foundation dedicated to covering to empowering women and transforming her community makes and take on leadership roles in their communities.
veterinary expenses for pets in our Forever Guardianship her a powerful role model for today’s girls by demonstrating the Tammy Stefanovic, Business Development And Strategy
program. This vital funding ensures that pets who have lost their importance of courage, confidence and character. Of Cognegenics
human due to death, disability, or deployment will continue to Beth Garcia Svopa, Senior Vice President Of Brown & Tammy Stefanovic is a dynamic leader with a distinguished
receive the care they deserve while living with their dedicated Brown Insurance career in the pharmacy industry. A longtime Girl Scout volunteer,
Forever Guardians. Beth Garcia Svopa has been a steadfast leader in her Stefanovic supports programs that nurture confidence and
“This grant represents a significant milestone for our community for decades, driven by a deep passion for leadership in girls. She is with the Martin County Healthy Start
organization,” said Wendy Derhak, founder/executive director giving back. With more than 30 years of experience in the Coalition and Morningside Academy, where she combines
of The Pet Cottage. “It reaffirms our mission to provide lifetime insurance industry, she has earned numerous accolades for her dedication to education and faith. By participating in these
care and support for pets in need, and it directly impacts their her expertise. Beyond her professional success, Svopa is initiatives, she not only supports her daughter’s educational
health and well-being. Veterinary care is one of our most pressing active in the community serving as a board member for journey but also contributes to the well-being of the broader
expenses, and this funding allows us to provide necessary the Boys and Girls Club of Martin County and actively community. Sefanovic serves as an inspiring role model for
medical services without compromise.” supporting youth empowerment programs. She is a former young women as she exemplifies the values of leadership,
The Forever Guardianship program is a cornerstone of The board member of Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope and mentorship and service, encouraging others to pursue their
Pet Cottage’s mission. By pairing pets with loving Forever the National Association of Women in Construction. She dreams and make a positive impact in their communities.
Guardians, the program ensures each animal finds a stable, also supports the Children’s Museum, PAL of Martin “The Martin County Emerald Awards represent the essence
nurturing home. This grant will be utilized to cover essential County, CareBag and the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund, of what it means to lead with purpose and inspire others,” said
veterinary needs, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, exemplifying leadership and inspiring philanthropy among Lisa Johnson, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida.
surgeries, and chronic condition management. young women. “We are thrilled to honor these outstanding women while
Since its founding, The Pet Cottage has worked tirelessly Stacy Hetherington, Vice Chair Of The Martin County supporting our mission to prepare today’s Girl Scouts for
to support the emotional and physical needs of both pets and Board Of County Commissioners tomorrow’s challenges.”
their human guardians. With this funding, we can expand our As a third-generation Martin County resident, Stacy Sponsors of the 2025 Emerald Awards – Martin County
reach and continue to uphold the quality of care that defines Hetherington has built a successful career as a realtor and are Publix Super Market Charities, Amazon, HCA Florida
our organization. governmental affairs professional where she has actively Healthcare, PNC Bank and JSS Marketing and Public Relations.
“This grant enables us to give our pets the healthiest lives contributed her expertise to local nonprofits, helping Emerald Award sponsorships start at $500 and individual
possible while easing the financial burden on their Forever to provide resources and support to those in need and tickets are $150. To purchase tickets and sponsorships, please
Guardians,” Wendy added. “We are deeply grateful to the Knopf fostering a stronger community. As a board member of visit
Family Foundation for believing in our mission and investing
in the futures of these beloved animals.”
The Pet Cottage invites the community to join us in FEB DJ Italia, Franco Corso “The Voice of Romance”,
celebrating this incredible opportunity and to learn more about FEB Anthony Mangini “Freestyle Friday”
how they can support our programs. Together, we can make a
lasting impact on the lives of pets and their humans. 14-16
For more information about The Pet Cottage and the Forever
Guardianship program, please visit or contact 2025
Wendy at
About The Pet Cottage FRI: 4pm-10pm DJ Italia,
The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated to Vince & Emily,
Philippe Harari,
honoring the human-animal bond by providing lifetime care SAT: 11am-10pm Elio Scaccio,
for pets who have lost their human due to death, disability, SUN: 11am-8pm Bon Jovi Tribute-
“Slippery When Wet”
or deployment. Through innovative programs like Forever
Guardianship, The Pet Cottage ensures pets find new loving
homes with individuals committed to their lifelong care.
Girl Scouts Of Southeast
Florida Hosts The 2025 Martin 10801 SW Tradition Square DJ Italia, Comedian Guy Richards,
Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Anthony Nunziata, Tony Quaranti “The Sinatra Songbook”
County Emerald Awards VIRGINIA
Mistress of
Community Leaders To Be Honored FREE PARKING
The Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida has announced Social Media Influencer, Festival Rides
Reality & Movie Actor
the 2025 Martin County Emerald Award recipients who & Games
will be recognized for their exceptional leadership, service
and commitment to the community on Friday, February
7 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Sailfish Point Country
Club in Stuart. Cooking Demos Aperol Piazza Great Food Wine Seminars
The Emerald Awards shine a spotlight on outstanding
women who create meaningful change within their fields TASTE OF LITTLE ITALY PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:
and serve as role models for the Girl Scouts of Southeast
Florida. Each honoree exemplifies leadership, community
impact and dedication to empowering the next generation atll #1 FOR TODAY’S R&B
of changemakers. ®