Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
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neigHborHood news
Abacoa Community Garden
Indian Curry Leaf Plant It’s important not to confuse curry leaves with curry in various health practices. In
powder, which is a blend of various spices. Curry leaves earlier times, the thin twigs
Gardeners love to experiment with new varieties, and are essential for savory South Indian soups, stir-fry dishes, of the curry leaf plant were
we appreciate the contributions from different cultures curries, and recipes that include coconut milk. To use fresh used as natural brushes for
that enrich our gardening repertoire. Last year, our garden curry leaves, gently wash and pat them dry, then sizzle cleaning teeth, and today, they
was enhanced by the addition of an Indian curry leaf them in hot oil to release their flavor and add to your dish. are sometimes included in
plant, which typically grows 6 to 15 feet tall. This plant is You can choose to remove them before serving or use fresh tooth powder. Our Indian curry
renowned for its pungent, aromatic leaves, which are used leaves as a garnish while serving the dish. Curry leaves leaf plant is inside the garden
in Indian, Asian, and Thai dishes worldwide. The leaves are very versatile and can be added to any protein dish fence on the east side.
resemble bay leaves but are smaller and are sometimes as well (chicken, lamb, fish, eggs). Alternatively, fresh Garden membership runs
referred to as Indian bay leaves. leaves can be roasted, crushed, and sprinkled into soups from August 1 to July 31.
for added flavor. Download forms at
Originally cultivated in India, curry leaves have community-garden or find one in the outside mailbox at
been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for the garden entrance at 1022 Community Drive. There is
their anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti- a waiting list for independent beds but if interested, just
inflammatory properties. The extract from curry leaves check the box. Stop by, especially Saturday mornings,
and the paste made from dried leaves have been utilized and check out our Facebook page.
Abacoa Tennis Courts
Are Open For Play!
The tennis courts at Abacoa
Community Park are officially open!
After months of hard work upgrading
the fences and improving the
sidewalks, the courts are now ready
for your volleys, serves and fun.