Page 18 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
P. 18

Page 18, Abacoa
       roger dean stadiuM round uP

      Palm Beach Cardinals Announce 2025 Coaching Staff

         The Palm Beach Cardinals are excited to welcome a   2024 in Springfield (AA)
      mix of familiar and new faces to their coaching staff for   as an assistant coach. He
      the 2025 season. Championship winning field manager   previously served as an
      Gary Kendall will return for his fourth season within the   assistant coach at  Towson University, working with   Florida  State League  tickets  and  ticket  packages  are
      Cardinals’ organization.                          infielders, baserunning and acted as an additional hitting   available and can be found at
         Last season, Kendall led the Beach Birds to victory,   coach. The Kennesaw State University graduate also   dean-chevrolet-stadium/tickets/florida-state-league.  For
      winning their third franchise championship. The team had a   previously  worked  with  Post  University  and  Ottawa   more information, call the Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium
      historical season, clinching both the first and second halves   University, merging his knowledge of video, technology,   ticket office at (561) 630- 1828.
      of the season. He also led the Beach Birds to a league and   virtual reality and baseball.           About Jupiter Stadium, LTD
      franchise-best 83-47 record this season.             Jeff Case returns for his fourth season as the team’s      Opening in 1998, the 110-acre complex/stadium is
         Joining Kendall and the Beach Birds this year is pitching   athletic trainer and strength and conditioning coach Harben   specially designed to house two Major League and two
      coach Michael Oh. Oh will be entering his first season in   Filho Braco returns for his second year.  Minor League baseball teams. The stadium is home to
      the Cardinals’ organization after serving as the University      Affiliate  Fellow  Michelle  McMillan  returns  for  her   the Miami Marlins and the St. Louis Cardinals for Spring
      of North Charlotte’s pitching coach. Oh previously served   second year within the Cardinals’ organization, working   Training. The Florida State League’s Jupiter Hammerheads
      as the team’s pitching coordinator in 2022 following the   with the FCL Cardinals in 2024 in the same role. The   (Class A affiliate of the Miami Marlins) and Palm Beach
      conclusion of his collegiate playing career at Charlotte.  Rutgers University-Newark graduate served as captain of   Cardinals (Class A affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals)
         Also  joining  Palm  Beach  this  year  is  hitting  coach   the softball team.                   make their home at Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium from
      Paul Benoit. Benoit joined the Cardinals’ organization in      The bench coach position for Palm Beach will be added   April  through  September. This  year-round  facility  can
                                                        at a later date.                                   accommodate the smallest birthday party to the largest
                                                           The Palm Beach Cardinals will open the 2025 season
                                                                                                           corporate outing, while never forgetting that each and every

        Free In-Person                                  on Friday, April 4 against the Fort Myers Mighty Mussels.   fan is our most important product.
        SAT Practice Test                                              One-to-One College Planning

                                                                                              Grades 9-12
        By Peggy Forgan,
        M.Ed., College Planner
           L e t ’ s fa c e  i t ,                                                                            All inclusive college services
        college acceptance is a
        competitive process and                                                                               Test prep, essays & resumes,
        strong SAT scores are
        one way to set yourself                                                                                  Applications, deadlines,
        apart from the crowd.                                                                                     scholarships, & more.
        High  SAT  scores  are
        important for college
        admission  but  also  for                                                                                  Free consultation.
        qualifying for merit-
        based scholarships that can significantly reduce the •  561-418-7897
        cost of tuition. Class 101 is offering a free SAT practice
        test on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. After
        the test, students can receive their test scores and a test
        analysis during an individual appointment at no cost.
           Class 101 helps your student improve SAT scores
        with live expert instruction, study guides, interactive
        quizzes, and personalized worksheets. The program
        covers key areas including specific test-taking strategies
        designed to boost performance across the entire test. A
        practice SAT is the first step, helping understand where
        your student needs to focus their attention to raise scores.
        This baseline assessment allows us to tailor instruction
        to the areas that need the most improvement.
           Additionally, Class 101 will be offering a six-week
        SAT test prep course beginning this spring, designed to
        help your student thoroughly prepare for the test. Space
        is limited, so sign up now to secure your spot! This is
        a great opportunity to improve SAT scores for college
        admissions and earn merit-based scholarships.
           Our program includes practice tests that simulate the
        actual SAT, helping students become familiar with the
        test format and time constraints. Detailed feedback after
        each practice test tracks progress and refines strategies.
        Class  101  also  emphasizes  test-taking  psychology,
        teaching students how to manage anxiety and stay
        focused under pressure—critical skills for performing
        well on test day.
           To  register,  call  or  text  Peggy  Forgan  at  (561)
        418-7897, or email for more

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