Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
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Page 16, Viewpointe February 2025
Welcome To The Fantastic World Of FENG SHUI!!!!
By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D. communicate “less” every time, paradoxically but reality, As a reference I always narrate in my talks and
due to multiple daily tasks, added to the attention that conferences about FENG SHUI, a consultation from
Hello everyone, hoping that this month of LOVE, flow social networks generate in today’s society. some time ago, where a very elegant and successful
these values that we name below: Within this context that we are experiencing the professional lady asked me for a consultation, since she
• comprehension LOVE, cannot “go out of fashion,” because it has been felt very alone because her husband had left the house and
• camaraderie the engine that has always moved the planet. they were planning a divorce. I told her that we should go
• friendship For this it is very important that in our spaces the Love to her house to Locate the area of LOVE, THE COUPLE
• empathy Area is harmonious and clear, in order to comply with AND MARRIAGE, which was my biggest surprise. As
• collaboration the ancient science of FENG SHUI, which promotes its soon as I entered her house there was a table with quality
• sense of duty fulfilled presence in any of its recommendations. This important decorations, but it highlighted single female figures.
In each and every one of them there is an important area in our lives should be located both in homes and in While touring the property I noticed in several spaces the
ingredient which is LOVE. the workplace. With this we will enhance relationships female figure continued as the main art, as it caught my
February is the second month of the year and therefore and positive energies “CHI” and we will avoid negative attention, I asked him about it:
we have our renewal goals underway within the process energies or “CHA.” Why are there so many single female figures as
of becoming better every time. This is important for our In relation to the location of this area of the places decorations everywhere in the house? He responded: “I
mental health and thus being better every day. where we carry out daily life, it is important to note that started acquiring female figures because they seem elegant
Every February we see in all places, especially those it is located in the SOUTHWEST of the house or other and outstanding to me and then they have given me some
where gifts and presents are displayed for said celebrations environment. on different dates, birthdays, Christmas, etc.”
related to LOVE, reminding us of our feelings towards This area can be activated using elements of fire, It is important to note that said lady was a person with
the people around us, be it family, friends, neighbors, co- earth, red and its derivatives such as pink and objects that an important position in the legal area and therefore, she
workers and all the people with whom we interact due to symbolize union. To exemplify these recommendations, had clients from whom she also received gifts like the ones
various circumstances and contexts. These relationships, a painting or photo of the couple’s marriage, photos mentioned above, also in her office. Here is the answer to
being different and distinguished by categories, move of places they have shared, trips together, in short, her personal situation, the which was the reason for the
particular situations and thus make up the circle in which everything that exhibits a life as a couple makes the energy consultation.
we live our personal, professional and recreational lives. of the place enhanced with these images. In the case of art I hope that this anecdote in my professional
Therefore, each person gives us and we give them objects, it can be a knot or bow, for example, a statuette performance helps resolve a particular case or in general
different forms of relationships with which we feed and of two people and try as much as possible that the images for my dear readers.
they reciprocally feed the contact link. Nowadays, when are pairs. Pictures of places where people can be seen Milagros.
there is so much technology to communicate, people enjoying, walking, dancing and the visual product is of
people being happy with the activity, a motif of captured Shui Specialist is a resident of the Plum. Email:
Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
art. Even if they place cushions, they should always be
Hot Topics in pairs, a heart shape is ideal.
Other options are for those who want greater energy of
Group Notice LOVE, to make an altar of Love, with symbolic objects
such as photographs, candles, crystals, in short, everything
that “speaks” of Love.
We are a women’s group who remember Reva
Tucker. Hot Topics has resumed meetings every Friday The Importance of Annual Physicals:
and are seeking new members. Please join us for lively
discussions at 11:00am to 12:30pm at the Boca Pointe
Community Office. If you would like more information Prioritizing Your Health with
or to sign up, please call 561-715-8298.
Dr. Luisa Brito and Dr. Althea Watson
Golf Carts Your health is your most valuable asset. Taking the time for an
annual physical is one of the most proactive steps you can take to
ensure your well-being. These routine check-ups are essential not
Please Drive only for maintaining good health but also for catching potential
issues before they become serious.
Carefully! Annual physicals allow doctors to assess your overall health,
discuss any concerns, and run necessary tests to detect underlying
conditions. High blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels
are just a few examples of silent conditions that may go unnoticed
without regular screenings. Early detection can lead to timely
treatment, significantly reducing the risk of complications and at 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B. Dr. Watson
improving outcomes. practices in both Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, with her
additional location at 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204, making it easier
At Palm Beach Health Network Primary Care, Dr. Luisa Brito than ever to access quality care.
and Dr. Althea Watson are committed to helping you stay on top
of your health. They understand the importance of personalized, Your annual physical is not just another appointment—it’s an
compassionate care and offer next-day appointments to fit your investment in your future. By addressing potential health concerns
busy schedule. Whether you’re due for your annual well visit or early, you can take control of your well-being and enjoy peace
have specific concerns, their expertise ensures you’re in good of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late to prioritize your health.
Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Luisa Brito
Both Dr. Brito and Dr. Watson provide comprehensive services, or Dr. Althea Watson and start your journey toward a healthier,
including same-day appointments, walk-in visits, pre-and post-op happier you.
care plans, annual physicals, and pre-surgical medical clearance.
LEAH'S PET CARE They are dedicated to creating a comfortable environment where Boca Raton: 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B | 561-
you can discuss your health concerns and work together to achieve
your wellness goals.
Boynton Beach (Dr. Watson only): 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204
| 561-740-4762
My name is Leah Goldberg, a full time Located conveniently in Boca Raton, Dr. Brito sees patients
resident of Villa Sonrisa for the last six years.
I have been working with dogs of all sizes
for over 15 years. Services I provide include Sabra Wall Decor B’H
daily walking, administering medications,
veterinary and grooming runs, or just plain
spending some time with dogs that are home EstimatEs
alone during the day. I am bonded and
insured through Pet Sitters International. Painting & More ...
I would love the opportunity to take care
of your pet. P.S. I will also take care of cats
for anyone who needs that service. I can be • Popcorn Ceiling • Wallpaper Removal
reached 7 days a week at 561-849-8191. • Knock Down
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Cell: (954) 931-4716 Licensed & Insured
Office: (561) 395-3057 CC: 03-11120-P-K