Page 24 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
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Page 24, Abacoa
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
Dear Taxpayer, Homestead Exemption For more about homestead exemption, visit our website,
As we come to the call (561) 355-2866, or email
close of 2024, I have been Receipt Cards Mailed
reflecting on both the past Holiday Office Closures
year and what we can Late December
accomplish in the future. The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office,
Property values in Palm On the last business including our five Service Centers, will be closed:
Beach County continued day in the month of Monday, December 23
their upward trend this year, December, the property Tuesday, December 24
but the overall increase in appraiser ’s office Wednesday, December 25
values has slowed compared mails a pink and white Wednesday, January 1, 2025
to previous years. Taxable homestead exemption
property values rose 9.6 percent from 2023 to 2024, down receipt card to every
from the 14 percent increase we saw last year. Market property owner in Palm
values for real property grew 5.6 percent this year, down Beach County with a
from the 20.6 percent increase from 2022 to 2023. homestead exemption. If there are no changes to the use
For the first time in our county’s history, new and/or ownership of the property, simply keep the card as
construction topped $5 billion this year. Overall, the your receipt that you have been automatically renewed for
market value of all Palm Beach County property is more another year. However, if there is a change to ownership
than $514 billion. Westlake continues to lead in municipal due to a sale, marriage, divorce, death, or change in
value growth, with the largest percentage of taxable value property use, call our office at (561 355-2866 or email us
increase from 2023 to 2024. The Village of Golf, Jupiter at
Inlet Colony and Cloud Lake are second, third, and fourth, A homestead exemption reduces the assessed value of
respectively. your property, thereby reducing the amount of property tax
My staff are gathering information for 2025 as we you pay by an average of $500. Homestead exemption also
prepare to value property based on the status of the market qualifies you for the 3 percent Save our Homes (SOH) cap.
as of January 1. I want to thank my staff for their continued If you’ve not yet filed for a homestead exemption,
diligence and commitment to accuracy and excellence. it’s easy to e-file online, by mail, or in person at one of
“We Value What You Value” is not a simple catchphrase our five service centers. When you apply, you can also
– it is a commitment to service honored by every single file for portability of SOH savings. The deadline to file
one of the 220 qualified public servants in my office. We a homestead exemption application is March 1 of the
determine the taxable value of more than 655,000 parcels year after you buy your home, and you may file any time
and nearly 59,000 tangible personal property accounts in after you take ownership of the property and become a
the county. permanent resident of Florida. To qualify, you and/or your
As we look forward to 2025, our mission remains spouse must not be receiving a residency-based exemption
consistent: to value property, administer exemptions, on any other property in Florida or in another state.
and maintain ownership records fairly, equitably, and in
As I prepare to be sworn in for my third term as your Tax Talk
accordance with Florida law for all of Palm Beach County.
property appraiser, I want to thank you for allowing me
to serve in this office. I wish you and your families a safe Dear Friends: 1,700 calls coming into the call center each day, we are
and happy holiday season. As 2024 comes to a proud that we have reduced wait times to an average of
Respectfully, close, I want to take this five minutes. While the team is working hard to answer all
Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS, time to thank you for being calls quickly this time of year, you may experience longer
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser part of the “Tax Talk” than normal wait times, so we appreciate your patience.
family and know that I Representatives can be reached at (561) 355-2264 and are
thoroughly enjoy chatting available Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.
with you each month. I Don’t want to call us? You can always email us at
hope you enjoy hearing for assistance and you can
more about my office, expect a response from one of Client Care Representatives
Palm Beach County and within two business days.
the occasional news about
my cats, Biden and Bader. They bring me so much joy,
even when they are just being cats and lounging around New Address Change
as they are doing in this picture. Requirements
• SaleS
• Service Did you know that there were recent changes made
• inStallation to the proof of address documents required for driver’s
• Dryer Vent & Duct licenses and ID cards? These documents verify that
cleaning driver’s license and ID card applicants are residents of
Passionate about customer Service Florida by requiring two pieces of qualifying documents
772-785-8080 in their name. This new requirement is a simple process for most individuals; however, others may not have certain
673 SW carter ave documents that contain their name and address. For
Port St. lucie, Fl 34983
example, teens getting their learner’s permit or individuals
living with family members.
licenSe ca-cO58675 Under this new address change requirement, those
individuals have a few options. They can complete a
Southern Exposure Technologies certification of address document, and have it signed by
Computer Install/Setup/Repair I want to take this time to wish you, your family, our staff during their reservation or they can have it signed
by a notary prior to their reservation. In addition to the
(561) 315-0144 friends and even your pets – we can’t forget them, a certification of address form, this new change requires very happy holiday season. Whether you are enjoying the applicant bring two additional documents containing
* DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install the holidays here in South Florida or traveling to be with the name of the person with which they are residing. For
* Networking, Troubleshooting family, take time to recharge and relax and enjoy all the a complete list of the new required driver’s license and
* Instruction traditions that the holidays so befittingly offer. I look ID card documents, visit
* Hardware/Software Installation forward to communicating with you in 2025!
* Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix Happy holidays and happy new year!
* Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
* Business Consult/Startup/Move Anne M. Gannon,
* Website Design/Maintenance Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach
Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer County
and wireless network”!
GET S.E.T. GO! Hello, May I Help You?
FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR, You have checked our website, read through your Tax
WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH, Planner and Services Guide, but still have a question
BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR. concerning our services. Our Client Care Representatives
START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS, in our Client Care and Research Center (call center) are
QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND ready to take your call or answer your email and help
PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT! you with your question. This year, we have added an
(561) 315-0144
CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS! additional five representatives to help keep wait times to
a minimum during our busy season. With an average of Tax Talk on page 25