Page 24 - Abacoa Community News - February '25
P. 24
Page 24, Abacoa
Northern Notes
Easements On Your Property purpose. It does not grant ownership of the property; rather, and their contractors have
it allows the user to utilize the property without the risk the right to pass through the
By Katie Roundtree, of being charged with trespassing. For instance, a water property safely and without
Director of Finance and management maintenance easement may exist between two harassment. Additionally,
Administration, Northern homes, designating an area where the easement holder can trees planted in water
Palm Beach County travel to access something on the other side. Another example management easements can
Improvement District is a flowage easement, which allows water to flow from one grow into and damage pipes
If you own property in location through a body of water owned by someone else. and structures, potentially
Florida, you may come across A common easement in this context is a water management impacting stormwater
the term “easement.” An easement, usually covering areas where pipes, used for management or causing sinkholes from collapsed pipes.
easement can influence how stormwater management, may be buried. It’s important to understand the significance of easements
you use your property, and Once both parties agree to the terms of an easement, it is on your property and to keep these areas clear of personal
the rights associated with recorded with the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Court. belongings. Easements provide necessary access for district
it. These legal agreements This ensures that any future owners of the property are aware employees and contractors to legally enter properties located
are often present in areas where the Northern Palm Beach of the easement’s existence. If the property is sold later, the on the other side. Without this access, maintenance of preserves
County Improvement District has facilities and maintenance easement will be noted in the title search and property survey and stormwater facilities becomes impossible, which could put
responsibilities. Easements are essential for allowing the to document the easement area. the district in violation of regulations with the South Florida
district to access locations where it does not have ownership A water management maintenance easement typically Water Management District. In some cases, this lack of access
rights, particularly near its facilities, preserves, or waterways. grants the easement owner the rights of ingress and egress, may even result in improper functioning of these systems.
An easement is a legal arrangement that permits another allowing access to the property for maintenance of water For more information, please visit our website at www.
party to use a specified portion of property for a particular management tracts or preserves located on the other, where you can view facility maps that display
side. The easement also allows the agency’s agents and the locations of easements. Additionally, the site includes a
contractors to pass through the property, with or without link to our geographical information system (GIS), which
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser from page 22 equipment and vehicles. presents property information and district facilities in an
As the property owner, you are responsible for maintaining interactive map format.
Additional Exemptions the easement area and keeping it free from plants, trees, fences, NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking lots
If you receive a homestead exemption, you may be eligible and structures, unless specifically permitted through the official and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer system
for additional exemptions or discounts in the categories permitting process. You cannot block access to the easement. If and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up litter and
listed below. The application deadline for all additional a permitted fence with gates exists within the easement, access debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots, especially
exemptions is March 3, 2025. should not be hindered by dogs or security systems. The owner around storm drains.
• Civilian Disability
• Institutional Exemptions
T & S
• Florida Law Enforcement and First Responders (Disabled SAT & SUN
in the line of duty)
• Living Quarters for Parents or Grandparents (also known
MAR 8-9
as the Granny Flat)
• Senior Citizen (Limited-Income) MAR 8-9
• Veterans Disability
• Widow/Widower Exemption
For more information, visit or call Exemption SATURDAY
Services at (561) 355-2866.
11am - 10pm
Portability — You Can Take It With You! SUNDAY
If you sell your home and buy a new one, there is good 11am - 8pm
news – you may not lose all the tax savings accumulated over
Portability refers to Florida’s Save Our Homes provision Jupiter, Florida
which allows you to transfer all or a significant portion of your
tax benefit, up to $500,000, from a home with a homestead
exemption to a new home within the state of Florida that
qualifies for a homestead exemption. The application FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!
deadline for portability is March 3, 2025.
You can e-file for portability when e-filing for your IRISH CULTURE AUTHENTIC FOOD
homestead exemption. Or, if you have already filed for a
homestead exemption and need only to file for portability, visit LIVE MUSIC PULL-A-PINT
our website or call Exemption Services at (561) 355-2866.
Office Closed Due To Holiday
In honor of Presidents’ Day,
the Palm Beach County Property
Appraiser’s Office (including all Get your tickets today!
of our Service Centers) will be
closed on Monday, February
17, 2025.
Samantha Fisher, M.D., F.A.A.D., sees patients of all ages at the Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group practice
Dermatology Associates in the Palm Beach Gardens office after more of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-trained Mohs
surgeons providing general dermatology, surgical dermatology,
than 13 years of experience practicing medical, cosmetic dermatology and
and cosmetic dermatology services. These physicians trained
Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment. at some of America’s great medical institutions and conduct
research into the most advanced treatments. Our physicians are
Dr. Fisher received her Medical and Bachelor of Science degrees with also recognized leaders in the diagnosis and
honors from the University of Florida, where she completed her post- treatment of skin cancer.
graduate training, including serving as Chief Resident in Dermatology.
Her past professional experience includes providing Dermatology services
to patients in Stuart , FL from 2013-2024, Naples, FL from 2012-2013, and
as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of Make an appointment to see Dr. Fisher
Dermatology in Gainesville, FL from 2011-2012. in Palm Beach Gardens at
10355 N. Military Trail, Suite A,
Dr. Fisher looks forward to providing you with excellent by calling (561) 622-6976.
dermatology care.
10/15/24 7:38 PM
Fisher Seebreeze ad.indd 1 10/15/24 7:38 PM
Fisher Seebreeze ad.indd 1