Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
P. 22

Page 22, Viewpointe                                                 February 2025
      Essential Estate Documents Everyone Should Have:

      A Guide To Protecting Your Health, Finances, And Family

      By Carolina Rosenthal,                            finances. The trust specifies what powers are granted to      • Trusts: Assets titled to a trust are managed and distributed
      CPA & Principal                                   the trustee and how and when assets can be distributed. It   according to the trust instructions.
                                                        is generally easier for someone to manage your assets as a      • Retirement accounts: Retirement accounts are distributed
         Are you among the                              trustee than with a power of attorney.             to the named beneficiaries on the account.
      majority of Americans who                               ○ Continuous management: Trusts do not have to go      • Joint accounts: Accounts that are owned jointly with
      do not have an estate plan?                       through probate. The trustee(s) have ongoing access to the   right of survivorship or tenants by entirety will automatically
      This article discusses the                        funds to cover final expenses, funeral/burial costs and estate   transfer to the surviving owner(s). (For accounts titled
      documents everyone should                         management fees.                                   tenants in common, the deceased person’s share will transfer
      have to help manage their                               ○ Establishment of further trusts: A living trust will   according to his/her will.)
      health care and finances.                         outline what is to happen to your assets upon death. This      • Transfer on Death (TOD)/Payable on Death (POD):
      These  documents,  which                          could include establishing trusts that manage the assets for   This designation may be added to a non-retirement account.
      represent a basic estate                          the benefit of a surviving spouse, children, etc.   It adds a beneficiary designation to the account.
      plan, direct doctors regarding your health care, authorize         ○ Distribution of assets: If desired, assets can be      • Life insurance/annuities: These transfer according to
      family  members  (or  others)  to  manage  your  finances,   distributed outright to heirs.          beneficiary designation.
      control your assets at death, and name people to care for      Thus, a living trust provides for smooth management and      These documents need to be in place before incapacity
      your minor children. Below is an explanation of three   transfer of assets both during and after your lifetime. For it to   or death. While most of us plan for a long life, it is good to
      basic documents you should have as well as a fourth that   be effective, you must title accounts to the trust. During your   create these documents early and review them periodically.
      may be a worthwhile addition.                     lifetime, the accounts are managed the same as individually   A good time to update your documents is whenever you
      Basic Estate Documents                            (or jointly) owned accounts and the trust can be amended or   experience a life event such as marriage, birth, divorce,
         • Will: Your will outlines where your belongings will   revoked at any time. At death, the trust becomes irrevocable. It   illness, or death of a family member. With the exception of
      go after you are gone. However, as explained below, the   will become a separate entity requiring its own, annual tax return.  TOD/POD accounts, you will need an attorney to prepare the
      disposition of many assets is determined by other means.   Transfer of Assets at Death               legal documents, but you may want to consult your financial
      For individuals who have arranged their affairs to avoid      While your will directs the disposition of your residuary   and tax advisors to help create a plan that incorporates taxes
      probate, the will may serve as a catch-all for assets that are   estate, the distribution of many assets is determined by other   and financial management.
      not otherwise covered. Another important role for your will is   means. In fact, it is common to create an estate plan that
      to name guardian(s) for minor children. It is not necessary to   bypasses the need to probate a will. Assets that are distributed      Author Carolina Rosenthal is a resident of Boca Pointe.
      have the same individuals care for your children and manage   by beneficiary designation, titling or contract include:  Email: 
      your finances.
         • Financial Power of Attorney: A Power of Attorney
      (POA) grants someone the ability to manage your financial   WHAT ARE YOUR
      affairs while you are still alive. This may be necessary if
      you become incapacitated. If you are not ready to hand over   MEDICARE OPTIONS?
      power now, you can create a springing POA, which means
      the power does not go into effect unless you are deemed   I will help you find a health plan that
      incapable of handling your affairs (usually by two doctors).   best fits your needs at no cost to you.
      POAs are generally “durable” which means they continue to   • Medicare Supplements
      be effective even if you become incapacitated. A power of   • Medicare Advantage Plans
      attorney is no longer effective after your death.   • Individual Health Insurance
         • Medical Directives: Medical directives provide for your   • Medicare Part D Drug Plans
      medical care. Each state has its own template. There are   • Dental, Vision, & Cancer Plans
      two main components which may be established as separate
      documents or combined into a single Advance Medical
      Directive (AMD). The two sections are:
             ○ Medical power of attorney: Authorizes a person                 Beth S. Sigel
      to make medical decisions on your behalf.
             ○ Living will: Outlines your medical preferences                  Boca Pointe Resident
      in certain end-of-life situations (e.g., terminal illness,              (954) 261-4648
      vegetative state).                                                                          
         • Living (Revocable) Trust: An additional document worth                                 
      considering is a living trust. This document outlines how your
      assets are to be managed. It provides many benefits:                    “We do not offer every plan in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.
                                                                              Please contact 1-800-Medicare or to get information on all your options.”
            ○ Additional trustees: You can name additional or
      successor trustees who have the authority to manage your

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           Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium
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           We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month
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