Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
P. 14
Page 14, Viewpointe February 2025
Urgent Needs: Expanding MDA’s Paramedic Training To
Save Lives In Israel
By Yishai Mizrahi and Leslie Viselman
Magen David Adom (MDA) remains at the forefront
of ensuring Israel’s preparedness for future crises. The
tragic events of October 7 underscored the country’s Key Program Highlights:
• Enrollment Growth: In 2023, 150 National Service
vulnerabilities, heightening concerns for the safety and
participants joined the program. This will increase to 180
The Power Of survival of its people. During these challenging times, in the coming years to address growing risks, population
growth, and attrition.
MDA continues to face immense pressure to maintain
• Advanced Curriculum: The course includes 1½
People, Policies its renowned rapid response times and exceptional pre- years of classroom instruction and hospital rotations,
hospital care.
A critical area of
followed by 1½ years of hands-on shifts on Mobile
And Persistence focus is addressing Intensive Care Unit (MICU) ambulances.
Israel’s acute shortage
• Equipment Upgrades: MDA is expanding its
Advanced Life Support (ALS) fleet by converting Basic
of paramedics—the
most highly trained Life Support (BLS) ambulances. Within three years, 70%
By Steve Handwerker first responders. As of MDA’s ambulances will be ALS-equipped, staffed by
the sole organization paramedics leading emergency teams.
In looking forward in Israel accredited • State-of-the-Art Training Center: MDA is
to the new year, we to train and certify constructing a new Center for Advanced Emergency
need to consider the paramedics, including Medical Training at the Marcus National Blood Services
role each one of us can those in the IDF, police, Center, incorporating advanced technologies like
play in consciously and security services, simulation tools and virtual reality for unparalleled
choosing a sustainable MDA has launched an emergency medical education.
lifestyle. Many of us are ambitious expansion of Beyond its operational importance, the program has a
not aware of our point its paramedic training profound social impact. By training paramedics in remote
of view concerning a programs to meet the nation’s growing needs. communities and underserved areas, MDA is improving
lifestyle that is synchronous with the life and patterns In 2023, 350 paramedics were trained, but MDA medical outcomes and strengthening Israel’s resilience.
of the beings on this planet, human and nonhuman, plans to increase enrollment to 650 this year, with a Supporting this program is more urgent than ever,
and the earth itself. Our policies, based on our values, goal of training 1,000 paramedics annually by 2026. as war-related demands have strained resources.
determine the lifestyle we live every day. This is A cornerstone of this effort is the National Service Contributions to the National Service Paramedic
something we all can be more conscious of. Paramedic Training Program, which empowers young Training Program help fund essential expenses,
Living a life based on survival rather than on Israelis, primarily women, who choose national service including equipment, instructors, accommodations, and
thriving can often limit our ability to create a instead of IDF enlistment. This rigorous three-year course, operational costs.
sustainable lifestyle. Being more aware of what we introduced in 2017, has already produced hundreds of Your support can make a life-saving difference.
purchase and even how we purchase for our basic graduates serving communities across Israel, particularly Join us in strengthening Israel’s emergency response
needs and beyond those needs is an arena deserving in times of crisis when reserve duty calls up many first capabilities and protecting its future. Together, we can
more attention. Expanding from this focus, we can responders. ensure MDA has the resources needed to save lives when
also be more aware of the habitats surrounding us The impact of this program goes far beyond training— it matters most.
and how to care for and conserve those environments. it equips participants with life-saving skills, career For more information or to donate, please contact
For example, how we care for our immediate opportunities, and a sense of empowerment. It also fosters Yishai Mizrahi or Leslie Viselman, Co-Area Directors
natural environment/landscape and the immediate coexistence, as Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Bedouin, and for AFMDA, at 561.212.7495 or via email bocaevents@
community’s natural environments can significantly Druze paramedics work side-by-side to save lives.
impact creating a more sustainable way of life.
Therefore, these efforts to become more conscious
of our daily activities in fulfilling our basic and less
basic needs; and the familial natural landscape, our
home, and finally the community’s natural landscapes
form personal policies which in time will define the
level of sustainability we surrender to. The more
conscious our surrender to this way of living is the Operating as
greater the probability of living a sustainable lifestyle.
Thank you for reading this and following through!
Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
50 years experience Complimentary first office visit
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