Page 14 - Boca Club News - January '25
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Club News

               The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations
               The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations

      Dining Out: A Chophouse Offer You Can’t Refuse!

      By  Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                      gone on this corner of Federal Hwy. The last three were The   The easy hand on the marinara sauce was exactly the way
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    Ovenella, The Little Chalet and Locale. Now we have Deluca’s   you would get it delivered from any kitchen in Italy.
      for food started very young. Never                Chophouse that is rolling the dice on having a Godfather theme      Hungry S came with a hungry appetite this evening and
      satisfied with his Mom’s dishes, he               to draw all those New Yorkers back to their Italian roots. But   decided to challenge herself by ordering the Hulk-sized Veal
      started to cook his way through                   herein lies my rub.                                Chop Parmigiana ($58). This huge pounded (probably with
      her “Betty Crocker Cookbook.”                        The dining room is like something out of an Italian wedding.   a sledgehammer) breaded and pan sautéed chop was plenty
      During the years to follow he                     Gold lacquered banquet chairs (very uncomfortable), a hanging   to conquer her hunger pains and enough left over for me to
      spend many hours working in                       John Travolta spinning-lit disco ball, television screens looping   polish off.
      restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking classes   Godfather movies, a female wedding singer skating around way      As for Hungry Al, my selection was the Veal Marsala
      and traveling the world in an effort to expand his palette. As a   too loud at times, and a different waiter at every turn. I might   ($34). If you like this dish you won’t be disappointed. The chef
      professional writer, Hungry Al offers his perspective on current   consider a Happy Hour at the nice extended bar on my return.   utilized the Marsala wine perfectly to give it that subtle sweet
      food trends and guides you through your local restaurant options.     Prime Your Taste Buds: First to note...the bread basket   flavor and added enough veal stock to deliver a silky-smooth
                                                        was average and the tinfoil butter pats need to stay at the   sauce, all enhancing the tender veal and sautéed mushrooms.
      Deluca’s Chophouse                                local Denny’s. As for your wine-by-the-glass, you can expect      Note: The Chophouse label added to this restaurant’s
      499 S. Federal Hwy.,                              a carafe pour of 5-6 ozs. for about $14. So don’t complain to   name is there for a reason. You have an array of USDA Prime
      Boca Raton, FL 33432                              the “boss”; just order a bottle.                   cut meats from a Tomahawk for Two 40 oz. ($149) for those
      561-677-8863                                         To start off we all decided to share a few of Deluca’s   with a big appetite to a Bone-in Ribeye 22 oz. ($78).                              appetizers. First up was the traditional meatball evaluation.      From the Dessert Tray: at Deluca’s “you can
         Food for Thought: Have you ever been to a place that   This is a priority item off the menu that I find hard to resist.   leave the gun and take the Cannoli” ($13). This crisp pastry
      instantly sparks childhood memories? Well, my recent visit to   Thankfully, Deluca’s Homemade Meatball ($14) wasn’t on our   was filled with rich sweetened ricotta cheese and will have
      Deluca’s Chophouse was certainly one of those places. It brought   “hit list.” This bocce ball size combination of veal, beef and   you wanting a double order. Or, you can have the traditional
      back the same feeling I had when my Dad took the family to   pork was delicious and every fork got a piece of the action.   Tiramisu ($13) or New York Cheesecake. But our waiter
      Little Italy in NYC. I reminisced walking down a few steps into   We then scooped up every Clams Casino ($19) like they were   highly recommended Arianna’s Butter Cake ($15). This
      a basement restaurant that had that Godfather feeling. What also   candy out of a bowl. The clams were tender and not overly   gooey buttery crumb cake was advertised to melt in your
      resonated was the ever-familiar greeting my Dad got when he   stuffed, allowing for the clam to take center stage. The Caesar   mouth (overstated) with vanilla ice cream and fresh berries.
      approached the tuxedo-dressed Maître D’. Obviously, there was   Salad ($18) was a Caesar Salad! I’m still scratching my head   It was a great suggestion and the table left the plate clean.
      a personal connection, one that I hesitated to ask about.   how the price of some chopped romaine lettuce and a few      Check Please: Even though I felt like I was reliving Saturday
         As a kid these types of theme restaurants were fun and   croutons got to be so expensive.         Night Fever without my long-lost peach leisure suit (yes...I owned
      interesting. But as I’ve gotten older they seem less impressive      Straight From the Kitchen: Hungry H was flapping his   one), Deluca’s Chophouse shot straight hitting all the targets on
      and more Disney-like. This type of décor initiative seems to   fins for Butterfly Branzino ($48) that was pan seared with   good food and service. As all good mobsters know...always keep
      play to our senses, not our stomachs. I personally find them to   a white wine lemon sauce. The chef masterfully treated   an eye on the door. And from where I was sitting it seems that
      be more of a distraction than an enhancement to how I envision   the sauce with lemon to enhance but not overpower the   Deluca’s is drawing a crowd even on a non-weekend night.
      my evening will unfold. All Hungry Al asks for is an evening of   delicacy of this fish. It was joined by a few Jumbo Asparagus      As for the Hungry Squad, we neither danced a disco nor sang
      togetherness with friends or family, great conversations, a sip of   and Sautéed Spinach that were both seasoned and cooked   a duet with the entertainer, but we did leave with the satisfaction
      good wine, well prepared quality food and a kiss from my bride!   properly. I think you could net this fish for two.   of a great meal. If you’re looking for a piece of Vegas nostalgia
         Deluca’s thankfully delivered on most of these requests.      Hungry D went for a true taste of Italian cuisine, the   or a theatre-like Al Capone atmosphere, why not give it a try?
         First Impressions: This location has been through the   homemade Bucatini pasta ($22). This was not found on the   So as not to “dis” the family we
      revolving restaurant doors of Boca for some time. It would   menu but chef nicely accommodated her request. The pasta   decided to give Deluca’s three and
      take two hands to count the establishments that have come and   was spectacular and, thankfully, not over- nor under-cooked.   a half Golden Disco Balls.

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