Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
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Page 10, Palm City Spotlight


      The Fourth Annual Jensen                          What’s In Store?                                   Oceanographic Society and the Environmental Studies
                                                          This specialty garden fair showcases the best local
                                                                                                           Center, as well as programs for Junior Master Gardeners
      Beach Garden Expo – Bigger                        vendors offering lush tropical plants, native species,   and the Community Gardens of the House of Hope.
      And Better Than Ever!                             vibrant orchids, and unique finds like succulents, herbs, and     Thank you to our sponsors! Special thanks to
                                                        outdoor art. Stock up on gardening supplies, learn from live
                                                                                                           Lindstrom Air  Conditioning
                                                        presentations, enjoy hands-on demonstrations, and win free   & Plumbing, and to our many
      Mark Your Calendar: Saturday,                     door prizes donated by our vendors throughout the day. It’s a   generous sponsors who make
      March 1, 9 a.m. To 3 p.m.                         fun and educational day for all plant lovers, from beginners   this event possible.
      Save The Date – It’s Free!                        to seasoned pros! Presenters include sessions on dragon     Don’t miss this incredible
                                                        fruit, edible plants, bonsais and pests in the landscape.  day of plants, community, and
        Join us for Jensen Beach’s favorite springtime tradition!   Growing Our Community                  fun—see you at the Expo!
      The Jensen Beach Garden Expo returns on March 1, from     More than just a garden show, the Expo helps our     Follow us on Facebook
      9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the beautiful Indian RiverSide Park, in   community flourish. Proceeds support college scholarships   and Instagram and check out
      front of the dockside pavilion. With more parking, extra   for local students pursuing studies in horticulture,   our website: https://www.
      food trucks, and fabulous door prizes, this year’s Expo   environmental  sciences,  and  related  fields. We’re  also
      promises a garden celebration like no other.      proud to fund camp scholarships for kids at the Florida   garden-expo.
                                                   nonprofiT neWs

      News From CCKids                                  transitioning out of foster                        networking organization’s
                                                        care by focusing on building                       2025 installation gala.
      Finding Affordable Housing Is Hard; CCKids        community  relationships,                            Bebout has worked for
      Is Trying To Make It Easier For Young People      identifying affordable, safe                       CCKids, the organization
      Leaving Foster Care                               and community housing and                          that oversees the  child-
                                                                                                           welfare community
                                                        exploring new and existing
        The housing market is tough for everyone, but it’s especially   fund sources to support            in Okeechobee and the
      difficult for young people just trying to get a start in the world   future housing initiatives.     Treasure Coast, since 2022.
      – especially for those leaving the foster care system.    He has a long history                      In that time, she has become very involved with local
        That’s  why  Communities  Connected  for  Kids   of partnership building                           chambers, young professionals and other networking
      (CCKids), the organization that oversees the child-welfare   on the  Treasure Coast,                 groups that have helped build CCKids’ network of
      community in Okeechobee and the Treasure Coast, created   having worked 10 years                     volunteers and community partners.
      the position of housing specialist in 2024. The position   for Children’s Home Society as adoptions marketing     “We’ve found so many friends for CCKids and people
      is one of three in the state of Florida, funded as part of a   specialist and  for  seven  years at  Hibiscus  Children’s   who support our mission,” Bebout said. “It’s so valuable
      three-year grant and pilot program by the state Department   Center as director of the organization’s Career Pathways   to be with other goal-oriented people, both at CCKids and
      of Children and Families.                         to Independence program.                           in the business community,” she said. “I meet really great
        “We received this grant because affordable housing has     “I have a passion to help meet the basic, and sometimes   people everywhere I go.”
      been recognized as a major crisis on the Treasure Coast,”   complex, needs of our young adults as they age out of the     Bebout was one of three new inductees to the 10-member
      said Caryn Toole, director for CCKids’ Road to Success   state foster care system,” Avilla said. “To be able to assist   board, which oversees an organization dedicated to
      program, which prepares teens and young people in foster   them in securing safe and affordable housing while they’re   promoting professional and personal development.
      care for independence.                            still trying to find themselves in this world is incredibly     Her involvement in the group has already yielded new
        Frank Avilla was hired to the position in the fall of 2024. As   rewarding to me.”                 sponsors, volunteers and community partners for CCKids.
      housing specialist, he is responsible for serving young adults     If you would like more information about how you can   For example, members of the group have coordinated diaper
                                                        help – including information about becoming a host home –   drives, sponsored an annual foster-care awareness event and
                                                        please email Avilla at    signed up to collect toys during the holiday season.
                                                                                                             “We’ve very proud of Jordan and the work she has
                                                        CCKids Outreach Coordinator Named to               done in the community,” said Christina Kaiser, CCKids
                                                        Young Professionals of Martin County Board         community relations director and Bebout’s supervisor.
                                                        of Directors                                       “She was hired to make friends for our organization, and
                                                                                                           there really couldn’t be a more personable, approachable
                                                          Jordan Bebout, Communities Connected for Kids, was   person to do that.”
                                                        inducted to the Young Professionals of Martin County
                                                        Board of Directors January 16 during the business and

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