Page 6 - Boca Exposure - January '25
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure
      Mayor’s Update: Celebrating Boca Raton’s Centennial:

      Share Your Big Ideas For Legacy Projects

      Scott Singer is the 35th                          the piece may look familiar. It replicates the major mid-  to share ideas and ways that they would like to shape our
      Mayor of Boca Raton and                           century Boca Raton landmark in the 1960s that welcomed   future.
      was re-elected in 2023.                           residents and visitors to our city.                   If you have ideas for a “legacy project,” which can
      A South Florida native,                              The first official centennial event, Boca Street Fest,   include enhancing public spaces, adding cultural landmarks,
      attorney and small business                       will take place from noon to 4 p.m. on January 25th at   proposing environmental initiatives or adding innovative
      owner, Scott and his wife                         Mizner Park Amphitheater. This new downtown event will   technological advancements that make life better for all
      Bella live in Broken Sound                        feature live performances, a beer garden and marketplace   residents, please share them.
      with their two children.                          of local vendors.                                     The city recognizes that its future success will be built on
         Boca Raton’s centennial                           While 2025 will feature a number of events, including   the creativity and involvement of its residents, whose ideas
      is officially underway and                        a concert and drone show on Memorial Day weekend,   and passions can guide the way forward.
      we are excited to celebrate                       marking our centennial is also about shaping our future.     Legacy projects should have a lasting impact on the
      100  years  of  growth,                              This centennial milestone provides an opportunity to   city and be designed to benefit residents and visitors for
      innovation and community.                         reflect on the achievements of the past and think about   many years to come. One project in the works will involve
         Over the past 100 years our city has transformed into a   the type of community we want to build for the future.   expanding our city’s tree canopy for decades in the future.
      dynamic place that is thriving with culture, business and   What will Boca Raton look like 100 years from now?      If you have a big idea about something that will
      natural beauty. We look forward to honoring our past and   What projects and initiatives can we start today to leave   leave a legacy for future generations, please share it! For
      looking forward to the next century with many community   a lasting impact on future generations?    more information about our centennial and sponsorship
      events and symbols that pay homage to our rich history.     The city has many sponsorship opportunities for   opportunities, visit Boca Raton Centennial | Boca Raton, FL.
         If you visit Sanborn Square in the beginning of the year   residents and business owners who want to help leave      You can share any thoughts you have at ssinger@myboca.
      you will notice a new public art sculpture, “Reflections of   an imprint on Boca Raton. As we consider big ideas for   com and stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
      Time.” If you have called Boca Raton home for decades   legacy projects there is an opportunity to ask our residents   at @scottsingerusa.
      Council Corner: Boca Raton News Roundup…

      A Vibrant New Era For The City

      By Yvette Drucker, Deputy                         road safety. Meetings will be held in January at the Spanish      With these exciting initiatives, Boca Raton continues to
      Mayor. City of Boca Raton;                        River Library, Downtown Library and Sugar Sand Park.  grow, evolve and engage its vibrant community in shaping
      ydrucker@bocaraton-FL.                               National Community Survey. Beginning November   the future. For more information on these exciting initiatives
      gov. (561) 213-9025 cellular                      18th, randomly selected households will be invited to   and to participate in the upcoming public engagement
         Public Art Mural at                            participate in the National Community Survey to provide   opportunities, visit Your input is vital in
      Sugar Sand Park. A beautiful                      feedback on city services and priorities. This survey will   shaping the future of our city!
      new mural now graces the                          help guide future improvements in Boca Raton.         I am always looking for input and available for questions.
      Family Pavilion wall at Sugar                        Public Input Sessions for 2025-2026 Strategic   I can be reached at and on all
      Sand Park, adding a splash of                     Planning. As the city prepares for strategic planning in   social media platforms @yvettedrucker.
      color and celebrating Boca                        2025-2026, Boca Raton will host nine Public Input Sessions,      Happy New Year! Deputy Mayor Yvette Drucker
      Raton’s natural beauty. This                      inviting residents to share ideas on key goals and issues for   #thebestisyettocome
      addition enhances the city’s                      the city’s future.
      commitment to public art and cultural engagement.
         New Sign Unveiled in Downtown. A modern new sign was
      recently unveiled in downtown Boca Raton, marking a fresh
      visual identity for the area. This is part of ongoing efforts to
      blend tradition with innovation as the city continues to grow.
         Centennial Celebration Plans Begin. Boca Raton is
      preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary. With a series of
      events and initiatives planned, the centennial will honor the
      city’s rich history and look ahead to its future.
         Vision for New Government Campus. Boca Raton’s                                                                    Scan for a FREE
      current Government Campus, home to City Hall, the Police                                                         In Home Consultat on
      Station and the Community Center, is aging and no longer
      meets the city’s needs. Leaders are planning a redevelopment                                                    VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
      to create a modern civic destination that fosters community
      engagement and urban connectivity.                                                                                    IN BOCA
         Vision Zero Neighborhood Meetings. The city will
      hold three Vision Zero neighborhood meetings focused on
      improving traffic safety and reducing crashes. These include
      tours of key areas to discuss bicycle, pedestrian and suburban

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