Page 1 - Palm City Spotlight - February '25
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VOL. 27  NO. 2                                                                         FEBRUARY 2025

      Taste Of Little Italy Celebrates Their

      18th Anniversary At Tradition Square In Port St. Lucie

      The Treasure Coast’s Largest                        Festival hours throughout                        Coast, promising something special for everyone to enjoy

      Italian Festival Where It’s All                   the weekend are Friday, 4 to                       and remember as they create memorable moments together
                                                                                                           that last a lifetime.
                                                        10 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m.
      About Love Valentine’s Day                        to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 11                            “We are committed to celebrating our Italian cultures,
                                                        a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission and
                                                                                                           values, and traditions that are built on the foundation of
      Weekend                                           parking are free.                                  family. We are grateful for all who came out and celebrated
                                                          Now in its 18th year,                            and shared in the love of our heritage,” said Jerry Somma,
        Via Productions Inc. proudly announces the return of the   the  Taste of Little Italy              Co-Founder and Producer of the festival.
      Galbani Taste of Little Italy, celebrating its 18th anniversary   presented by Galbani Cheese          Cheers to the next 18 years; we will offer The Aperol
      on February 14 to 16. The cultural festival, known for its   promises a weekend filled               Spritz Piazza and the Voga Prosecco and Bellini Lounge, a
      Italian ambiance, national Italian American entertainers, and   with entertainment, food,            great place to relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of The
      authentic food, will be offering free admission to thank the   family fun, and more served           Taste of Little Italy.
      community for all the years of support. The festival will be   up Italian-style! Each year,            Experience national and local chefs who come out to the
      in Tradition Square. The Taste of Little Italy is the Treasure   the  Taste of Little Italy          Taste of Little Italy and demonstrate how to cook specialty
      Coast’s largest Italian festival and this year’s theme is “It’s   draws three generations of
      All About Love” as we celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend.  families on the  Treasure  Galbani Chef Marco  Taste Of Little Italy on page 3
      Children’s Museum Hosts

      Stellar ‘Starry Night – Black & White Gala’

        The Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast proudly     The night reached new heights with an “out-of-this-    The celebration continued with high-energy dancing to
      announces the success of its “Starry Night – Black & White   world” dinner, followed by a thrilling live auction.   the music of the Street Talk Band, bringing the evening to a
      Gala,” held on November 16 at Harbour Ridge Yacht &   Highlighted items included:                    memorable close.
      Country Club. The event dazzled attendees and raised an     • A 7-night Greek cruise donated by Cruise Planners    Special thanks go to our Presenting Sponsors, Marsha and
      incredible $110,000 to support the museum’s mission of     • A stunning blue topaz bracelet from Colorado Pawn   Michael Cetta, and to all the generous sponsors and attendees
      inspiring and educating children in the community.  & Jewelry                                        whose contributions made this event a phenomenal success.
        Guests were welcomed with a signature “Shooting Star”     • Stays at the Atitlan Oasis Eco Hotel & Spa on Lake     Proceeds from the gala  will fund  the purchase of
      cocktail, setting the tone for an elegant and exciting evening.   Atitlan, Guatemala                 a mobile planetarium, which will travel to schools
      During the cocktail hour, attendees enjoyed live music by Harold     • Exquisite Wine Pairing Dinners for 12, courtesy of
      Seay while exploring an array of enticing silent auction items.  OOO La La Life                      Children’s Museum on page 4
      Treasure Coast Hospice

      Foundation Recognizes 2024 Thanks For Giving Honorees

      Philanthropist Marlene K. Filer                   and Mingle reception held in December at The Mayes Center
      And Ken Feiertag/ Feiertag                        in Stuart. Philanthropist Marlene K. Filer and Ken Feiertag/
                                                        Feiertag, Financial Group of Janney Montgomery Scott
      Financial Group Of Janney                         LLC, were honored for their commitment to the Treasure
                                                        Coast Hospice (TCH) mission and distinguished service to
      Montgomery Scott LLC Honored                      philanthropy through time, talent and treasure.
                                                          “Thanks for Giving celebrates the extraordinary
      For Their Distinguished Service                   contributions of our honorees and how their generous
                                                        support ensures quality end-of-life care for those we serve,”
        The Treasure Coast Hospice Foundation presented its 2024   said TCH CEO Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA. “We are grateful
      Thanks for Giving Awards to two honorees during the Jingle   to our honorees for caring so deeply about our mission to
                                                                                 provide compassionate care
                                                                                 to patients and families in our
                                                                                 community.”               Thanks for Giving Honoree Ken Feiertag with TCH CEO
                                                                                   Thanks for Giving honoree   Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA
                                                                                 Marlene K. Filer has been a
                                                                                 fervent supporter of TCH’s   and president of the nonprofit Celebrities Fore Kids (CFK),
                                                                                 Little Treasures  Pediatric   Filer has facilitated more than $93,000 in funding for Little
                                                                                 Palliative Care Program since   Treasures. Her generous support has provided much-needed
                                                                                 its inception in 2014. Under
                                                                                 her direction as co-founder   Hospice Foundation on page 5
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