Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
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                                                                                                                                              Abacoa, Page 7
      The Singles Scene Column                                            ©

      Real Talk: Your Love Life                               Optimism and Open-mindedness                incredibly rewarding. Much of the love you see is because
                                                                Remember, there is a pot for every lid. Don’t let   of all of you. We are blessed to be surrounded by so many
      By Kelly Leary, M.S.                              low self-esteem hold you back from believing in love. If   vibrant humans. We appreciate those of you who share your
      & Miranda Capparelli                              you find yourself thinking, “No one will ever love me,”   love openly and talk is up out there! We truly are saving
      (The Award-Winning                                STOP. You are lovable, and you deserve the best partner   quality singles  one date  at
      Matchmakers)                                      in the world. Start telling yourself: “I am lovable, and love   a time! Have an incredible
         “To truly change the way                       is on its way.” Stay optimistic, and get off that negative   Valentine’s  D ay   and
      we approach love, we have to                      train—it’s headed nowhere. Is that really where you want   remember  to  Come Alive
      go to the source of everything                    to go?                                            in  2025!  #TellYourFriends
      we do: our minds.” — Todd                                                                           #ReserveYourSpot
      Perelmuter                                              More Amazing Singles Than Ever
         Romance has arrived                                    We’re excited to report that we’re meeting more
      and you have front row                            incredible, like-minded singles than at any other time in our
      seats. Cupid’s arrow is aimed,                    history. Nationwide exposure and a recent article in The
      and couples are falling in                        Shiny Sheet have been an astronomical experience for the
      love all over town, thanks to us. February is all about LOVE.  club and its members. Times have changed, and so has our
      Whether you’re actively looking for it or quietly wishing for  matchmaking style. New candidates for men and women
      it, LOVE is on everyone’s mind this month. You can run, but  are walking through our doors every day. Our database is        Jason Nuttle Making
      you can’t hide from the magic of Valentine’s Day. So, how  growing and ever-changing, and the quality of matches pack        Magic in the Office!
      is your love life? (Take a moment to think about it). Do you  a powerful punch.                                              #ConfidentialClientDrop
      need a little extra help from our sweet, professional cupids this
      month? Well, good news—we’re right here in your local area,   The Right People Are Out There
      ready to help! As always, don’t forget to share this valuable     We feel so fortunate to work with such attractive,
      info with your single family and friends—especially during  successful, and positive clients. Our clients are too wise
      this inspiring month. They might just be more motivated to  and too busy for the bar scene or online dating. They want
      take action than they think.                      quality, and they deserve it too.
                                                           In honor of love month, here’s one final piece of   Kandace Kichler, M.D. with
            The Power of a Two-Some                     advice. “Treat yourself the way you want to be treated   Victoria Larson from The
              Countless studies have shown that we’re at our best  by others. Love yourself, and you will be loved.” Love   Bachelor and Bachelor in
      when we’re in a healthy relationship. It’s not money, fame, or  the  world,  and  it  will  love  you  back.  It’s  the  LOVE   Paradise. Recording for
      beauty that brings true happiness—it’s togetherness. We ask  MOVEMENT. Join us and enroll today--before we book   The Slimming Surgeon
      people of all ages—from 20 to 80-plus—what their happiest  solid!                                    Podcast, which previously
      moments have been, and the overwhelming answer is always     Happy Valentine’s Day Wishes and Caviar Dreams to   featured Kelly and Miranda  Recently Engaged Couple
      the same: “The best time of my life was when I was in a loving,  all of you! May you find love in 2025—with yourself and   from Revolution Dating!  Celebrate  their  Love  in
      committed relationship.”                          with others. We are obsessed with 2025 and can’t wait to   #Connected      Hawaii! #Engaged
                                                        make this year even better—together!
