Page 23 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
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February 2025 Viewpointe, Page 23
16th Annual Boating & Beach Bash For People With Disabilities
Welcomes Back Families For Fun
Nation’s largest, FREE, one-day event for people with The committee is currently
disabilities – both seen and unseen – returns to Boca accepting applications
Raton on March 15 for volunteers, sponsors
The 16th Annual Boating & Beach Bash for People and vendors at www.
with Disabilities – the nation’s largest, free, one-day event
for people with disabilities, both seen and unseen – will Designed as a Spring
again welcome back families who love the beach, boat Break vacation for all
rides and fun! Presented by the American Disabilities people with disabilities,
Foundation (ADF), the Bash returns to Boca Raton’s their family members and
Spanish River Park, which is conveniently located supportive caregivers, the
between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway Bash has welcomed guests
to give guests easy access to the beach and free boat rides. from around the world. It is
Always a highlight are the free boat rides, safely the only event of its kind,
held by volunteer boat captains who donate their vessels offering complimentary,
for a day of fun. On the other side of the park, special scheduled boat rides,
Mobi-Mats are rolled out on the sand, making the beach special access to the beach
accessible to guests in wheelchairs. YMCA’s water and ocean with Mobi-Mats,
safety team and physical therapists will be on-hand to a Kids’ Fun Zone, therapy
give everyone access to the water and other recreational workshops led by trained
activities on the beach. specialists, wheelchair yoga, music, costumed dance become the largest, free, wholly disability-friendly event
The 16th Annual Boating & Beach Bash for People parties, therapy ponies and dogs, a barbecue lunch, and in the country with a full schedule of entertainment,
with Disabilities will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., more. Everything is free and geared toward the guests’ recreation, boat rides, beach access, vendors, exhibitions,
Saturday, March 15, at Spanish River Park, 3001 North special needs. workshops and food in the nation. The event has grown
Ocean Blvd. (A1A), Boca Raton, FL 33431. The 16th Annual Boating & Beach Bash for People from a community gathering to a beacon of inclusion and
with Disabilities is generously supported by The City joy that draws attendees from across the nation. It has
of Boca Raton, celebrating 100 years of rich history also become a Spring Break destination event in South
and vibrant culture in 2025; Rotary Club Downtown Florida. Learn more at
Boca Raton; Coldwell Banker Realty Cares Foundation; If You Go
Collective Impact Group; and Soroptimist International 16th Annual Boating & Beach Bash for People with
of Boca Raton. Disabilities
About The Boating & Beach Bash For People With 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Disabilities Saturday, March 15
The Bash was started in 2009 as an event hosted by Spanish River Park, 3001 North Ocean Blvd. (A1A), Boca
the City of Boca Raton Advisory Board for People with Raton, FL 33431
Disabilities. The city relinquished the Bash in 2011 to; (561) 899-7400
the management of the late Bash Executive Director Jay The Bash is the nation’s largest free festival for people
Van Vechten and his wife, Lowell. Since then, through with special needs – both seen and unseen – their family
community support and donations, the couple and the members and caregivers. Festivities include boat rides, beach
Bash’s planning committee have pushed the event’s access, sporting events, ponies for petting, costumed action
growth beyond wildest expectations. The Bash grew to heroes, a Kids’ Fun Zone, food, and live entertainment.
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