Page 15 - Boca Club News - January '25
P. 15

Boca Club News, Page 15
      Grape Expectations: My New Year’s Resolutions

      By  Ed  Wolfarth,  who  recently                     Many wine lists do not include vintages, so I always   Burgundies for a fraction of the cost. Look for Kermit
      moved to South Florida after                      ask our servers since vintage variation is another   Lynch or Georges Dubouef on the label. 2020, 2021 &
      retiring  with  his  wife,  Vicki,  as            important factor in choosing a wine. I have found some   2022 were excellent vintages.
      Professor  of  Sports  Sciences  &                upscale steak restaurants switching vintages on their      Also seek out Moulin a Vent and Morgon for really
      Physical Education at both Queens                 expensive Cabs—an unfortunate restaurant practice. In   age-worthy silky smooth wines. Or, Brouilly, St. Amour
      College and Hofstra University. He                this instance it helps to carry a pocket vintage chart. You   or Fleurie for wonderful food-friendly wines. All for less
      is a nationally ranked senior tennis              usually can’t go wrong choosing a reliable producer from   than $20 a bottle! These single-vineyard Gamays are my
      player and long-time USPTA Elite                  a good vintage year.                               favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner wines.
      Teaching  Professional.  Ed  has                     Another consideration is to trust a local wine merchant.      Wines from the Pacific Northwest, Washington and
      written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   Here in Florida, I found that the personnel at the Wine   Oregon. in Oregon, more specifically the Willamette
      Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   Wave in Delray are knowledgeable and extremely helpful.  Valley, Pinot Noir is king. Lemelson, Erath, A to Z
      collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing      Recently, Jeremiah recommended a $15 Chianti that   Wineworks, Shea and King Estate are making fabulous
      and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-  would rival any $40 Brunello, IMHO. Since then I’ve   Pinots at affordable prices. 2019, 2021 are fine vintages.
      proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   tried many of their staff’s recommendations and have   Avoid 2020 as wildfires marred the harvest and many
      wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   never been disappointed.                wineries skipped the vintage entirely, fearing smoke taint.
      be reached at                     Allow me to suggest a few wines, producers and      In  Washington State, Merlot is king. My favorite
         Every year at about this time we all vow to make our   vintages you need to try next time you are imbibing.   producers are: Columbia Crest, Chateau Ste. Michelle,
      New Year’s resolutions. For me it’s usually about eating   Remember, this is your New Year’s resolution!  Waterbrook and Milbrandt. Columbia Crest makes a
      smarter or getting to the gym more often. However, as I      New Zealand wines. Most of us know about their   middle of the road line called H-3 or Horse Heaven Hills.
      often say, addition is easy but subtraction is hard! It’s easy   Sauvignon Blancs. In the early 1960s, Cloudy Bay put   All selling for around $15 a bottle.
      to take a pill for this or that, but try giving up chocolate?   New Zealand on the world’s wine map. Now there are      While I haven’t seen it on too many on wine lists
      That doesn’t work. And now to wine!               dozens of excellent producers, including Dog Point, Villa   you should be able to find their reds in local wine shops.
         Too often we settle for the comfortable choice: That   Maria, Starborough and, most notably, the ubiquitous Kim   The Waterbrook Reserve Merlot was the house wine
      name brand of wine or that Pinot Grigio has become the   Crawford, that gives you a distinctive “grapefruit” taste.  at our favorite, but now defunct restaurant in Chelsea,
      default choice of many consumers. Or at a restaurant      Besides the above-mentioned, New Zealand is home   Sonia Rose. and can easily compete with any right bank
      we’ll ask our server to choose a wine for us. This too has   to some excellent Pinot Noirs. While red Burgundies   Bordeaux. Milbrandt is a boutique winery that you really
      its inherent problems. Many wait staff have little wine   are more expensive and often unreliable, and California   need to seek out. All their bottlings run around $15 - $20
      knowledge or may have “hidden agendas.” But if you are   Pinots tend to be made in a style that suggests more is   and are fabulous examples of Washington State wines.
      willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something   better (more alcohol, more fruit, etc.), I prefer Pinot from   All current vintages were excellent for Merlot, Syrah and
      different, trial and error and self-discovery will lead you   either Oregon or New Zealand. Look for Craggy Range,   Cabernet.
      to some terrific wines at affordable prices. And that, my   Amisfield and Nobilo Icon. Remember the names Otago      So there you have it. Do a little research, seek out
      friends, is our New Year’s resolution.            Valley and Martinborough.                          a knowledgeable wine merchant and most importantly
         Lately, I find myself perusing the online wine lists of      Single Vineyard  Beaujolais — yes, Beaujolais!   step out of your comfort zone and try different wines.
      restaurants I am about to attend. Since I don’t know many   Not the nouveau type that comes out every 3rd week of   Become  familiar  with  reliable  producers.  Nothing
      of these wines I do a bit of research to look for value and   November but the good stuff, also made from the Gamay   ventured, nothing gained! Remember, it’s your New
      interesting wines I need to try.                  grape, but vinified in a style similar to the great red   Year’s resolution. You won’t be sorry.
      Get Fresh! Tips from

