Page 26 - Abacoa Community News - December '24
P. 26

Page 26, Abacoa
      My Child Is Slow To Get Going

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.                              what really perplexed this mom was that Eve was slow   room and find something they misplaced and become
      Licensed School Psychologist                      regardless of if the activity was something fun or routine.   distracted playing with this and not cleaning up. Fourth,
         Eve’ s nickname                                It could be getting ready for a fun day at the waterpark   your child might have ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive
      is  “Eeyore”  one  parent                         and she was still slow.                            Presentation or what we used to call ADD.
      told me. She was feeling                             There are many reasons why a child is completing      Seek answers and understanding so you can do something
      frustration when dealing                          tasks at a much slower pace than their peers. One reason   different instead of becoming frustrated with your child and
      with her child completing                         is your child could have slower processing speed so   straining your relationship. A school neuropsychological
      tasks slower than everyone                        even  simple tasks will  take them longer to complete.   evaluation will help you get to the root cause of why your
      else. Whether it was doing                        This can leave your child feeling overwhelmed, mentally   child completing tasks so slowly. Our evaluations assess all
      homework, completing                              fatigued, and discouraged. Second, your child could   of these potential causes and provide specific and helpful
      simple household chores,                          have a weak working memory and struggle to keep track   recommendations to improve your child’s functioning in the
      or getting out the door in the                    of the tasks they are assigned and often forget what to   home and school settings.
      morning, Eve was slow or the last one to go. It required   do next. This can especially be noticed if you give your      Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or learn
      constant reminders and mom felt like she was always   child multiple tasks at once. Third, your child may have   more at
      nagging. She hypothesized her daughter was perhaps   weaker inhibition which means that they have a hard time
      lazy, unmotivated, or did not understand what to do. But   resisting distractors. Your child could be cleaning their
      Gifting Greatness With College Planning

      By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed.                           grandchildren is a thoughtful and impactful way to support   writing workshops, career assessment, applications,
         Give a high school                             their future success. As the cost of higher education   and scholarship opportunities.  These services help
      aged loved one a college                          continues to rise, many families feel the financial strain   your student become positioned to succeed. The SAT
      planning gift that will                           of paying for college. By gifting college planning, you   prep courses are tailored to improve test scores, while
      last beyond the holiday                           can help ease that burden and set the next generation up   the college essay workshops guide students in crafting
      season.  The many steps                           for financial stability. I offer expert, 1:1 college planning   compelling essays that stand out in the competitive
      of  the  college  application                     services, helping you navigate the complexities of the   admissions process. Additionally, the career assessments
      process are stressful. I offer                    admissions process and create a personalized plan to   help students explore their strengths and interests, giving
      a comprehensive roadmap                           maximize financial resources and minimize student   a clearer sense of direction for the future. No detail is left
      for students to standout in                       debt. Using Class 101’s approach, the college planning   unnoticed in the application process. Ultimately, gifting
      the crowd and help them                           process can begin as early as ninth grade, ensuring that   the college planning services through Class 101 is an
      connect all the details and                       students have ample time to build a strong academic and   investment in your student’s academic success, financial
      meet all the deadlines. My flat fee and all-inclusive 1:1   extracurricular profile that aligns with their college and   well-being, and future career opportunities.
      approach helps your student build a college resume,   career goals.                                     For information or to schedule a free consultation
      increase test scores, and find the best schools at the best      Class 101’s comprehensive 1:1 services are designed   please contact Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897 or www.
      price, which all helps students achieve greatness.   to provide expert college planning. Our approach
         Giving the gift of college planning to children and   offers speed reading, SAT prep courses, college essay      Happy Holidays from Class 101!
      Volunteer Opportunities

      Now Open For 2025 Artigras Fine Arts Festival

         The ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival, presented by Tampa   food and beverages in the volunteer area. Students can      The 40th Annual ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival will take place
      General Hospital, is calling on community members to   also earn community service hours for their participation.  on February 15 and 16, 2025, at the Gardens North County
      help make the 2025 event and 40th anniversary of this      In addition, sponsorship opportunities within the   District Park, located on 117th Court North. The festival
      award-winning festival extraordinary by signing up for   volunteer area are available from underwriting the T-shirts   will feature a juried fine art exhibition, live entertainment,
      volunteer opportunities. With over 600 volunteers needed   to providing food for the volunteers. To learn more about   the new culinary arts studio, a dedicated Amazon ArtiKids
      to support this prestigious festival, individuals aged 13   volunteering or sponsorship opportunities at ArtiGras,   Zone, and the youth art competition. Ranked as a Top-100
      and  older  are  encouraged  to  register  online  at  www.  visit or call (561) 746-7111.   fine arts festival by Sunshine Artist magazine, ArtiGras offers                                        Advance festival tickets will be available November   visitors the unique opportunity to meet and engage with over
         “Volunteers are the heart of ArtiGras. They play a   1 for the price of $15 ($20 at the gate). Patrons can also   300 of the nation’s leading artists.
      critical role in ensuring that everyone, from the artists   purchase a two-day pass for $25.            For more information visit
      to the  visitors, has a fantastic experience,” said Noel
      Martinez, President and CEO of the Palm Beach North
      Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the annual               Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
      ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival. “We’re excited to welcome
      volunteers to help us enhance the festival experience             Autism, IQ Testing
      at  Gardens  North  County  District  Park  for  everyone
         Volunteers can choose from two shifts each day                          NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
      and contribute to a variety of festival areas, including
      the Amazon ArtiKids Zone, chef showcase, artist                            • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
      relations, site operations, volunteer committee, youth art                 • Testing for Processing  
      competition, merchandise booth and the Unlimited Auto                        Problems, Anxiety,
      Wash Club information booth.                                                 Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
         As a token of appreciation, all volunteers will receive a               • Saturday and After
      complimentary T-shirt, free festival admission on the day                    School Appointments
      of their shift, special parking access, and complimentary
                                                                                       “Helping Parents Help Children”

                                                                       One-to-One College Planning

                                                                                              Grades 9-12

                                                                                                              All inclusive college services
                                                                                                              Test prep, essays & resumes,
                                                                                                                 Applications, deadlines,

                                                                                                                  scholarships, & more.

                                                                                                                   Free consultation.

      Volunteers at the information booth during the ArtiGras Fine •  561-418-7897
      Arts Festival
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