Page 10 - Boca Club News - January '25
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Page 10, Boca Club News

                                                        Council Corner: Boca Raton News
       Mayor’s Update from page 9

       community we want to build for the future. What will Boca   Roundup…A Vibrant New Era for the City
       Raton look like 100 years from now? What projects and
       initiatives can we start today to leave a lasting impact on
       future generations?                              By Yvette Drucker, Deputy Mayor.                      Vision Zero Neighborhood Meetings. The city will
          The city has many sponsorship opportunities for   City  of  Boca  Raton;  ydrucker@              hold three Vision Zero neighborhood meetings focused on
       residents and business owners who want to help leave an (561) 213-9025          improving traffic safety and reducing crashes. These include
       imprint on Boca Raton. As we consider big ideas for legacy   cellular                               tours of key areas to discuss bicycle, pedestrian and suburban
       projects there is an opportunity to ask our residents to share      Public Art Mural at Sugar Sand   road safety. Meetings will be held in January at the Spanish
       ideas and ways that they would like to shape our future.   Park. A beautiful new mural now          River Library, Downtown Library and Sugar Sand Park.
          If you have ideas for a “legacy project,” which   graces the Family Pavilion wall at                National Community Survey. Beginning November
       can include enhancing public spaces, adding cultural   Sugar Sand Park, adding a splash of          18th, randomly selected households will be invited to
       landmarks, proposing environmental initiatives or adding   color and celebrating Boca Raton’s       participate in the National Community Survey to provide
       innovative technological advancements that make life   natural beauty. This addition enhances the city’s commitment   feedback on city services and priorities. This survey will
       better for all residents, please share them.     to public art and cultural engagement.             help guide future improvements in Boca Raton.
          The city recognizes that its future success will be built      New Sign Unveiled in Downtown. A modern new sign      Public Input Sessions for 2025-2026 Strategic Planning.
       on the creativity and involvement of its residents, whose   was recently unveiled in downtown Boca Raton, marking   As the city prepares for strategic planning in 2025-2026, Boca
       ideas and passions can guide the way forward.    a fresh visual identity for the area. This is part of ongoing   Raton will host nine Public Input Sessions, inviting residents
          Legacy projects should have a lasting impact on the   efforts to blend tradition with innovation as the city continues   to share ideas on key goals and issues for the city’s future.
       city and be designed to benefit residents and visitors for   to grow.                                  With these exciting initiatives, Boca Raton continues to
       many years to come. One project in the works will involve      Centennial Celebration Plans Begin. Boca Raton is   grow, evolve and engage its vibrant community in shaping
       expanding our city’s tree canopy for decades in the future.  preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary. With a series of   the future. For more information on these exciting initiatives
          If you have a big idea about something that will   events and initiatives planned, the centennial will honor the   and to participate in the upcoming public engagement
       leave a legacy for future generations, please share it! For   city’s rich history and look ahead to its future.  opportunities, visit Your input is vital in
       more information about our centennial and sponsorship      Vision for New Government Campus. Boca Raton’s   shaping the future of our city!
       opportunities, visit Boca Raton Centennial | Boca Raton, FL.  current Government Campus, home to City Hall, the Police      I am always looking for input and available for questions.
          You can share any thoughts you have at ssinger@  Station and the Community Center, is aging and no longer   I can be reached at and on all and stay connected on Facebook, Twitter,   meets the city’s needs. Leaders are planning a redevelopment   social media platforms @yvettedrucker
       and Instagram at @scottsingerusa.                to create a modern civic destination that fosters community      Happy New Year! Deputy Mayor Yvette Drucker
                                                        engagement and urban connectivity.                 #thebestisyettocome
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      Meet Our Team Who Are Here to Help You.