      The Produce Maven…Bananas–COVID

      Irving Swedko and his wife,                          Bananas are always bent due to a phenomenon known      Green bananas can be important for healthy skin and
      Beverly, are members of Broken                    as  negative geotropism. Once developed, instead of   hair. They support proper kidney function, are filling and
      Sound Club. He hails from Ottawa,                 growing toward the ground bananas turn towards the sun.   can help with weight loss, may help lower blood sugar
      the capital of Canada, where he                   The fruit continues growing against gravity, giving the   levels and cholesterol, contain resistant starch that boosts
      spent  more  than  50  years  in  the             banana its familiar curved shape.                  the immune system and promotes the growth of beneficial
      produce business that included                       One serving, or one medium ripe banana, provides   gut bacteria, improves the absorption of essential minerals
      taking a small fruit and vegetable                about 110 calories, 0 grams fat, 1 gram protein, 28 grams   and nutrients, helps regulate blood pressure and can
      retail store and expanding it across              carbohydrate, 15 grams sugar (naturally occurring), 3   improve metabolism.
      the city and into other areas to                  grams fiber, and 450 mg potassium.                    Roasting  bananas  in  the oven at  250°F for 5–10
      include wholesale, food service and importing, bringing      With 105 million tons produced annually it’s safe to   minutes softens them, making them easier to incorporate
      trucks of fresh produce from across the U.S. directly into   say bananas are one of the world’s favorite fruits (although   into batter. Roasting for longer concentrates the sweetness
      Ottawa. His experience made him an expert on all things   botanically speaking they are berries, and the “tree” they   and caramelizes the banana pulp. Microwaving unpeeled
      produce-related, from how to select the perfect melon to   grow on is actually an herb).             bananas in 30-second intervals softens them, making them
      the best way to store fruits and veggies. After retiring,      Storing a bunch of bananas on a specific hanger will keep   easier to mash.
      Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and have   them from getting bruised, which might quicken browning.      For a savory treat you can fry dark green bananas
      been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He is   Ethylene gas is released from the stems of bananas, which   by peeling and slicing them into 1/2-inch pieces, then
      the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to   is where the bunch is held together. Wrap some plastic wrap   frying them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Some
      family time with his seven grandchildren.         around the crown to slow the ripening process.     say they taste like French fries, especially with a sprinkle
         The banana equivalent to COVID-19 is spreading to      Bananas aren’t the only fruit that releases a lot of   of cinnamon sugar after frying.
      new countries, forcing the industry to change how the   ethylene as they ripen. Apples, pears, potatoes, avocados      Bananas ripen by releasing a natural plant hormone called
      world’s most widely eaten fruit is farmed and even how   and tomatoes are some of the other types of produce that   ethylene gas, which converts the banana’s stored starch into
      it could taste.                                   release a lot of ethylene gas. You’ll want to keep bananas   sugar. This process softens the banana, breaks down its acids
         A killer disease turns up out of the blue. It moves by   away from them.                          and replaces its chlorophyll with a yellow hue.
      “stealth transmission,” spreading before symptoms even      Often after one day of purchase, bananas turn a brownish-     Bananas are ripened in warehouses using a combination
      show. Once it takes hold it is already too late to stop it;   grey color, most likely due to mishandling in stores. This   of ethylene gas, climate control and pressurized rooms to
      there is no cure. Life will never be the same again. Sound   is perhaps because bananas are transported in refrigerated   speed up or slow down the ripening process. The banana’s
      familiar?                                         trucks with other food and vegetables kept at 35 to 37° F. That   name comes from the Arabic word baanan, which means
         Bananas are thought to have originated up to 10,000   temperature is only good for bananas when they have turned   “finger.” This is because the original bananas from Southeast
      years ago in the jungles of Southeast Asia, including   yellow. Bananas are very sensitive to cold temperatures,   Asia were small, about the length of an adult finger.
      the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea and the Malaya   which causes the unsightly greying. The bananas are still      The name Chiquita, which is now widely recognized
      Peninsula. Some scientists believe they may have been   edible, although they don’t taste as good.   as a banana brand, is a Spanish term of endearment that
      the first fruit on Earth.                            To ripen bananas quickly, putting them in a paper bag   means “little girl.” The name combines the Spanish word
         They are now one of the most widely grown, traded   traps the ethylene gas and helps them mature more rapidly.   chica (meaning “girl”) with the suffix ita. The name has
      and eaten crops in the world, a staple foodstuff in many   You can also add an apple, pear, apricot or avocado to the   been used for centuries in Spanish-speaking cultures and
      regions and available in nearly every grocery store around   bag to speed the process even more.     is still a popular name for girls.
      the world. Most Americans are unaware that today’s                                                      Chiquita Brands International, the banana and produce
      yellow banana is like a shadow of the one that preceded                                              firm known for its trademark blue stickers, was sold to
      it; a yellow banana with a sweeter flavor, firmer texture,                                           two Brazilian companies in a deal valued at around $1.3
      was once the norm.                                                                                   billion on October 27th, 2014. Bananas became a symbol
         The  long,  curved,  yellow  banana  that America  first                                          of German reunification after the fall of the Berlin Wall in
      marveled at was a variety called the Gros Michel, or “Big                                            1989. In communist East Germany, bananas were a rare
      Mike.” It was the dominant banana variety in the United                                              luxury and exotic treat. When bananas were delivered to
      States from 1870 to the late 1950s. However, the fungus                                              stores long lines would form outside. After the Wall fell,
      destroyed vast areas of Gros Michel plantations in Central                                           bananas became widely available, symbolizing newfound
      America, where the bananas were grown. Farmers were                                                  freedom and abundance.
      forced to switch to hardier varieties, such as the Cavendish,
      which was immune to the disease. Now the Cavendish
      variety is threatened with a fungus, so the industry needs
      to again develop a new variety.
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