Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
P. 22
Page 22, Abacoa BW
Tax Talk
Dear Friends: Klepper earned a bachelor’s degree from Loyola assistance and support for these deserving homeless children
On Tuesday, January University in New Orleans and a master’s degree from Palm in Palm Beach County.
7, 2025, I had the honor of Beach Atlantic University. A Palm Beach County native, Read more about our organization’s community
taking the Oath of Office as she enjoys spending time outdoors, doing everything from involvement at
your Palm Beach County Tax boating to camping.
Collector for the sixth time. Welcome, Yvette!
This swearing-in ceremony
was special as both Wendy TCO Collects Socks For
Sartory Link, Supervisor of
Elections, and I were sworn Homeless Children
into office during a joint
ceremony, held at the new I am pleased and
Supervisor of Elections headquarters near the Palm Beach proud to announce the
Airport. success of our office’s
As I begin this holiday sock drive.
term as your tax We challenged our
collector, I will employees to donate
continue to focus 3,000 pairs of socks
on ensuring that for homeless students
we provide the in our local schools.
residents of Palm Our e m pl oye e s
Beach County an demonstrated their commitment to our community and
exceptional service experience whether visiting us in-person exceeded that goal by collecting 4,011 pairs of socks. The
at one of our service centers, calling us on the phone or sock drive benefits Living Hungry, a local nonprofit.
conducting business online. My staff and I are committed to Socks are one of the most-requested items among
providing our clients unparalleled service that inspires trust, homeless children. The socks will soon be distributed to
and we are looking forward to our next interaction with you. homeless school children in Palm Beach County. Living
Thank you for the honor of serving as your constitutional Hungry partners with the school district to deliver supplies
tax collector! to homeless students in Palm Beach County.
Anne M. Gannon, My employees and I look forward to our continued
Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach County partnership with Living Hungry as we work to provide
Welcome Yvette Vote-By-Mail If you plan to vote by mail in this election, be sure to
request a vote-by-mail ballot; changes to Florida law requires
I am pleased to welcome Coming off of this past year’s busy election season, it is you to make a request for a vote by mail ballot after each
the newest member of our time to focus on the several municipal elections coming up general election. For more information about vote by mail,
senior leadership team, in March for the following municipalities: visit
Yvette Klepper! Yvette joined
our organization as our chief
personnel officer and will
lead our Human Resources
Department, bringing more
than 20 years of human
resources experience with
her. Previously, Klepper
had leadership roles at the
National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and
Mod Med, both located in Palm Beach County.
“I have enjoyed meeting the employees here at the
tax collector’s office. Everyone has been so friendly and
welcoming,” said Klepper. “I am anxious to get to work and
I look forward to visiting all of our service center locations
to meet more of our staff.”
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
Dear Taxpayer, The numbers cited below are as of January 9 and Homestead Exemption On Real Property
My office is busy are subject to change.
preparing the 2025 Tax Our estimates show modest increases in sales volume If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be
Roll, a report of the over last year, indicating stabilization in the market. eligible for a homestead exemption, which can save you
combined value of all the • Commercial sales are up from 818 to 880 or 7.6% generally $750 to $1,000 in property taxes each year. All
property (real and tangible) • Condo sales are up from 16,877 to 17,417 or 3.2% homestead exemption applications must be submitted
in Palm Beach County as of • Residential sales are up 17,846 to 18,402 or 3.1% by March 3, 2025.
January 1. New construction reflects the growth of our county A $25,000 exemption is applied to the first $50,000
This report will reflect as an estimated 5,000 new structures will be added to of your property’s assessed value if your property is your
market data gleaned from the 2025 Tax Roll. The rate of growth in single family permanent residence and you owned the property as of
property sales last year as homes is slightly down compared to last year. While more January 1. This exemption applies to all taxes, including
well as new construction, condos are projected be added this year than last, fewer school district taxes. An additional exemption (up to
demolition, land splits, land combinations, ownership new commercial buildings will be added. $25,000 plus an increase for inflation) will be applied if
changes, and additions or removals of exemptions. • New Single-Family Homes – 3,512 down 1.5% from 2024 your property’s assessed value is between at least $50,000
• New Condominium Units – 1,060 up 9.5% from 2024 and $75,000. This exemption is not applied to school
• New Commercial Buildings – 197 down 28.1% from 2024 district taxes. In addition, a homestead exemption limits
New construction numbers represent property that has any increase to your assessed value to a maximum of 3%
never been taxed before, adding new value to the 2025 each year or the amount of the change in the Consumer
Tax Roll. This contributes to the tax base while sharing Price Index, whichever is lower.
the tax burden. Three ways to apply:
The deadline to file for a homestead exemption is • E-file at
Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing March 3 this year. This is an excellent time of year to • Visit one of our five service centers to file in person
Palm Beach County and is a privately review your homestead exemption status and examine • Complete the application online, print it out, and
owned and managed company. additional exemptions that may yield tax savings. In this mail it to the Property Appraiser’s Office
Captain’s is committed to providing month’s newsletter, you will find information to help you Once you qualify, your homestead exemption will
dependable, reliable and professional do just that. I hope you find it useful. be renewed for you annually as long as you continue to
ground transportation to and from all
South Florida Airports and Seaports. PBCVH212 Respectfully, qualify for the exemption.
To reserve your vehicle: Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS
561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Palm Beach County Property Appraiser on page 24