Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
P. 21

Abacoa, Page 21


      Commissioner’s Update

      New Flood Maps For                                the BFE or minimum elevation required for a substantial     incorrectly identified as an SFHA, they can submit an
                                                                                                             If property owners believe their property has been
                                                        improvement (SI). For residents in unincorporated Palm
      Palm Beach County                                 Beach County, staff can provide SI determinations and   application to FEMA for a formal determination of the
                                                        technical assistance prior to major renovations.   property’s location and/or elevation relative to the SFHA.
      By Vice Mayor                                        For property owners required to have flood insurance   There are two types of determination documents you can
      Maria G. Marino                                   under these new guidelines, it’s highly recommended to   seek in your Letter of Map Change (LOMC) request.
         The Federal Emergency                          secure a policy as soon as possible. Those with existing      • Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA): A letter from
      Management Agency                                 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies are   FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land —
      (FEMA) has recently                               encouraged to maintain them. Regardless of what flood   that is on naturally high ground and has not been elevated
      released updated flood                            zone you may be in, the county continues to recommend   by fill — would not be inundated by the base flood.
      zone maps that bring                              that all property owners have flood insurance since      • Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F): A
      significant changes to Palm                       flooding can occur anywhere. Windstorm insurance does   letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel
      Beach County. These new                           not cover flood damage. Thanks to Palm Beach County’s   of land has been elevated by earthen fill and would not be
      maps, set to take effect                          participation in the Community Rating System (CRS)   inundated by the base flood.
      on December 20, 2024,                             discount program, unincorporated area residents receive      Residents in unincorporated areas can request flood zone
      highlight an increased flood                      a 25 percent discount on their flood insurance premiums,   determinations from Palm Beach County, which provides
      risk for thousands of residents, particularly in the eastern   which can help alleviate some of the financial burden   written confirmation of zone designations. Additionally, the
      regions of the county. The revised maps classify many   associated with increased flood risk.        county offers consultations for retrofitting existing buildings
      additional areas as high-risk flood zones, known officially      The maps are available on the Palm Beach County   to improve flood resilience. Municipal residents should defer
      as special flood hazard areas (SFHAs).            Planning, Zoning & Building webpage, where residents   to their municipal floodplain or town/city manager.
         The updated maps are particularly impactful for   can use the countywide property search tool to determine      For questions, property owners can call the Palm
      low-lying regions, properties near canals and lakes, and   their flood zones.  The webpage also provides other   Beach County Flood Zone Hotline at (561) 233-5374 for
      coastal zones prone to tidal surges. As a result, more than   important  information,  including  links  to  FEMA,  the   personalized assistance with the new maps, flood proofing
      16,000 parcels in Palm Beach County are anticipated   pending FEMA flood maps, municipalities affected,   options, and more.
      to have a base flood elevation (BFE) increase of one   tips on how the county can help, and more. Please visit:
      foot or more. The increase in BFE may result in non-
      conforming structures that have the lowest floor below   Zones.aspx.
      Northern Notes

      Know The Flow                                      –each must be properly maintained and functioning – to      The “secondary” drainage system is usually a network of
                                                         provide flood protection for south Florida neighborhoods.   canals, structures, pumping stations and storage areas. These
      By Katie Roundtree,                                   So, what path does stormwater typically follow from   systems can cover several hundred square miles and serve
      Director of Finance and                            your neighborhood to its final destination? Here’s an   many communities. In communities maintained by Northern,
      Administration, Northern                           example. Five inches of rain falls in 24 hours over an   stormwater systems are gravity-fed or pumped using
      Palm Beach County                                  inland community. This rain follows a wet period, so   stormwater pump stations. Water moves through a series
      Improvement District                               groundwater levels are already high. According to most   of lakes and canals via weirs (fixed structures), operable
         Flood control in Florida                        approved  drainage designs, some  water  is temporarily   gates and pump stations. These systems sometimes move
      is a shared responsibility                         stored in public recreational areas,  yard  swales and   water through multiple communities, so the “downstream”
      that provides maximum                              streets. Drainage swale areas are sloped to catch water   effects must be considered when moving water from one
      benefit only when all                              and filter out pollutants as water is absorbed into the   area to another. The stormwater systems discharge into
      components (primary,                               ground. Some yards direct water to the community   local canals managed by Northern or other municipalities.
      secondary and tertiary) are                        drainage system as runoff, with very little water retained   Northern uses a telemetry system to monitor and remotely
      designed and constructed                           in the yard. The excess surface water slowly drains to   open and close gates and pumps. Weather conditions and
      to work together and are maintained in proper working   community lakes or on-site ponds via street and yard   water levels are monitored around the clock. Water levels
      order. Florida is more complex than many states, where   drainage grates, swales, ditches or canals. Homeowner   in the secondary drainage system can be lowered to allow
      one entity usually provides local and regional drainage   associations typically assume the maintenance and upkeep   more water storage and minimize flooding. These systems
      for the community. In Florida, some areas have no formal   of community drainage facilities. Water then drains from   discharge water into the “primary” flood control system as
      drainage systems and are prone to routine flooding; others   the community or “tertiary” system through underground   long as carrying capacity is available.
      may be covered by several organizations or governments   pipes to the “secondary” system, which is mainly operated      The South Florida Water Management District operates
      providing varying service levels. Depending on     by the Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District   the “primary” drainage system. In anticipation of heavy
      conditions, water may have to be routed through several   (Northern) in this area. Cities and the county also maintain
      interconnected, though independent, conveyance systems   “secondary” systems, depending on development plans.   Northern Notes on page 22
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