Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                 February 2025
      PJ Library  And The Jewish Federation

      Of South Palm Beach County Hosted Community-Wide

      Chanukah Celebration At Boca Center

         On Monday, Dec. 30,
      PJ Library  in South Palm
      Beach County, supported
      by the Jewish Federation of
      South Palm Beach County,
      hosted a community-wide
      Chanukah celebration
      at the Boca Center,
      coinciding with the
      holiday’s sixth night.
         PJ  Library ,  a family
      engagement program
      dedicated to fostering
      Jewish  cultural  heritage
      through an array of                                                        Dana Vizner, Rabbi Greg Weisman, Rabbi Laila Haas, Rabbi Elana Rabishaw, Rabbi Bert
      activities and educational  Jay Cremer, Robin Cremer, Alex Cremer, Zachary Cremer,  Keiffer, Rabbi Yisroel Silberstein, Rabbi Evan Susman, Mayor Scott Singer, Rabbi Rony Keller,
      opportunities, brought  Tamara Morganstern                                 Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Rabbi Josh Broide, Todd Polikoff, Elana Ostroff
      together hundreds of
      families, friends and neighbors for festive crafts,   captivated the audience with an energetic performance,      Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe Federation
      Chanukah treats, storytime, and a meaningful menorah   masterfully blending traditional Chanukah songs with a   Campaign Chairs and Committee Members for their
      lighting  ceremony  led  by  local  rabbis. Following  the   contemporary twist.                     continued dedication and leadership.
      candle lighting, which symbolized unity and the triumph      “This event brought the spirit of Chanukah to life in      If you or a neighbor are in need of help, please
      of light over darkness, ‘Rock N’ Roll Rabbi’ David Paskin   such a beautiful way,” said Elana Ostroff, PJ Library   contact Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
                                                        Director. “It was wonderful to see families come together   at 561-852-3333.  In addition, our main Federation
                                                                                                           telephone number, 561-852-3100, is monitored regularly
                                                        to celebrate our traditions and create new memories.”
                 Open Call                                County’s PJ Library  is proud to host events that unite   for voicemail messages.
                                                           The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach

                                                                                                             Learn more about our Federation and how you can
           For Viewpointe                               the community and celebrate Jewish heritage. For more   help at - or contact Shirley Gross
                                                                                                           at or 561.852.3182 (leave a
                                                        information about upcoming programs, contact Elana
                                                        Ostroff at or 561-852-6080.
                                                                                                           voicemail). 

           We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced
        or hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column
        for the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing
        just once, occasionally or on a regular basis. It’s a
        great way to sharpen your skills or develop your talent
        while enlightening your community. Some themes we                                                                    Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
        would like to include in the Viewpoint are as follows:                                                                     for over 20 years
           • Village Spotlight - write about your community.                                                                    “Caring is our Specialty”
        A different village will be featured each month.
           • My Story - featuring a member of the community                                                                 Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
        with a unique or interesting story.                                                                                    Facility SPA Bath & Grooming
           • Student Life - High school students writing about
        school or a topic that interests them. Student writers
        will be eligible to earn community service hours.
           • Global Cuisine or Gourmet Recipes - share
        a special, gourmet recipe or a recipe from our                      NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
        international community.
           • Share an idea you may have for a new column or
           A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be                 Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
        scheduled for current and new writers. Show your
        interest in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa
        Cammaleri at                        Board Certified in
                                                                               Internal Medicine

                                                                        with Added Qualifications in
                                                                                Geriatrics (2002).

                                                                         Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP

                                                                              Voted a “Best Doctor”
                                                                                    by his peers.

                                                                             Call to request a complimentary meeting
                                                                                              with Dr. Reznick.


                                                                                     7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433
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