Page 6 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, Palm City Spotlight

                                                        good Works

      Ho-Ho-Hometown Heroes:                              A standout highlight of
                                                        the Holiday Project was the
      United Way’s Holiday Project                      donation of 523 brand-new
      Brings Joy To Local Families                      bicycles from Zweben Law
                                                        Group, a tradition they’ve
                                                        upheld for 11 years. Thanks
        For 36 years strong, United Way of Martin County has   to their record-breaking
      been the heartbeat of holiday generosity, ensuring every   contribution, more than half
      child experiences festive magic through the United Way   of the participating families
      Holiday Project.                                  saw a shiny new bike under
        As the local coordinating organization for the Marine   their tree. Martin County Fire
      Corps Reserve  Toys For  Tots program, United  Way   Rescue lent a helping hand,
      collaborates with the Martin County School District and   assembling the bikes just in
      over 45 nonprofit agencies, faith-based organizations, and   time for Santa’s delivery.              United Way of Martin County President and CEO Carol
      schools to screen and refer families who just need an extra     “We are incredibly  In a decade-long commitment   G. Houwaart-Diez with the local Toys For Tots Marine
      hand up during the holiday season.                grateful for the support  to helping Martin County   representatives.
        Beginning in November, the Martin County Fairgrounds   we received this year,”  families, Zweben Law Group
      is transformed into Santa’s Workshop, where more than   said United Way of Martin  proudly coordinated the     This monumental effort was made possible by the
      344 volunteers devoted 2,073 hours of their time to   County President and CEO  Zweben Law Group  Bike   generosity of local businesses, community organizations,
      sort toys by age, gender and price – giving families a   Carol G. Houwaart-Diez.  Drive to make the holidays   sponsors, and individual donors. United Way extends a
      personalized and dignified shopping experience. Along   “With tornadoes having  extra special by covering the   special thank you to Wilmington Trust, Ashley Capital,
      with toys, families received fresh produce and groceries   swept through our town  cost of 523 bikes. (Tara and   Rubin & Rubin, STS Aviation Group, iHeart Radio, WPTV,
      for a traditional holiday meal.                   just weeks prior, we knew  Gene Zweben)            Waste Management and House of Hope for their support.
        With the help of over 160 local businesses that serve as   many families, beyond                     “While United Way dedicates countless hours and
      toy collection sites, United Way turned “Letters to Santa”   those already struggling, would need a little extra help this   energy to this project, it truly takes a united community to
      into a reality, distributing more than 17,605 toys and   holiday season. Thanks to the kindness of our community,   make it happen,” said Houwaart-Diez. “This is a shining
      25,838 pounds of food to 3,729 children and 833 families   we were able to bring joy and relief to so many children   example of what we can achieve together. We all win when
      during the two-day event.                         and their families.”                               we Live United.”

                                                        Upon winning a bike, clients are allowed to select the size
                                                        and style of their child’s brand-new bike.
      Thank you to Wilmington Trust, Ashley Capital, Rubin &
      Rubin, STS Aviation Group and Waste Management for
      sponsoring the project.

                                                                                                           One of the many collection sites dropping off their toy donations.

      Holiday Project clients lining up for client check-in.

                                                        United Way staff and AmeriCorps Seniors helpers picking   Thanks to community support, United Way of Martin County
                                                        up the Stuart/Martin Chamber of Commerce toy collections.   received 17,605 toy donations for the Holiday Project.
                                                        (Left to right, Angela Hoffman, Mike Collins, Alan Hill, Don
                                                        Knight and Jaclyn Anez)                            Good Works on page 7

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