Page 16 - Boca Club News - January '25
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Club News

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      Book Review…“PINPOINT: How GPS is

      Changing Technology, Culture, and Our Minds”

         By Nils A. Shapiro. Nils began                    Interestingly, one                              SA, which stood for Select Availability and was reserved
      his career as Marketing Director                  of the individuals who                             for the military. Four months later Iraq invaded Kuwait
      for  a  major  book  publisher.  He               played a role in its                               in Desert Storm and a private American company, which
      has  since  edited  the  authors’                 development was an                                 had developed a highly efficient small receiver called the
      manuscripts’  for  more  than  20                 immigrant who, hating                              Trimpack—filled a Pentagon order for 1,000 units that
      published books, written more                     and  fearing Ayatollah                             enabled U.S. forces to know where they were in the open
      than 200 book reviews, served as                  Khomeini, fled from                                spaces of the desert, providing one’s latitude and longitude,
      Publisher  of  several  million-plus              Iran hoping to work                                directions to another location and even store the GPS
      circulation national magazines,                   hard and bring his wife                            coordinates of special battle maneuvers. In order to do so
      created the official Yearbooks for teams in Major League   and children to the                       it needed to have Pentagon clearance for SA access. But
      Baseball,  the  National  Football  League,  National   U.S. He was hired in                         when that company ran out of their Trimpacks another
      Basketball Association and National Hockey League, and   1981 by a tech firm,                        firm, Magellan, offered a substitute of their own that could
      “retired” as President of a successful telecommunications   Trimble Navigation,                      provide most of the same benefits. “Despite a price tag of
      company before being appointed Editor of Boca Club   was fascinated by the                           $1,000 soldiers wanted these Magellans—even if they had
      News when the newspaper was launched in January 2007.  concept of GPS and                            to pay for them out of their own pockets. Their families
         As miraculous as is the now common practice of being   was instrumental in the                    called the company, which directed them to marine retail
      guided by an invisible voice as you drive miles through   introduction three years later of their first GPS receiver.  outfits. The most enterprising soldiers would manage to
      streets and down highways, making left and right turns      -   The book’s first two chapters are fascinating in   call Magellan directly from the Gulf and arrange for the
      on  command  until  you  arrive  at  your  pre-determined   describing centuries of mankind’s search for an answer   company to ship the receivers directly to them.”
      destination, the true background story of how this   to the question, “Where am I?” On a planet that consists      -   When the private companies began to develop
      technology—the Global Positioning System (GPS)—   more of water than land, with no identifiable markings and   GPS technology their focus was on the mariner (boaters’)
      was created and developed is equally extraordinary, and   a flat surrounding horizon, travelers on the open ocean   market, not automobile drivers. In 1989, Gary Burrell and
      it is told here in impressive detail thanks to the clearly   were forced to reckon by the sun, moon and stars.   Min Kao started their Garmin Company (named from
      exhaustive depth of research by author Greg Milner. After      As the author notes, “In seafaring and navigational   the first parts of both their names) and soon proved them
      266 pages of text there are an additional 50 reference   terms,  while  the  Europeans  were  discovering  fire,  the   wrong: “By 2006, Garmin controlled 60 percent of the U.S.
      pages.                                            Polynesians  had  already  split  the  atom.  They  crossed   for navigation equipment. Americans bought five million
         I must  state  at  the  outset that  I  am  fascinated by   the  ocean  in  canoes  roughly  60  feet  long,  built  from   Garmin GPS receivers that year, as the company posted
      the way that the GPS technology is able to provide its   hollowed-out trees, with sails made from woven leaves…  $1.68 billion in sales, a 64 percent increase from 2005.
      driving directions to the general public. I was sufficiently   And yet, with no compass, sextant, or any other modern   Fully half of the company’s revenue came from GPS units,
      intrigued to keep turning the pages to the very last one   navigational aid, explorers in canoes found tiny oases   with sales in that segment growing at an astounding 140
      even though, because of other important events in GPS’s   scattered across one-third of the planet, an expanse nearly   percent annually.” U.S. News & World Report Magazine
      history and other ways in which it is used, the author took   as vast as Europe and Asia combined.”  credited Garmin with opening up a new consumer category.
      so many narrative detours that (ironically, considering this      -   As part of its ongoing attempts to prevent civilians      I may have gotten lost a few times learning about GPS
      book’s subject matter) it frequently left a “non-techie”   from  deriving  the  full  benefits  of  GPS  technology  the   in these pages because of my low technical I.Q, but you
      like me lost for a while.                         Pentagon in April 1990 established a two-tier coding to   shouldn’t let that stop you from heading straight for a copy
         But it has been well worth the trip. And here are   enable the satellite service. The restricted one was labeled   of this book.
      just a few of the hundreds of things you will learn here
      to underscore my recommendation that you dip into
      “PINPOINT”…especially if your technology I.Q. exceeds
         -   There is a constellation of 31 GPS satellites
      orbiting more than 20,000 kilometers above planet Earth.
      Every few minutes 16 U.S. Air Force monitoring stations
      around the world, from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific to
      the South of England, collect data from satellites coming
      over the horizon, noting speed and trajectory based on                                                              Scan for a FREE
      1,200  different  protocols  that  tell  how  the  satellite  is                                                 In Home Consultat on
      performing. There is no room for error. Among other
      uses, all the world’s atomic clocks base their timing on                                                        VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
      these satellites. And for drivers, if a satellite’s timing is
      off by one millionth of a second the directions can send                                                              IN BOCA
      a driver as far as 200 miles from the desired destination!
         -   America’s first interest in developing a
      technology that would later become GPS began in earnest
      during World War Two. Its purpose: to kill people more
      efficiently by making our airplanes’ bombing raids over
      Germany and Japan more accurate. Although the facts
      were kept from civilians at home, the truth was that the
      Army Air Corps’ doctrine of high-altitude bombing to
      avoid hazardous daytime raids resulted in targets often
      being missed by more than a mile.
         And then, for decades, our military sabotaged at every
      opportunity the use of GPS for civilian purposes! This is
      one of the most frustrating themes that runs through much
      of the book, a constant example of the shortsightedness
      of the American military in its obsessive concern about       Modern style
      technology getting into the hands of an enemy. It was left
                                                                    Des gn
      to private industry to do the job.

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