Page 5 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 5

                                                    Tip of THe TaiL

      The Rise Of The Frenchie                          making them appeal to a variety of people in different     •  Allergies: Many Frenchies develop food and
                                                        types of environments. Furthermore, social media and   environmental allergies, leading to chronic skin infections
                                                        celebrity endorsements have skyrocketed their fame.  and itchiness. A hypoallergenic diet and proper skin care
                                                          However, despite all that charm and cuteness come   can help manage these issues, but it often requires frequent
                                                        many health challenges.                            veterinary visits, bathing and topical treatments to keep it
                                                          • Breathing Problems: As a brachycephalic breed, their   under control.
                                                        flat noses can cause brachycephalic obstructive airway     •  Reproductive Issues: Due to their narrow pelvic
                                                        syndrome (BOAS). Symptoms include snoring, snorting,   canals and relatively large heads, along with their decreased
                                                        and heat intolerance. Owners must monitor their activity and   stamina levels for strenuous activity, they are at high risk
                                                        avoid overheating. At Palm City Animal Medical Center,   for developing complications during natural childbirth. For
                                                        Frenchies are the number one dog we treat for heatstroke.   this reason, most Frenchies are born via C-section and often
                                                        It is strongly advised for owners of Frenchies to have them   require a reproduction specialist for the best outcome and
                                                        evaluated for stenotic nares and elongated soft palates as   highest survival rates.
                                                        a puppy and if these are found to be an issue to surgically     Frenchies are undeniably captivating. As a veterinarian,
                                                        correct them at the time of their spay or neuter to prevent   I love seeing them bless our hallways and exam rooms with
        As a doctor of veterinary medicine, I have witnessed   future problems.                            their presence. However, their unique needs require informed
      the explosive growth in popularity of French bulldogs     •  Spinal Issues:  Their skeletal structure makes   and responsible ownership. If planning to make a Frenchie a
      with both admiration and concern. These silly, charming,   them prone to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)   part of your loving family, it is wise to be aware of the many
      and ridiculously cute dogs have captured the hearts of   and chronic back pain. They also are often born with   health issues your pet may face and realize that all these issues
      America, as well as most of the world. But their popularity   congenital spinal defects like         require financial responsibility and a close relationship with
      also highlights significant challenges that owners need to   hemivertebrae that can lead             your veterinarian. It is advisable to have your new puppy
      consider when bringing this breed into their home.  to lifelong neurologic side                      examined by a veterinarian right away and have the ability
        Frenchies are affectionate, playful, and adaptable. They   effects. Unfortunately,                 to return to the breeder if there are major health concerns.
      thrive on human interaction, making them ideal for families   sometimes Frenchies end                By prioritizing their health and well-being, together we can
      and singles alike. Known for their exuberant personality,   up becoming wheelchair (or               ensure these beloved companions continue to bring joy to
      they often earn the title of “class clown.” Their moderate   cart) dependent.                        homes for years to come.
      energy levels make them suited for short play sessions and     • Eye Conditions: Their                 Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
      apartment living. However, their deep bond with owners can   prominent eyes are susceptible          dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
      lead to separation anxiety if left alone too long.  to injuries, corneal ulcers, and                 focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
        So, why have they become the most popular dog in   cherry eye. These conditions                    rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics
      America? Well for starters, their adorable looks with   often require periodic visits                and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      their  bat-like ears, wrinkled  face, and  compact build   to a veterinarian and possible            combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
      are irresistible. They are a convenient size making them   veterinary ophthalmologist                for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
      perfect for urban living and easier to manage than larger   for treatment and long-term              283-0920, visit or find
      breeds. They  are  playful,  loving  and  extremely  loyal   management solutions.                   us on Facebook at

      Hospice Foundation from page 1

      financial assistance to families caring for children with
      life-limiting illnesses. CFK’s contributions, including
      Walmart gift cards, gas cards, and cash assistance, have
      alleviated the financial burdens experienced by these
      families, who often face extreme financial stress due to
      various factors such as inability to work, travel expenses
      for medical appointments, and out-of-pocket costs for
      necessary medical equipment and services not covered
      by insurance.
        Filer is a true champion and advocate for children.
      Through her philanthropic work, she encourages others
      in the community to find their passion and give of
      themselves to organizations that they love.
        Thanks for Giving honoree Ken Feiertag and his firm,   Thanks for Giving Honoree Marlene Filer with TCH CEO   Thanks for Giving Honorees Ken Feiertag and Marlene Filer
      Feiertag Financial Group of Janney Montgomery Scott   Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA                         with Mike Tommeraas

                                                                                                           LLC, began supporting Treasure Coast Hospice in 2013
                                                                                                           with a memorial donation, but grew to be a major partner
          EVERY SUNDAY | FLAGLER PARK                                                                      in 2015 when Feiertag became a founding member of the
                                                                                                           TCH President’s Circle, a group of community business
                    9AM-2PM                                                                                leaders from Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties
                                                                                                           who financially support the mission of TCH.
                                                                                                             To date, the direct financial support of Feiertag
                           Live Music                                                                      Financial Group is close to $85,000, however an
                                                                                                           innovative program  that  Feiertag  and his  business
                   Fresh Local Produce                                                                     partner, Michael Tommeraas, developed has helped raise
                                                                                                           additional monies for TCH and many other Treasure Coast
                       Artisanal Foods                                                                     charities. The two partners take off their financial advisor
                                                                                                           hats and turn into “Chef Ken” and “Chef Mike,” offering
              Unique Handcrafted Goods                                                                     authentic Louisiana Crawfish Boils to nonprofits that
                                                                                                           have silent auctions at their fundraising events. Feiertag
                     Monthy FREE Yoga                                                                      Financial Group has also sponsored the annual TCH Golf
                                                                                                           Tournament and has been the Presenting Sponsor for the
                    & Wellness Activities                                                                  organization’s annual Sporting Clay Shoot since 2021.
                                                                                                             Feiertag and his team believe in giving back to the
               Kids Market - Every 3rd Sunday                                                              community and have been instrumental in helping spread
                                                                                                           the mission of  TCH through financial contributions,
                                                                                                           guidance and advocacy.
                                                                                                             The event was graciously underwritten by Wilmington
                                                                                                           Trust, The Ngo Group Illustrated Properties Real Estate,
                                                                                                           Martin Funeral Home and Crematory, Law Office of
                                                                                                           Jacobs & Jacobs, and Evergreen Private Care.
                                                                                                             To learn how to support the Treasure Coast Hospice
                                                                                                           Foundation, visit
                          SCAN TO
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