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                 team have developed strategies to ensure all clients receive   pop-up icons to provide information about topics related to
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                  exceptional service. AJ says, “Client feedback is important   our services.
      County. You can reach her office                  to us, and we monitor calls and utilize call monitor forms to      During your “journey” to make a reservation online we first
      by  Email:  ClientAdvocate@                       provide our client care representatives with feedback. With   present you with a list of documents that you will need for your Phone: (561)                 this comes challenges servicing clients who are unsatisfied   transaction. Next, upon indicating which documents you have
      355-4271.                                         with some aspect of our services. I remind the team that it is   by checking “Yes” or “No” and before you officially schedule
         Each day, at approximately 11:00               not personal and to show empathy towards the client, and we   your reservation, we present you a summary checklist of the
      a.m., my team and I receive an email              specifically train staff for these calls.” Employee recognition is   document(s) you need to bring with you to your reservation.
      report from our client satisfaction               important, and AJ says, “We celebrate wins and best calls, and   You can then print the list or email it to yourself to view or print
      survey vendor highlighting the surveys we received from   in fact we just held our first annual CCRC Awards, recognizing   later. Keep in mind that this document is not confirmation of a
      clients the previous day. I enjoy reading the surveys, especially   exceptional achievements, such as “Most Calls” and “Client   reservation, as you still have to select a date, time and location.
      the comments where clients tell us what we are doing right   Service Excellence.” I feel lucky to be a member of such a   This checklist is designed to help you easily keep track of the
      and what needs improvement.                       great team of professionals, all moving in the same direction   documents you need to gather. Once you have the opportunity
         We strive for exceptional service on each and every   to deliver exceptional customer service,” says AJ.  to use our enhanced reservation-making system, tell us your
      interaction with our clients, both in-person and on the phone,      A Better Journey. Our new website,,   feedback by visiting:
      and most of the time we get it right, but there are times that   has been online for over a month now and I hope you have      Important Dates & Holidays:
      we miss the mark. In either case it is important that we hear   enjoyed exploring all the new features. One feature that I      January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Offices Closed.
      from our clients so we can address issues and make corrections   want to highlight is the enhancements made to our reservation      January 31st:  Deadline for Property Tax 2% Discount.
      where needed, but at the same time it is so rewarding to hear   system. We created a new, more intuitive interface, featuring
      from clients who rave about the service they have received
      from a member of my staff.
         That commitment to Exceptional from every member of                      Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
      our team is the driving force behind our industry-leading client
      satisfaction results, where 87% of our clients say that their
      experience with our office was exceptional or very good!
         Get yours now: The 2025 Tax Planner & Services
      Guide. We are excited to announce that our 2025 Tax Planner
      & Services Guide is available beginning this month. This
      comprehensive guide is designed to keep you informed,
      connected and empowered as you navigate our organization’s
      services, values and resources. Inside you’ll find everything          Be a part of Boca Raton’s Original
      from taxes to motor vehicles services and driver license/ID
      card services. There is also a monthly calendar to help you                        Jewish Film Festival
      keep track of your payment deadlines.
         As we worked on this latest edition one of our priorities was             presented by the Levis JCC
      to align with the information on our new website, www.pbctax.
      gov, so the two complement one another. We made the guide                     February 8 - 22, 2025
      easy to use with color coding guides to services and QR codes
      that will take you right to our website for more information on   Featuring more than 30 Israeli and Jewish-themed feature films,
      a specific topic.                                                shorts, documentaries and comedies from around the world. Enjoy
         Visit to request a copy of the 2025
      edition. When you receive the guide we will invite you to        entertaining, inspiring and thought-provoking stories, connect with
      respond to a brief survey to provide us with your feedback so     our community, and learn from filmmakers, producers, actors and
      we can keep enhancing this signature publication. I hope you       directors at screenings and special events throughout the year.
      enjoy this publication as much as we enjoy providing it to you.
         Faces of the TCO: AJ Starks. Title: Director of Contact                       Movies of Delray • Levis JCC
      Center Operations
         Hometown: Memphis, TN. Favorite Activity: Manning the
      grill or the smoker. Favorite Food: My smoked brisket.                          561-464-3086 •
         This month, in our “Faces of the TCO” series I am pleased
      to shine the spotlight on the director of our Client Care and
      Research Center (CCRC). Ajani “AJ” Starks joined my Senior
      Leadership Team in 2022, and he oversees 40 employees whose
      main responsibility is to answer client questions and concerns
      via phone and emails. Handling an average of 1,700 calls a   Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Toby & Leon Cooperman Campus • 21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428
      day is not an easy task, and to do so effectively AJ and his
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