Page 16 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
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Page 16, Abacoa
FEMA’s New Flood Maps
FEMA Has Updated The Flood Zone Maps, Adding Thousands Of Residents To High-Risk
Flood Zones. These New Maps Will Become Effective On December 20
Jupiter’s Flood Hazards Important Flood Insurance Facts as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) by the National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) at
With the Loxahatchee River running through town, and • Standard homeowners’ insurance does not cover insurance, you may submit an application to FEMA for
the open Atlantic Ocean to the east, Jupiter is vulnerable flooding. a formal determination of the property’s location and/or
to flooding from seasonal rains and hurricanes. The most • Most flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting elevation relative to the SFHA. This is called a Letter of
vulnerable areas include low-lying regions, properties period before coverage takes effect. Map Change (LOMC) request.
along canals and lakes, and coastal zones prone to tidal • Renters can also buy flood insurance for the contents By staying informed of the new FEMA flood
surges. Because Jupiter’s flood hazard areas are quite of their home. zones and taking proactive measures, you can help
scattered, every property has the potential to experience For more information on flood insurance, visit protect your property, your family, and your financial
flooding. investment from flood risks.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) If you believe your property was incorrectly identified
has released updated flood zone maps. Consequently,
thousands of more Palm Beach County residents have
been added to high-risk flood zones (aka Special Flood THE POWER OF ARTS AND SCIENCE
High Hazard Areas) in the eastern region. A “Special
Flood Hazard Area” has a one percent or greater chance FOR RESILIENCY IN AGING
of flooding in any given year, sometimes referred to as
the one-percent-annual-chance flood or base flood.
The pending maps became effective December 20, PRESENTED BY
2024 requiring Palm Beach County property owners’
immediate attention! To find your flood zone, go to Please contact FEMA- if technical assistance
is needed.
The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is
the official public source for flood hazard information MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2025 @5PM
produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter, FL
Program (NFIP). Use the MSC to find your official flood
map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and Join us for an unforgettable evening honoring
take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk. FEATURING
FEMA flood maps are continually updated through Jill Sonke, PhD, a visionary in arts in medicine. ‣ Carol Chiang, OTR/L
a variety of processes. Effective information that you Discover cutting-edge research and explore ‣ Michael R. Dobbs, PhD, MHCM
download or print from this site may change or become ‣ Meera Joseph, MD
superseded by new maps over time. For additional how the arts and science can foster resilience, ‣ Corinne Lasmézas, PhD, DVM
information, please see the Flood Hazard Mapping well-being, and aging in place.
Updates Overview Fact Sheet.
What Happens When A Flood Map Changes? Photos from left to right: Dr. EVENT DETAILS
Jill Sonke, Research Director of
When a new map is issued or an effective map is Center for Arts in Medicine,
revised, your mapped flood hazard, as well as building University of Florida (UF), Beth
or insurance requirements, may change. An effective map and Steve Elgort, Founders of
Mind, Music, and Movement
is one that has been through the public review and appeal Foundation.
process and has been adopted as a regulatory FIRM.
Therefore, it is important for users to check FEMA’s
Map Service Center (MSC) or the local community map
repository for current, effective information. Find your FREE TO ATTEND | REGISTRATION REQUIRED | M3F.ORG/EVENTS
Flood Zone at:
Flood Map Determinations
To determine if your property is: Need More Storage?
• Located in a flood zone
• Vulnerable to stormwater drainage issues WE CAN HELP!
• In a protected natural floodplain
• In need of historical flood data
Please contact the Building Department at (561) 741-
2286 with your property address and contact information.
They can also verify if a FEMA Elevation Certificate is
on file for your property.
Insurance Information And The National WINE STORAGE Now Available!
Flood Insurance Program
Flood insurance is crucial to protect your home and
belongings, especially since most standard homeowners’ Ask About Our
policies don’t cover flood damage. With the new FEMA
flood maps in effect, residents in higher-risk zones may MOVE-IN SPECIALS!
be required to carry flood insurance. Property owners
required to have a new flood insurance policy are
encouraged to obtain them as soon as possible. Even if * Certain restrictions apply. Mention or present this offer.
you are not in a high-risk area, it’s a good idea to consider
purchasing a policy, as floods can happen anywhere.
Anyone with an existing National Flood Insurance State-of-the-art Climate-controlled Secure
Program (NFIP) policy is urged to maintain their current facility storage units car storage
policy. For additional information, visit
Store. Pack. Move. 50 Frederick Small Road
And More! Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 556-2191