Page 17 - Boca Club News - January '25
P. 17

Boca Club News, Page 17
      Essays on Life:

      Growing Old with Dignity

      By  Sonia  E.  Ravech.  Sonia  is                 response, “It’s too depressing to attend events surrounded   willing to take advantage of that vulnerability. Although
      a native of Massachusetts and                     by so many old women.”                             the elderly often find it hard to reach out, their needs are
      a resident of Broken Sound for                       I couldn’t understand that attitude.  I found  it   simple. They just want someone to talk to; to laugh with
      more than 30 years. She is the                    inspirational that a woman, suffering from a multitude   over lunch; to share stories of their past; to help them with
      mother of four, grandmother of                    of ills—diabetes, coronary disease, arthritis—was still   shopping and other chores. Someone to reassure them they
      seven and great-grandmother of                    motivated to put on her makeup, dress in her most   are still relevant.
      four. She has been the facilitator                fashionable outfit and get herself to a sisterhood meeting,      As the years rush by, and the pill bottles multiply on
      of the Broken Sound Memoir                        even if it meant calling a taxi and using a walker or cane.  my bathroom vanity, I have to accept that I’ve joined the
      Writers’  Workshop  for  the  past                   At Broken Sound many seniors, well into their eighties,   rank of old age. I needed to acquire hearing aids when my
      seven years.                                      even their nineties, still exercise at the gym. They play   family complained that the volume on the television was
         When I was young I revered the elderly. They had so   golf, pickleball and tennis, enjoy a card game, swim, attend   too loud. They insisted that I purchase a medic alert button
      much wisdom to impart, and a wealth of experience to   lectures, the theatre and social events. They lead vibrant   if I intended to keep on living alone. I have pondered if
      share if only one took the time to listen. Too many young   and productive lives.                    my occasional forgetfulness will become senility? I’ve
      people view the elderly as cranky, senile and slow. They      But others are not as fortunate. They suffer from   worried that the day will come when I can no longer drive
      do not have the patience to listen.               loneliness and depression. Some made the decision to   my automobile. I have already needed to have cataract
         Although it is true that some elderly are rude, impatient   relocate to a warmer climate when their bones could no   surgery and to replace one deteriorating, arthritic hip. Will
      and irritable, I venture to guess they exhibited those traits   longer tolerate the cold winters of the North and Midwest,   I also need a walker or cane one day?
      even before reaching old age.                     and now find themselves removed from family and friends.      I pray that GOD will grant me the privilege of living
         When I was 35 I was the youngest member ever elected   Many have lost their life-long partners and are struggling   more years and allow me to do so with dignity. I pray that
      to serve as the President of my congregation’s sisterhood.   to adjust.                              if I am fortunate enough to do so there will be that special
      It was mandated that I try to encourage more women      It’s often difficult for the elderly to keep up with all the   someone in my life who will have the patience to listen
      of my generation to become active. Although I worked   new technology surrounding their everyday lives, and they   to my ramblings, and if I stumble be willing to hold my
      tirelessly towards that goal I was constantly rebuffed by the   become easily confused. There are too many scammers   hand and help guide me along my final journey.
      Film Review:

      “JOY”…The Birth of IVF

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 on the project faced                              and the ever-perfect Bill Nighy in the role of Patrick
         It would be difficult to find a film more timely amid   throughout the 1960s                      Steptoe, a noted surgeon at the time.
      the resulting throes of the past election year than this   and  ’70s,  both  in                         Director Ben Taylor deserves a world of credit for the
      absorbing British production now streaming on Netflix,   se e ki ng fundi ng                         pace, emotion and drama that sustains one’s attention from
      a drama based on the true history of the development of   from  the  medical                         the opening scene to end credits. Especially riveting are
      IVF—in vitro fertilization, which resulted in the birth of   organizations—whose                     the several microscopic views of in vitro fertilization (in
      what is commonly (but incorrectly) called the world’s   attitudes often matched                      a petri dish, not a test tube).
      first “test tube baby,” and is now universally recognized   those  of  today’s most                     And when on July 25th, 1978 in Lancashire, England,
      as one of the 20th Century’s most remarkable scientific   extreme opponents—                         Lesley Jolen Brown gives birth to a daughter, Louise Joy
      achievements, earning for its leading figure the 2010 Nobel   and in the actual                      Brown—hence the title of this film—by planned Caesarian
      Prize in Medicine, 32 years later.                 breakthrough research                             (C-section) surgery, I admit to getting a bit choked up.
         The option to make the IVF procedure available to   and experimentation                              In a very real sense this success may never have
      women who are otherwise physically unable to carry through   involved as they                        occurred were it not for Jean Purdy’s determination to
      a natural birth is today mired in political controversy, viewed   worked with the many               continue the struggle when Robert Edwards had begun to
      by some as equally unacceptable as abortion. Ironically,   childless women who volunteered to participate in the   shut down the project in frustration. It turns out that Jean
      when approached for a statement in 1978 at the time of the   experimental research in hopes of success in being able   herself suffered from endometriosis, a disease that made
      first successful IVF birth, the Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal   to become mothers.                   her infertile—unable to give birth naturally—and a man
      Albino Luciani—later to become Pope Paul I—refused to      The cast of “JOY” is uniformly superb. James Norton   who had asked for her hand in marriage changed his mind
      criticize the procedure, saying instead that it enabled the   portrays Robert Edwards, the lead scientist who will   and wed another when he learned that Jean could not give
      woman to give birth to a child she wanted.         later receive the Nobel Prize when, tragically, both of his   him a family.
         This film makes abundantly clear the enormous   following associates will have passed away by 2010: Jean      If I were to name one flaw in this film it would be
      difficulties the three main medical professionals   Purdy, an embryologist, played by Thomasina McKenzie,   its  lack of an explanation  of the in  vitro fertilization
                                                                                                           procedure, relying instead on brief microscopic videos of
                                                                                                           the egg being fertilized by sperm in the petri dish and the
                                                                                                           beginning of the multiplying of the embryonic cells that
                                                                                                           will ultimately form a human baby—two visuals that will
                                                                                                           stay with you long after the film is over. We as viewers
                                                                                                           are assumed to already be informed on the subject, which
                                                                                                           is not always the case. In vitro is defined as an “assisted
                                                                                                           reproductive technology,” and is intended to be used
                                                                                                           to help women who are otherwise unable to give birth
                                             561-989-0611                                                  naturally—as one example, if the fallopian tubes are
                                                                                                           blocked. The term is also described as “any biological
                           EXCEPTIONAL HOMECARE SERVICES                                                   procedure that is performed outside the organism in which
                                                                                                           it would normally have occurred.” The fertilized egg is
         Boca Home Care Services has been South Florida’s preferred home health care company for over      then implanted within the mother-to-be.
         25 years. The caregivers we refer into our clients’ homes provide essential care to the most valued      JOY began streaming on Netflix in November.
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