Page 18 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
P. 18

Page 18, Abacoa

      Science On The Cutting Edge from page 17

         Luesch, the Debbie and Sylvia DeSantis Chair in Natural   most  advanced supercomputing  clusters  in  academia,   a team of about 18 researchers plus, over the summer, six
      Products Drug Discovery and Development, has amassed a   HiPerGator,  with  the  NVIDIA Ampere A100  GPU   interns from local high schools.
      unique collection of bioactive marine natural products for   SuperPod.  It  has  been  used  to  enable  structure-based      Tian’s  team  was  awarded  an  $11  million,  five-year
      numerous disease indications in his Gainesville laboratory   drug design and AI approaches to accelerate discoveries,   U.S. grant last month to pursue brain research with four
      and the CNPD3. He works closely with the Natural   Disney said.                                      academic  institutions,  including  Stanford  University
      Products Discovery Center at The Wertheim UF Scripps      Collaboration among Wertheim UF Scripps and UF   and the Allen Institute in Seattle. She discussed the
      Institute, which has one of the world’s largest collection   medicinal chemistry faculty began soon after the Jupiter   grant, her reasons for moving to South Florida and how
      of microorganisms with potential use as medicines or the   campus joined UF in 2022. The campuses jointly host   brain chemistry works during a wide-ranging Stet News
      inspiration for medicines.                        UF’s  popular  Drug  Discovery  Symposium,  Luesch   interview last month. She spoke of the inroads she has
                                                        noted,  and  faculty  members  developed  joint  research   helped make in the study of brain chemistry and how little
                                                        projects that have already been funded. Collaboration will   scientists know about the brain.
                                                        grow as the campuses develop shared graduate student      While doctors routinely prescribe medicines to act on
                                                        opportunities; he added. Florida is a fertile training ground   the  brain  chemicals  dopamine  and  serotonin,  she  said,
                                                        for students who want to develop high-impact careers in   “We actually have no clue about the exact mechanism.”
                                                        chemical biology and drug development, Disney agreed.  While patients often are told their behavior stems from
                                                           “Discovering new medicines is challenging work that   “an  unbalanced  concentration  of  neurochemicals,”  it’s
                                                        requires the expertise of many. There are real synergies   not that simple, she said. “Our brain is not just the fluid
                                                        for our scientists and students as we build collaboration   of those neurochemicals. It’s not a soup. It’s actually a
                                                        among departments,” Disney said. “I am confident that the   very well-organized system and there’s really precision
                                                        ultimate beneficiaries will be people anxiously awaiting   — temporal, spatial — like where and when they release.
                                                        new treatment options.”                            So it’s a very, very controlled system that we have no clue
                                                        About The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute            how this happened.”
                                                           The scientists of The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps
                                                        Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology  Monitoring Brain Signals
                                                        advance human health through biomedical research,
                                                        drug discovery, and clinical studies, while providing
                                                        outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train
                                                        the next generation of scientists. Founded by Scripps
                                                        Research, the Jupiter-based institute joined the University
                                                        of Florida, a top public university, in 2022. Learn more
                                                        About The University Of Florida College Of Pharmacy
                                                           Research activities in the UF College of Pharmacy
                                                        span the entire life cycle of a drug and include broad
                                                        interest areas such as medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics,
                                                        pharmacology, clinical and translational research, and
                                                        pharmaceutical outcomes and policy. Researchers
         “Together, our unique infrastructure in natural product   in the college are pioneering advancements in drug
      discovery, RNA structure-function research, and small-  discovery, marine natural products, pharmacology,
      molecule targeting, means we can elevate our work to new   disease modeling, pharmacokinetics/pharmacometrics,
      heights to address many medical challenges, including   pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology, and patient   Scientist Lin Tian points out the way fluorescent markers
      aggressive  cancers  and  incurable  infectious  diseases,”   safety, while also advancing AI-driven solutions and   can help brain researchers track the working of the brain.
