Page 6 - Boca Club News - January '25
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Club News
      KCOM-PR Founder Appointed to Dean’s

      Advisory Board Of FAU College of Arts and Letters

         KCOM-PR’ s                                     the garnering of financial support for education, research   programs that champion social justice, compassion and
      President and Chief                               and public programs.                               understanding through enhanced collaborations that
      Strategist Bonnie Kaye                               While serving, Bonnie will focus on supporting   strengthen the prominence of these programs.
      has been tapped to serve                          the annual CAST Party, the College’s major “fan and      The College of Arts and Letters houses 21 academic
      on the Dean’s Advisory                            scholarship fund” raising event for student scholarships and   programs including the School of the Arts, along with
      Board for the Dorothy                             the Dean’s Jewish Leadership Advisory Board to increase   humanities degrees, social science degrees and the areas
      F.  Schmidt  College  of                          awareness and community engagement for the future Kurt   of communications and architecture. It also houses the
      Arts and Letters to advise                        and Marilyn Wallach Holocaust and Jewish Studies building   college’s Center for Peace, Justice and Human Rights;
      the Dean and to assist                            on FAU’s Boca Raton campus.                        Center for the Future Mind; Women, Gender & Sexuality
      him in strategic planning,                           The  Wallach building will become the epicenter   Studies; Global Studies; Jewish Studies, among others that
      the development and                               for intercultural dialogue and education in the greater   bring together multidisciplinary education focusing on
      implementation of short-                          South Florida region, empowering the next generation of   human rights’ education, conflict de-escalation, ethics and
      and long-term goals,                              changemakers. It will memorialize those who perished in the   diplomacy, leadership training and peacemaking.
      community outreach and                            Holocaust, honor its survivors and bring together educational
      City Unveils New Art Installation at Sugar Sand Park

         The City of Boca Raton,                           Made of glass tiles, Boca Raton Mosaic Composition 1      Now permanently on view at Sugar Sand Park, 300 S.
      in partnership with the                           features hand painted and silhouetted species including sabal   Military Trail, the Mosaic wall is available for viewing
      Greater Boca Raton Beach                          palms, mangroves, loggerhead turtles, morning glory, ibis,   Mondays through Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sundays
      and Park District, celebrated                     zebra longwing butterflies, osprey and more.       from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
      the installation of Boca                             Unveiled on December 6th, the project is the first permanent
      Raton Mosaic Composition                          art installation of the Public Art Boca program, part of the city’s
      1, a new public art piece                         Recreation Services Department, whose mission is to enhance
      which  adorns  the  Family                        public spaces with captivating and engaging artwork.
      Pavilion wall at Sugar Sand
         The new art installation
      is a vibrant mosaic mural,
      31 feet wide x 11 feet tall,
      created by renowned naturalist artist James Prosek and
      produced by award-winning tile company Artaic. The mosaic
      mural commemorates the Beach and Park District’s 50th
      anniversary and showcases the rich flora and fauna of South
      Florida’s natural environment.

       Editor ............................................................................  Nils  A. Shapiro

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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