Page 7 - Boca Exposure - January '25
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Boca Exposure, Page 7
      Boca Spanish River Library Presents

      Photography Exhibit, ‘Impressions,’ Through Feb. 14

         The Spanish River Library in Boca is currently offering a   where she immersed
      new photographic exhibit, “Impressions” by Mary Ann Appell,   herself in the works of the
      a passionate photographer whose work captures the beauty of the   masters, further deepening
      world through a lens inspired by both nature and artistic vision.   her connection to the
      She believes in the profound truth behind the quote by Yann   Impressionist movement.
      Arthur Bertrand, “The earth is ART, the photographer is only      Having  made over
      a witness.” This philosophy guides her creative process as she   15 trips to Europe,
      seeks to document the vivid landscapes and hidden wonders of   Mary Ann has captured
      the world, sharing them with others through her unique images.  artscapes across Italy,
         Mary Ann honed her craft at Baruch College in New   France, Spain, England
      York City and the Fashion Institute of New York, where she   and the Netherlands,
      developed a keen eye for composition and detail. Her work   blending  her  personal                  with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural beauty that
      was further influenced by the Impressionist painters of Europe,   artistic expression with           surrounds us.
      whose unique way of interpreting light, color and movement   the vibrant landscapes she                 “Impressions,” a current free exhibit, will run to Feb. 14 in
      sparked her own desire to capture the world in similarly   encounters. Her photographs are not merely images; they are   the second-floor art gallery at the Spanish River Library, 1501
      evocative ways. In pursuit of this vision she traveled to France,   vibrant, dynamic impressions of the world around us, created   NW Spanish River Blvd.
      ‘Living On Love’ Comedy At

      Delray Beach Playhouse Jan. 17 To 26

         A comedic romp adapted                         befuddled ghostwriters,                            by the bickering couple’s endless shenanigans. And we
      from the Garson Kanin play                        all  the while  exhausting                         welcome Jack Stein and Matt Schenck as the loyal yet
      “Peccadillo” by award-                            their household staff.                             continually put-upon house staff, always one step ahead
      winning playwright Joe                               “We picked this play                            of their employers.
      DiPietro will run from Jan. 17                    to keep the season diverse                            “You never know what’s going to come out of this crazy
      through Jan.26 at the Delray                      with an all-out comedy,”                           couple’s mouths,” Garsson continues. “Upon first reading
      Beach Playhouse. It is a Boca                     says  the  play’s  director,                       I could not believe the sheer savage glee this couple took
      Stage Production.                                 Keith Garsson. “We have                            in teasing and taunting each other. The play is a complete
         In a story set in New York                     a terrific cast, well suited                       takedown of New York’s privileged class.”
      City in 1957, the entertainment                   to their roles: Mallory  Mallory Newbrough            Tickets for “Living on Love” range in price from $59
      business  is  skewered  and  Wayne LeGette        Newbrough—well known                               to $69 and are available online at delraybeachplayhouse.
      satirized with two characters:                    for her dynamic musical performances—will make her   com or by calling (561) 272-1281. Performances are on
      Raquel, the leading opera diva of the day and Vito, her   Boca Stage debut as the Diva. She is equally matched   Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and on Saturday
      husband, an equally short-tempered, egomaniacal Italian   by Boca Stage regular Wayne LeGette as her short-fused   and Sunday at 1 p.m. There will be a matinee performance
      maestro.  These two, through their petty jealousies,   Maestro husband. Delray Beach Playhouse regular Jim   on Wednesday, January 22nd at 12 p.m. All performances
      comically manipulate each other’s feelings as they square   Tyminski and Boca Stage regular Amber Lynn Benson   will take place at the Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW
      off to write their individual memoirs with the help of some   play  the put-upon  ghostwriters  continually  exhausted   9th Street in Delray Beach.

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