Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
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       science on tHe cutting edge

                                                        Jupiter,  Florida 33458. Admission and parking are free.      This week, a research team led by Dr. Anant Jain, Dr.
                                                        Reservations are required, as seating is limited   Yoshihisa Nakahata, and Scientific Director Dr. Ryohei
                                                            CONTACT: Register and learn more about speakers by   Yasuda  identified  key  aspects  of  how  BTSP  works  in
                                                        visiting or by   neurons, reporting their years-long study into this critical
                                                        calling the reservation line at (561) 228-3000.    model of plasticity.
      The Wertheim UF Scripps                                                                                the  project,  “Understanding  the  precise  molecules  and
                                                                                                              Dr. Yasuda  describes  the  team’s  motivation  for
      Institute Announces Brain                                                                            mechanisms that neurons use to encode information is critical

      Health Public Lectures                                                                               for understanding brain function and health. Research in this
                                                                                                           area has primarily focused on traditional plasticity models,
                                                                                                           which may be less relevant to learning during experience. It
                                                                                                           is critical to explore the molecular mechanisms that underlie
                                                         Extended Timing: How                              new plasticity models, such as BTSP.”
                                                                                                              The team’s first hurdle was modeling BTSP in isolated

                                                         Neurons Encode Information                        brain  tissue,  where  they  could  precisely  measure  the
                                                                                                           resulting neuronal changes. The researchers were able to
                                                         On Timescales That Match                          trigger BTSP by inputs separated by ~1 second, confirming
                                                                                                           the extended integration time of information storage. The
                                                         Learning                                          team also found that BTSP occurs at single synapses, a
                                                                                                           property critical for specificity in information coding. By
                                                         New research from the Max Planck Florida Institute   combining electrophysiological measurements of neuronal
          WHAT: The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for   for Neuroscience published this week in Nature has   activity with specialized microscopy and biosensors, the
      Biomedical Innovation & Technology announces its 2025   identified a key step in how neurons encode information   team could visualize real-time molecular changes that
      Innovation Lecture series, two public panel discussions   on timescales that match learning.         occurred during BTSP to determine their role.
      in Jupiter focused on exploring new discoveries about the   A Timing Mismatch                        CaMKII: Same Player, Different Role
      brain and brain health.                               Learning takes                                    The research team focused on a molecule called
          WHEN: The first lecture, “Healing the Brain,” takes   seconds to minutes.                        CaMKII, which is well-known for its critical role in many
      place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025. Experts on   Howe ve r ,  t he                          types of plasticity in neurons.
      autism, learning and memory, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s   be st -unde rst oo d                            “We hypothesized that CaMKII would be critical for
      and  other  types  of  dementia,  will  describe  their  latest   mechanisms of how                  BTSP. This molecule is activated at synapses and can remain
      research discoveries about brain health across the lifespan.  the  brain  encodes                    active for many seconds. It seemed the perfect candidate
          The second lecture, “Outsmarting Cancer II: Defeating   information happen at                    to  be  the  key  player  in  extending  the  time  window  of
      Brain Cancer,” takes place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April   speeds closer to neural                   information integration in neurons,” described Dr. Jain.
      23, 2025. Researchers will discuss recent advances and   activity—around                             “Well, it turns out that we were right – CaMKII was critical
      discoveries about one of the most fast-moving forms of   1,000 times faster.                         for BTSP, but we were completely wrong about its role.”
      brain cancer, glioblastoma.                        These mechanisms,                                    When the research team disrupted the function of
          Special  thanks  go  to  “Healing  the  Brain”  preview   known  as  Hebbian                     CaMKII, BTSP was disrupted. Wanting to visualize the
      reception sponsor Palm Health Foundation and WPBF 25,   plasticity, suggest                          CaMKII activity in neurons during the BTSP process, the
      whose longtime news anchor, Tiffany Kenney, will serve   that if two connected                       group optimized a biosensor to report when CAMKII was
      as moderator for both lectures.                    neurons are both active within a hundredth of a second, then   active. Using this newly optimized sensor, with nearly two-
          WHERE: The 2025 Innovation Lectures will take   the connection between the two neurons is strengthened. In   fold improved sensitivity over previous tools, the scientists
      place at the institute’s headquarters, 120 Scripps Way,   this way, information arriving at connected neurons within   could measure CAMKII activity during BTSP. However,
                                                         this short time window can be linked. However, during   they didn’t find what they expected.
                                                         behavior, information that needs to be encoded together      Contrary to their hypothesis, they found no detectable
                                                         is often separated by seconds to minutes. How, then, can   CaMKII  activation  during  BTSP  induction.  Instead,  a
                                                         neurons integrate information on timescales relevant to   delayed  and  stochastic  activation  of  CaMKII  occurred
                                                         learning?                                         tens of seconds after initiating BTSP. In addition, while
                                                            Recently, a new neural model of information encoding   the plasticity was happening at a specific synapse, CaMKII
                                                         called  behavioral  timescale  synaptic  plasticity  (BTSP)   was active in a much larger area of the neuron. The research
                                                         addressed this discrepancy by demonstrating that neurons   revealed that CaMKII is an instructive signal for BTSP
                                                         can integrate information over seconds, a timescale   but does not define the synapse specificity of plasticity. It
                                                         consistent with behavior. Indeed, during behaviors such   suggests a broad time window for synaptic plasticity and a
      The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute brings together many   as navigation, neurons encode specific locations through   new model of how synapse-specific and instructive signals
      great minds to address pressing biomedical challenges,   BTSP. However, the molecular mechanisms of how neurons   can integrate over tens of seconds.
      including brain disorders and diseases.            implement BTSP were unknown.                         “This is a paradigm shift in our view of CaMKII function
                                                                                                           and our understanding of plasticity mechanisms. The activity
                                                                                                           of CaMKII throughout the dendrite reveals that it does not
                 Susan Has Moved To A                                                                      define synapse specificity of plasticity, but rather is involved
                                                                                                           in dendritic information processing. Our results have opened
                                                                                                           many more questions for further investigation, including
                               New Location!                                                               what defines the specificity of information coding at single
                                                                                                           synapses or the time-delay in CAMKII activation,” describes
                                                                                                           Dr. Jain. “The surprising findings underscore the importance
           Androcles Hair Salon                                                                            of behaviorally relevant models of information encoding
                                                                                                           in the brain to reach our ultimate goal of linking molecular
                                                                                                           activity to memory formation and preventing neurological
                4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108                                                                 disorders involving learning and memory dysfunction.”
              Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                                                 Jain, A., Nakahata, Y., Pancani, T. et al. Dendritic, delayed,
                                                                                                           stochastic  CaMKII  activation  in  behavioral  time  scale
                                Susan                                                                      plasticity. Nature (2024).
                                                                                                           About The Max Planck Florida Institute For Neuroscience
                            Swafford                                                                         is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the brain by
                                                                                                              The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
                                                                                                           advancing our understanding of neural circuits and synaptic
                                                                                                           plasticity. Researchers at the institute focus on how neurons
           561-312-0457                                                                                    communicate and adapt, contributing to learning, memory,
                                                                                                           and behavior.
                                                                                                              This research was funded by the National Institute of
                                                                                                             Heath and the Max Planck Society. This content is solely the
                                     10%                                                                   authors’ responsibility and does not necessarily represent
                                                                                                           the official views of the funders.

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