Page 4 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
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Page 4, Palm City Spotlight

                                                LocaL Happenings

      Humane Society Of The                               “This year’s gala is

      Treasure Coast’s Paws And                         particularly special as we
                                                        celebrate 70 years as an
      Claws Gala To Celebrate 70th                      organization,” said Community
                                                        Events Manager Alyssa Bean.
      Anniversary                                       “Our expansive history
                                                        spanning seven decades of
        Seventy years and counting! That’s              helping the animals in Martin
      the number of years that the Humane               County would not be possible
      Society of the Treasure Coast (HSTC)              without  the  support  of  our
      has been serving shelter animals in               community. More so, in recent  Cindy Greenspan and
      Martin County. That’s why there is                years, the services we offer  Jennifer Campbell (not
      plenty to celebrate at the upcoming               have broadened tremendously  pictured: Monica Olsen)
      Paws and Claws Gala, the HSTC’s premier fundraiser from   to benefit the people, too. What
      6:30 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the Pittenger Center   better way to mark this milestone as we throw the party of a
      at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 623 S.E. Ocean Blvd. A   lifetime with our nearest and dearest friends!”
      complimentary valet will be available on site.      This event is generously presented by The Catsman   Standing, from left, committee members Debbie Hansen,
        Attendees are encouraged to arrive in elegant cocktail   Foundation. Additional sponsor support includes Integrity   Lisa Patricelli, Carol Dippy, Shaun Kelly (with Lilly),
      attire to celebrate the 70th anniversary. The cocktail hour in   Garage Door Services, Apex Pavers & Pools,  Stuart   Kimberly Izzolo and Wendy Talbot; seated in front, from
      the courtyard will begin at 6:30 p.m. with an opportunity to   Magazine, TC Palm, Transmarine Chartering, Inc. and   left, Chairpersons Jennifer Campbell and Cindy Greenspan
      peruse the silent auction items. For dinner, the Chef’s Table   JetLoan Capital.                     (with Palmer)
      will prepare expertly crafted cuisine, which will be followed     The cost to attend is $275 per person. Tickets may be
      by a live auction. Then guests can dance the night away to   purchased at        Ave., in Palm City. Since 1955, it has been the leading advocate
      the sounds of The Chase Band.                       For event questions, email Alyssa Bean at Events@hstc1.  for animal protection and well-being in the Martin County
        Event Chairpersons Jennifer Campbell, Cindy Greenspan   org or call (772) 600-3215. For sponsorship opportunities,   area. A 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization, the HSTC
      and Monica Olsen have been working hard along with their   email Ashton Sorrentino at or call   is independent and locally operated and relies on donations
      volunteer Paws and Claws committee to organize the event. The   (772) 600-3216. For more information, visit the website,   to support its programs and services. Follow the HSTC on
      committee members are Dixie Church, Diane Coakley, Carol                       Facebook at and
      Dippy, Debbie Hansen, Kimberly Izzolo, Shaun Kelly, Allola   About The Humane Society Of The Treasure Coast    Twitter at For more information,
      McGraw, Lisa Patricelli, Sarah Ralicki, Alison Shade, Wendy     The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast (HSTC) is a no-kill   visit or call (772) 223-8822.
      Talbot, Melony Zaravelis and Kay Ziegler.         animal welfare organization located at 4100 S.W. Leighton Farm                Photos by Doreen Poreba

      Children’s Museum from
      page 1

      across  Martin, St. Lucie,
      Indian River, Okeechobee,
      and Northern Palm Beach
      counties. Additionally, funds
      will support a scholarship
      program to provide field trips
      to the Children’s Museum,
      ensuring access to engaging
      educational experiences for
      children throughout the region.
        Thank you to everyone
      who helped make this year’s
      gala a truly stellar event!  Jean Laws and Gregory Scott  Holly Carmody, Liz Ciampi, Cher Fischer, Ed Ciampi  Maggie and Toby Overdorf, Marsha Cetta

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

        Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid                  Les Liebowitz, Carolyn Liebowitz, Cher Fischer, Lorna Day,
                       S. Miller • E. Miller            Brooke Lewis, Pete Morello                         Shaleen Cetta, Stephen Cetta, Janice Berger, Richard Berger

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant

                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

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                  (561) 746-3244

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