Page 10 - Boca Exposure - January '25
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Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      Your Weight Loss Doesn’t Have To Come...From A Syringe!

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               lose 50 lbs. by whatever the date may be. A healthy weight      The Low-Fat Expert – “I only buy low-fat items, which
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             loss is one to two lbs. per week, so if you have two months   helps keep my fat content down.” Whoops! Low-fat does
      motivational speaker                               before the big day, the goal may be impossible to reach.   not translate to low-calorie. Check your carbs, fat, sugar
      who has spent many                                    The Meal Skipper - “I haven’t eaten a thing all day   and calories on the nutrition label for a real eye opener.
      years as a Certified Life                          so I can afford to chow down on chicken nachos and      The Drinker – Did you know that some shakes,
      Coach and has written                              a couple beers. It all evens out at the end of the day!”   coffee drinks and alcoholic beverages contain more than
      numerous articles and                              WRONG.  Don’t skip meals unless you’re  following a   500 calories? Watch out because you’ll still eat the same
      e-books relating to self-                          specific fasting program. Your body stores fat and holds   amount, but tack on those extra calories for the drink!
      improvement and ways to                            out for the next meal, which is counterproductive to losing      Dieting is hard; eating and drinking is easy. Don’t blame
      build a high-performance                           weight.                                           the diet on your inability to lose weight. For best results
      team. She is the author of                            The Snacker – Snacking isn’t always a bad thing to do,   find a healthy way of eating that you enjoy and can follow
      the book,  “Small Steps...                         but it has to be nutritious. Eating several small meals a day   for life. Moderation and portion control are key along with
      Big Changes: The Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her   is more likely to control hunger and keep your metabolism   daily exercise. Once you find a diet that works best for you
      education and years of experience in physical fitness and   in high gear. Nuts are a good choice but consider apples,   stick with it. And remember to always check in with your
      training of elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her   trail mixes, carrots and celery, need I say more?  health professional before starting any diet.
      knowledge in many health-related areas. The following
      introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of
      columns devoted to many topics that deal with the mind/                      True Treasures
      body connection and the importance of living a healthy
      lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached at                               Consigned Furniture
         It’s that time of year when millions of Americans                                      & Home Décor
      resolve to make lifestyle changes. Whether it’s to lose
      weight, exercise more or eat healthier, the start of a new
      year sparks enthusiasm and motivates people to get going.                
      You’ll likely hear familiar phrases such as, “I’m cutting
      back,” “No more carbs,” “I’m on a new diet.”              Why pay retail when you can find a True Treasure?
         Throughout my life I’ve seen diets come and go,
      each claiming to be the perfect solution to quickly shed
      unwanted pounds. Who would have thought that there
      would one day be an injectable drug, such as Wagovy                                          Now Accepting
      or Ozempic, that could help control diabetes as well as                                       Consignments
      obesity? For some these medical miracles are heaven
      sent.  But  for  others they can be  overkill.  Outside  of
      side effects from the drugs, they aren’t prescribed for                                   Over $1,000,000
      a lifetime. There are endless stories of how individuals
      stopped their medication only to see the pounds come                                     paid to consignors
      pouring back on.                                                                               in 2023.
         Many people aren’t usually looking to shed 50 lbs.
      or more; they might simply want to look and feel better
      in their clothes. Holiday eating and drinking has taken                                 10% OFF the ticketed
      its toll and the time of reckoning is here. So, what’s the                                       price
      best recommendation for shedding unwanted weight? It                                       (Expires 1/31/2025)
      might be “a long winding road,” but try to find an eating
      style that works for the long run!
         One of the most popular methods is the concept of                                    3 Convenient Locations
      intermittent fasting. Other diets outline what foods to eat,   111 N US 1,               3918 Northlake Blvd,             14555 S Military Trail,
      but in this case the word is when. Fasting has been found   North Palm Beach, FL 33408   Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403    Delray Beach, FL 33484
      to be effective for losing weight while protecting against   561-625-9569                   561-694-2812                      561-699-9797
      muscle loss. There are several different ways fasting
      might be beneficial. Here are two of the most common.   Store Hours Mon - Sat 10 - 6,  Sun 11 - 5  (Sun 12 - 5 at US 1 location only)
         The first is the 16/8 method, which suggests you
      restrict eating to an 8-hour window. This can easily be
      done by not eating anything after dinner and eating a late
      breakfast. This is not for everyone, but I for one find it
      easy to do because I’m not a morning person. If I finish               NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      dinner by 8 p.m. and eat by 11:00 a.m. the next day I’ve
      easily met the requirement.
         The second concept is the 5/2 diet, which involves
      breaking up the week between eating normally and eating             Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      fewer calories two days a week. For example, you may
      choose to eat small meals on Mondays and Thursdays
      (250 calories for women and 600 for men) and eat as                       Board Certified in
      usual the rest of the time. This type of fasting seems to
      work better for those whose main meal of the day is a                     Internal Medicine
      hearty breakfast.                                                  with Added Qualifications in
         When coaching athletes and counseling them on
      proper nutrition, my mantra was always and still is.                      Geriatrics (2002).
      “Calories in, calories out!” It’s as simple as that. If you
      eat more than your body burns it ends up as fat somewhere          Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      on your body. I hear people say, “Oh, I tried that diet but
      it didn’t work for me”. Some folks seem to always be on                  Voted a “Best Doctor”
      a diet, yet for some reason they end up right back where                       by his peers.
      they started. Why?
         The answer is simple. Most diets do work if you make
      the commitment to practice the designated regimen.                      Call to request a complimentary meeting
      Diets don’t work when you sabotage your own efforts to
      succeed and blame it on the diet. In my coaching practice                               with Dr. Reznick.
      I have identified types of behavior that are responsible
      for failing to reach a desired weight loss goal.
         The procrastinator – This person is good at telling                                561.368.0191
      you what they’re going to do: load the Weight Watchers
      app to keep track of calories, join a fitness class, walk
      10,000 steps every day. Sounds like a plan, but six months                      7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      later you find them still sitting on the couch, explaining                              Boca Raton, FL 33433
      that their busy schedule got in the way.                                 
         The Overachiever – These folks set goals way beyond
      what’s realistic. Have a class reunion coming up, a child’s
      wedding, or some other big occasion? Okay, you want to
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