            It Makes Perfect Sense                         Thank you for sharing your time with us today. We
              When you’re in a relationship, you have someone to  appreciate all of you.
      share life’s joys with, and someone to lean on during the tough  Xoxo – Kelly & Miranda
      times. You have a partner to help you plan your future, and a
      person who becomes your rock, your sounding board, and your  #34YearsOfExperience #WhyWaitJustDate #LoveOffline
      biggest cheerleader. Two beats one, any day of the week. Not  #MatchmakingRoyalty #TellYourFriends
      only does this connection improve your emotional health, but  #ComeAliveIn2025
      it’s also essential for your physical well-being. A supportive
      relationship gives you something to look forward to every day,  Kelly Leary© has 34 years in the
      and that’s crucial for mental and physical wellness.  dating industry and a master’s degree
                                                        in clinical psychology. She has been
            Taking Responsibility for Your Love Life    written about in  Modern Luxury
              Deep down, no one wants to be single forever. Yet,  Magazine Palm Beach and Modern
      many will be alone this February—and possibly longer—  Luxury Manhattan, The Palm Beach
      because they’re not owning their love life. They’re too comfy  Post, The Shiny Sheet, Stuart News, Jupiter Magazine,
      in their comfort zones, waiting for something to happen instead  and many more. Revolution Dating members are pre-
      of making it happen. Some people blame others (or even an ex)  screened in  person,  including  background checks.
      for their single status, but here’s the truth: you are responsible  Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution
      for your relationship status.                     Dating is NOT online dating or blind dating. In addition
                                                        to providing matchmaking services that make singles
            Facing the Truth                            “UN-single” through their exclusive club memberships,
              In the world of dating, it’s easy to get stuck in  Kelly and her Team also provide feedback from your
      patterns of blaming external factors rather than reflecting on  dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are available by
      our own actions, dating style, or mindset. Taking ownership  request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are
      of your love life requires self-awareness, self-improvement,  also available by request for non-members or as an add-
      and a willingness to face the discomfort of stepping outside  on to some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential
      of your comfort zone.                             *Specializing in representing jet-setting clients with a
         Fear of rejection, getting hurt, or losing freedom often  second home in the Northeast/Tri-State Area. Call the
      holds people back, but this is precisely what keeps them from  central hotline at 561-630-9696 (XOXO) or scan the QR
      finding happiness. Online dating is a risky platform, and we  code below to hold your place in the club.
      get that. This is why we’re here! Unlike online dating, we
      vet every single candidate and connect with them personally.   Behind The Scenes at Revolution Dating:
      We act as cheerleaders, and sometimes we hold up a mirror                                             NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!
      when we see our clients standing in their own way. Tough     Matchmaking is  one of the oldest and most well-
      love leads to success, and we’re fortunate that most of our  respected occupations  Worldwide,  and the demand
      clients listen to us.                             for  matchmakers  is  soaring. We  love  our  job  for  these
                                                        reasons and many more—as you can see in our monthly
            Taking Control Leads to Growth              column. Between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025,
              Taking responsibility for your love life is a mindset  we have been inundated with more success stories than any   “WE SHOW
      that opens the door to personal growth and increases your  other year in our history. Seeing our couples fall in love is
      chances of finding your grand finale relationship. Dating                                                     UP!”
      isn’t for the faint of heart—it’s a combat sport. You will
      take a few hits along the way, but you must keep going if
      you want to score the touchdown.

            Know Your League
              It’s  crucial  to  understand  what  “league”  you
      should be dating in. You can’t be a third-string player on
      a community football team and expect to date the head
      cheerleader of an NFL team. If you have incredibly high
      standards, make sure your attributes match what you’re
      looking for in a partner. Ask a brutally honest friend or,                                                       Call Today for a FREE estimate!
      better yet, ask your matchmaker. We’ll give you the truth                                                             561.575.2173
      (while your friends might sugarcoat it). Most of our clients               The Team Celebrates another               231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL
      appreciate this transparency.                     The REV Takes on Rio De   new Revolutionary Couple!     
                                                        Janeiro! #JetSetters     #CheersToLove
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