Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
P. 26
Page 26, Viewpointe February 2025
Book Review
If you care about using • Irony vs. Sarcasm. Irony is when you say one thing but
Dictionary Of Fine the correct words in your mean another. (Lounging on the beach: “It’s a tough life.”) So
is sarcasm, only what you mean is insulting. (After someone
own conversations or in your
Distinctions: Nuances, Niceties, writings this is a must-have trips: “Smooth move.”)
And Subtle Shades Of Meaning reference book. If that is not • Pronunciation vs. Enunciation. To pronounce a word is to
say it correctly. To enunciate a word is to say it clearly.
a problem you care much
about, then it is a must-have • Hors d’oeuvres vs. Canape. Hors d’oeuvres are bite-size
By Nils A. Shapiro. for the fun it will add to appetizers. Canapes are bite-size appetizers on bread, crackers
your life. Here are just a few or pastry.
Nils began his career examples of words you may • Schlemiel vs. Schlimazel. Shlemiels are bumbling fools.
as marketing director for a be using incorrectly. For lack Schlimazels have bad luck. Hence the Yiddish crack that when a
major book publisher. He of space here I offer only schlemiel spills their soup, it’s the shlimazel whose lap it falls on.
has since edited the authors’ the author’s brief opening • Assume vs. Presume. To assume is to suppose without proof.
manuscripts’ for more than statement for each. He almost To presume is to do so with confidence or authority.
20 published books, written always follows up with a • Gala vs. Ball. A Gala is a large, upscale social event. A Ball
more than 200 book reviews, fuller explanation, but you will have to see the book for those. is a large, upscale social event with dancing.
served as publisher of several • Poisonous vs. Venomous. Poisonous is when you bite it In any case, from now on I will have no more excuses for
million-plus circulation (as with a toadstool mushroom). Venomous is when it bites using incorrect words in any of my columns. You have my
national magazines, created you (as with a snake). permission to chastise me if I do.
the official yearbooks for teams in Major League Baseball, the
National Football League, National Basketball Association
and National Hockey League, and “retired” as president of Make Sure Your Revocable Living
a successful telecommunications company.
the dictionary and Roget’s Thesaurus in my home office as a Trust Is Not An Empty Box
I had intended for this book to take its place alongside
helpful reference. Instead, I have been carrying it around to
share with friends as a source of not only important helpful By Martin Zevin, Attorney witnesses and notary. The client will then complete a form with
information but to spark a round of appreciative good humor A Revocable Living Trust is the institution which will result in the account being changed
with the turn of almost every one of its 200 pages. a very valuable estate planning from the individual name to the name of the Trust. Future
statements will then show the client’s name and the word Trustee
tool. If done properly, it can
I believe you will be tempted to do the same once you avoid probate, as well as protect or an abbreviation such as TTE. At that point, you know that
get your hands on this handy-sized, 5-1/4” by 7-1/4” hard- you and your assets if you are the account is in the name of the Trust.
cover volume. incapacitated. If this administrative work is not done, and there are no
My initial decision to purchase it is my need, as an However, unlike a Last Will beneficiaries listed for the particular account, then the account
editor and writer, to always select the correct word when and Testament, it does not will need to be probated in order for the Trust to get it. This is
done via the “Pourover” Will that is typically executed at the
automatically apply to all of the
more than one option may seem to be available … and the assets that you own. When a same time as the Trust. This “Pourover” Will names the Trust
purpose of The Dictionary of Fine Distinctions is to point client comes in to discuss doing as the beneficiary of any asset that is only in the name of the
out the more than 100 examples of two words that most a Revocable Living Trust, I analogize the Trust to a box that we individual with no beneficiaries designated. Of course, if you
people mistakenly believe are interchangeable, but which are building. Typically, the first thing that we put into the box is already have beneficiaries designated on all accounts, it is not
are not … and in each case to explain the differences. The your home. We prepare a Quit Claim Deed where we transfer necessary to name the Trust.
your home from yourself individually to yourself as Trustee If you already have a Revocable Living Trust and you want
text by author Eli Burnstein is laced with such a wonderful of your Trust. Your homestead remains the same, your real your Trust to cover all of your assets, you should contact your
sense of humor that you hardly realize you are learning so estate taxes remain the same, your ability to sell the property brokers, banks, investment advisors, etc. to be sure that your
much, and many of the explanations are illustrated with or mortgage it remain the same; however, upon your death, the Trust is either named as the beneficiary of the account or that you
delightful cartoon illustrations. property avoids probate. We also transfer non-homestead real as the Trustee are the owner of that account. Also, be sure that
estate to the Trust. you own your home and any other real estate (including outside
We then provide an instruction letter that explains what the of Florida) as Trustee of your Trust. If you do not, you should
client needs to do to transfer other assets to the Trust, such as see an attorney to do a Quit Claim Deed. If you sell your home
brokerage accounts and bank accounts. You can also name and buy a new one, be sure you buy it as Trustee of your Trust.
Community Channel the Trust as a beneficiary for IRA accounts; however, there Remember, your Trust is only an empty box until you put
are tax benefits to name an individual as beneficiary. This something into it.
Have You Seen It? should be discussed with your accountant. But it is generally Please feel free to call me for a free personal or phone
up to the client (unless the attorney is hired specifically to do consultation regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts and
this administrative work) to follow-up with the banks and the Estates. I am also available for a free consultation regarding
brokers to be sure that the proper paperwork is completed any issue pertaining to personal injury claims or car insurance
The Boca Pointe Community information channel to change the name of the account to the Trust. Usually, the coverage. Call me at 954-569-4878. My address is 3275 W.
is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and financial institution will require a copy of the first page of the Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442. My
Trust which indicates the name and the date that it was executed. website is and my e-mail address is
soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please The institution may also require copies of the last pages with the
check both channels on your TV to see which channel Paid Advertisement
hosts our community information. If you are unable
to view either channel, please call our office (561)
395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/
committee meeting dates and current events.
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