Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
P. 22

Page 22, Abacoa
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Jim Kuretski,                                  Ad Valorem Assessments to                             As  clearly  illustrated  by  this  table,  the  Town  of
      Mayor, Town of Jupiter                            all property owners. These                         Jupiter has the lowest total ad valorem tax millage rate as
      Ad Valorem Tax Rate – Benchmark Comparisons       annual property tax bills are                      compared to the other ten municipalities, by significant
         In early November each year, the Palm Beach County   founded upon ad valorem                      dollar amounts. This has been the case for many years.
      Tax Collector sends Notices of Ad Valorem Taxes and Non-  tax millage rates set by                   This leadership distinction is attributable to the Town of
                                                        the various governmental                           Jupiter’s longstanding fiscal management practices.
                                                        taxing authorities within                             Controlling growth using the uniquely Jupiter way
        Northern Notes from page 21                     Palm Beach County.                                 has resulted in better quality of life and lower taxes.
                                                           The net ad valorem                              Growth never pays for itself, and almost always results
       rains, floodgates may be opened, and water levels   taxes for municipal services                    in higher tax assessments. By way of example, West Palm
       might be lowered to accommodate direct rainfall and   within the Town of Jupiter                    Beach residents pay $400 more each year in ad valorem
       accept inflows from the “secondary” systems. During   represent less than 25                        taxes for every $100,000 of their property appraised value.
       and after heavy rains, excess water is routed through   percent of the total annual tax bills. The table accompanying      Growth management and fiscal management have been
       all available “primary” waterways to regional storage   this monthly news article provides a comparison of ad   two hallmarks of my town council leadership efforts while
       areas or coastal discharge points to relieve flooding as   valorem tax millage rates for the ten North Palm Beach   serving Town of Jupiter residents and businesses.
       quickly and safely as possible.                  County municipalities and the City of West Palm Beach.
       What can YOU do to help?
          As a resident or business owner, you play a crucial            North Palm Beach County Municipalities
       role in flood control. Your actions can significantly impact
       your community’s resilience to flooding. Here’s what you   Ad Valorem Tax Rates - Benchmark Comparisons
       can do:
          1. Ensure your neighborhood’s drainage grates,                                        FY24 Tax Rates:
       ditches, and swales are debris-free.                                            Operating + Debt + FR Services FY24 Tax Rates:
          2. Remove loose items, including yard debris, from   Municipality
       your yard. Debris and litter can clog storm drains and                           Municipality         Benchmark             All Taxing Units
       cause flooding.                                                                      Rates            Comparison
          3. Check your community retention pond or lake for
       obstructed pipes and contact the appropriate authority for   Town of Jupiter         4.1236           Best-in-Class              17.0148
       removal (this could be your HOA/POA, city, county, or   Palm Beach Gardens           5.0537                123%                  17.9449
       local drainage district).                                 Juno Beach                 5.2776                128%                  18.1688
          4. Find out who is responsible for drainage in your
       community. Visit Note the    Jupiter Inlet Colony            5.5600                135%                  18.4512
       service area status under the search results. It may not   Tequesta                  6.4595                157%                  19.3507
       be serviced even if the location is within an agency’s   Palm Beach Shores           6.8420                166%                  19.6603
          As a homeowner or property owner association      North Palm Beach                7.4900                182%                  19.7494
       official, you are a key player in the flood control     Riviera Beach                8.3500                202%                  20.6094
       process. Your knowledge and actions can greatly            Lake Park                 8.6451                210%                  20.9045
       contribute to your community’s flood resilience. Here’s
       what you can do:                                       Mangonia Park                 9.9000                240%                  22.7183
          1. Familiarize yourself with your particular drainage
       system and how it fits into the overall South Florida   West Palm Beach              8.1941                199%                  20.4535
       drainage picture.
          2. Learn how the stormwater system works in your
       area and how to properly maintain the facilities under
       your responsibility.
          3. Understand your community’s irrigation needs.
       Turn off your irrigation before a storm. Return to normal
       operating conditions after the storm. Remember, if the
       ground is saturated, you may not have to irrigate for quite
       some time after the storm.
          Reporting the location and condition of any clogged
       or damaged facilities is a crucial step in flood control.
       By doing so, you are actively contributing to your
       community’s flood resilience. Please make a note of
       important telephone numbers and keep them handy for
       quick reporting.
          NPDES tip: Your neighborhood drainage system
       is not a garbage disposal — don’t treat it like one.
       Encourage residents to take responsibility and to not
       dump chemicals, fertilizer, paint, oil, etc., in inlets or
       pipes. Discourage sweeping of lawn clippings and dirt
       into street drains and disposing of lawn clippings and
       other debris (wood, concrete blocks, Christmas trees, etc.)
       directly into retention lakes. Keep drainage facilities clear
       of vegetation, trash, improperly and illegally discarded
       appliances, shopping carts, tires, cars, garbage bags, etc.
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