      Luesch said.                                      exploring new frontiers in space to develop innovative
         Also  boosting  the  cross-campus  collaborations,   drug therapies. Learn more at     The  grant,  coming  after  a  40  percent  reduction  in
      Wertheim UF Scripps chemistry faculty have joint faculty                                             support for the Obama-era BRAIN Initiative, aims to build
      appointments with the College of Pharmacy’s medicinal                                                tools to monitor brain electrical signals and levels of brain
      chemistry program.                                                                                   chemicals in real-time.
         “The opportunity to collaborate with UF’s Department                                                 During her postdoctoral training at Howard Hughes
      of Medicinal Chemistry through shared faculty and joint                                              Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus, Tian played
      appointments is synergistic for all of us,” Disney said.                                             a critical role in developing the calcium sensor GCaMP,
      “Both programs will benefit as we harness the unique                                                 making it possible to optically measure the brain’s activity
      skills and resources of each campus to do the best and   Jupiter Researcher Awarded                  during  behavior.  The  approach  involves  lighting  up
      most exciting science we can, and train the next generation                                          nerve cells, so they can be viewed through a tiny camera
      of scientists.”                                   $11 Million To Unlock                              threaded into the brain. “This technological achievement
         Members of both departments are also part of the UF                                               has transformed the field of neuroscience,” Max Planck
      Health Cancer Center, one of 72 National Cancer Institute-  Secrets Of The Human Brain               said in a news release touting the BRAIN Initiative grant
      designated cancer centers. The Jupiter and Gainesville                                               from the National Institute of Mental Health and the
      campuses possess world-class scientific core facilities that   By Joel Engelhardt                    National Institutes of Health.
      power research on new medicines from target validation   Scientist Lin Tian Moved To Jupiter Last Year To Take      Max Planck, the German-based institution, came to
      to in vivo studies. These include genomics, proteomics,   Advantage Of The Pure Science Setting At Abacoa’s Max   Abacoa  in  2008  with  $190  million  in  state  and  local
      histology, and structural biology tools, including cryo-  Planck Florida Institute For Neuroscience  financial support, on the heels of the $580 million effort
      electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, drug      Lin Tian, born in China but living in America since   to woo The Scripps Research Institute from San Diego to
      metabolism and pharmacokinetics, and a high-throughput   college, moved to Jupiter last year to be scientific director   Jupiter. While Scripps has relinquished its holdings here
      robotic molecular screening center. These resources, more   at  the  Max  Planck  Florida  Institute  for  Neuroscience.   to the University of Florida, Max Planck remains. It has
      typical  of  a  pharmaceutical  company,  enable  scholars   Tian, 45, transferred to Max Planck in October from the   nine labs, including Tian’s, and more than 140 full-time
      to go farther faster with their research, to help patients   University of California-Davis. By moving to Max Planck,   employees.
      awaiting cures. Computational resources are second to   Tian is free to focus on research rather than devoting time      Tian  has  been  in  the  country  since  pursuing  her
      none as well. The University of Florida has one of the   to the classroom as she did at UC-Davis.    doctorate in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology
                                                                                                           from Northwestern University in 2001. She is married and
       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!                                                                    the mother of two sons. She uprooted for Max Planck,
                                                                                                           she said, because of its focus on discovery.

       “WE SHOW


                                                        Max Planck scientist Lin Tian adorns her Jupiter office with
                                                        images of neural networks captured in her work studying
                                                        neurotransmitters in the brain.
                                                                                                           Not only neural pathways, but also art produced by her sons
                                                            “The reason I came here is to really focus on research   adorn the office of Max Planck scientist Lin Tian in Jupiter.
                   Call Today for a FREE estimate!      for the next 10 years to make a groundbreaking discovery,”
                        561.575.2173                    she said from her Jupiter office.                  Science On The Cutting Edge on page 19
                      231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL         Tian  heads  a  lab  where  scientists  can  insert  tiny
                             cameras into living brains to answer some of the most
                                                        indecipherable questions known to humankind. She leads
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