Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
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Page 12, Viewpointe February 2025
Sharing Music Across Generations
By Ilene Brookler were upbeat (any Howard Jones fans?), some were moody excited to explain Spotify to me that he created a playlist
(hello, The Cure), and others celebrated our Bon Jovi right in front of me, mixing in songs from Backstreet
Years a go, whi le big-hair glory. I still have some of those old tapes tucked Boys, NSync, and Whitney Houston. He promised I could
cleaning out old boxes away. There is also a leather case filled with carefully add any song I wanted, if only I would let him download
of cassette tapes, my preserved answering machine recordings. Yes, answering Spotify on my phone and sit with him for five minutes to
daughter and I stumbled machines. Back in college, we used to leave each other show me how it works.
upon recordings of me and epic messages—long-winded stories, jokes, or just chatting Still, it warms my Gen X heart when my son hops in
my college friends from into the machine like it was our friend. My kids think this the car and asks for Major Tom (Coming Home), the 1983
freshman year. We also is hilarious. hit by Peter Schilling about a fictional astronaut drifting
found an old tape recorder, “You left long messages? On purpose?” my daughter in space. He loves our ‘80s classics—from We Built This
and, on a whim, decided to asked, trying to grasp a world where people actually City to Everybody Wants to Rule the World to Wake Me Up
listen. After a while, my listened to phone recordings. Before You Go-Go. The music of my youth is his comfort
daughter turned to me, shocked. “You were stupid once, “Of course! That’s what you did when you missed music. Maybe there is hope for us Gen Xers to bridge the
too!” she said. We both laughed—apparently, I giggled a someone!” I explained. gap after all.
lot back then, just like she does now. Ah, the joy of youth! “No one calls anyone anymore,” she replied, rolling her So, whether you are leaving voice notes on WhatsApp,
These cassettes have been sitting around gathering eyes. And she is right. For her generation, phone calls are listening to Spotify playlists, or just trying to figure out
dust ever since. For my birthday, my daughter asked me for emergencies or meticulously scheduled conversations. where you put your old cassette tapes, the truth is that every
to pick out a few so she could get them digitized to be My kids rarely call anyone. And forget about leaving generation finds a way to connect through sound. Sure,
able to listen to them together. We no longer have a tape a voicemail. When I casually suggested it once, my my kids think my college answering machine messages
recorder to play them, but she is excited to hear them daughter gasped. “Who even listens to voicemails?” she are outdated, and yes, I still have a soft spot for Howard
and get to know me from my youth. It is fun for me, too, said. Instead, she loves leaving voice chats on WhatsApp, Jones. But maybe one day, they will look back at their
to reminisce. Back then, we walked around with small sending quick recordings back and forth like an audio text. Spotify playlists and laugh about the time their mom had
recorders, capturing funny—and sometimes, let’s be The way my kids listen to music is a whole different to ask, “Wait… what do you mean by ‘vibe’?”
honest, lewd—comments from our friends. I even have story. Gone are the days of vinyl records, cassette tapes,
some tapes I sent to friends during my semester abroad in and CDs. They live in a Spotify world—streaming Ilene Brookler, a Boca Pointe resident and Columbia
Israel, sharing my impressions of the place and the people. everything, with instant access to every song imaginable, Law School graduate, brings over 30 years of litigation
I was homesick and missed my life back in the States. and lyrics readily available so they can sing along. It is experience to her role as a certified mediator. She founded
We were also music collectors, and I loved making no longer about owning music; it is about streaming it Family First Divorce Mediation Services with the goal of
mixtapes. Creating the perfect cassette—carefully on demand. And swapping playlists? That is a thing of helping families navigate divorce quickly and affordably.
selecting songs and planning themes—was an art form. the past. Now, Spotify automatically generates custom She can be reached at For
These tapes were often given as gifts to our friends. Some playlists for them based on their “vibe.” My son was so more information, visit
Love Is Here To Stay?
By Josette Veltri other’s qualities. Now So how does one sustain the creation stage? Good
some magic is back! question and I offer the following three steps from the
Fe brua ry i s oft e n • Integration, book Love Games:
referred to as the LOVE The stage where a 1. Share what your future wish list looks like and be flexible.
month better known as future is considered 2. Show up as often as possible in the identification
Valentine’s Day. But, did and a willingness to stage - the moment when you both felt the magic of love.
you know that February commit begins. In this Easy not a chance, possible yes, IF you avoid the traps
is also known for Black stage, usually after one year, couples are content in of too comfortable and/or complacent.
History Month, the Shortest the relationship and there is a sense that the magic is 3. Daily appreciate and be grateful for the trivial things
Month of the Year, the everlasting. Yes/No, we will see! you do for each other. Why? Because life DOES NOT
Super Bowl, Groundhog • Creation, guarantee a tomorrow.
Day, American Heart In this stage, I, you become we and together we Lastly, find each other’s language of love and keep
Month, National Bird-Feeding Month, and National participate in growing the partnership. Jones explains in the magic going!
Children’s Dental Health Month? Much is going on in this stage there is an excitement of sustainability and a
the month of February. forever love. Josette Veltri, a Boca Pointe resident, is a certified
However, for this article, I will focus on February, the • Conflicts, educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose,
LOVE month or Valentine’s Day. However, I must warn In this stage, if we are not working towards keeping the to assist clients heal and move forward so they can go from
you to remain conscious, alert, and mindful so that you magic of creation alive, we risk becoming overly comfortable I Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be reached
do not fall into the trap of being overly comfortable and/ and/or complacent in our love relationship. And, before we at (
or complacent. Let me explain! know it, the blush is off the rose (so to speak). in/josettejveltri/)
Comfortable is the state of ease, where we feel we are
secure in our love relationship. Whereas, complacency is
becoming too comfortable, so much so that it stops one Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center
from paying attention to our love partnership. Robert Greenberg Performing Arts Series
In his book Love Games, Psychotherapist Thomas M. Jones
creates an awareness and writes “love is a gradual unfolding of
necessary stages,” (identification, differentiation, assimilation,
integration, creation, and conflicts). What follows next is a
brief reader’s digest version of these stages:
• Identification, JOY ARI
There is an immediate attraction. Thoughts are firing
rapidly. We are thinking and/or pondering whether he or ALTMAN AXELROD
she may be the one or at least have potential. In this stage,
possibility thinking can last a couple of weeks or as long
as six months. There is magic in the air!
• Differentiation,
In this stage, both feel the need for their space, Sunday, February 23, 4:00 pm Tuesday, February 26, 7:30 pm
replacing the need for each other. Jones explains in Thursday, February 27, 2:00 pm
this stage there is a great possibility of conflict because Her Name is Barbra:
couples discover the need for their independence. The A Streisand Tribute Show Sunrise Sunset;
magic is beginning to wane! My Year in Anatevka
• Assimilation, Along with convincing, high-energy portrayals
This is the stage of survival and acceptance. Couples of the characters and comedy of Barbra, Joy Music Director, Lawrence Yurman
no longer try to change each other but begin seeing each also provides top-notch emotional delivery
of the notes and lyrics, truly invoking the Featuring all the songs you know and
impeccable vocal control and unique style of love from A Fiddler on the Roof, “Sunrise,
Streisand, leaving audiences excited, moved Sunset,” “Rich Man,” “Miracle of Miracles,”
and mesmerized! and some gems you might have missed.
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