Page 5 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
P. 5

The Jewish Voice, Page 5

      Local Happenings from page 4                          The trip began with a barbecue in the village of Ein Iron. All      Welcoming Shmaya back to Chabad of Palm Beach
                                                         25 soldiers of Shmaya’s unit attended, many with their wives   Gardens last month was a deeply moving experience as
      IDF unit before they deployed to Gaza. Members of Chabad   and children. Since they are reservists, the members of the unit   members of the shul felt connected to him and his courageous
      of Palm Beach Gardens sprang into action and donated all   range in age from 22 to 40, many of them husbands and fathers   unit. The community wishes him blessings and success as
      the equipment needed.                              to young children.                                he prepares to deploy again to Gaza for the upcoming High
         Leaders of the shul then set out on a whirlwind seventy-     At the event, the Chabad delegates presented the soldiers with   Holy Day season.
      two hour visit in support of the soldiers of the IDF. Rabbi   bags filled with all the equipment the commander had requested.
      Dovid and Chana Vigler were joined by three of Chana’s   As they concluded the evening, one of the soldiers remarked to
      brothers to visit their youngest brother, Shmaya, to wish him   Chana that they had had other events of this nature previously, but
      well before he deployed.                           this was the first time it was infused with faith and spirituality.

                                            IN A YEAR
                         MARKED BY DARKNESS                                                                Jewish Federation, Palm

                                                                                                           Beach North Chamber of

                   MAGEN DAVID ADOM                                                                        Commerce Recognized for

                                                                                                           Confronting Hate Event

                                                                                                             Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County’s Palm Beach
                                           DELIVERED                                                         Center to Combat Antisemitism & Hatred, in partnership
                                                                                                           with the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                                                           announces their recognition at the Florida Festivals and
                                                                                                           Events Association  2024  SunSational Awards.  Their
                                                                                                           collaborative effort for the emotional event, Confronting
                                                                                                           Hate: Insights from the Israeli Frontline, was honored
                                                                                                           with a second place award in the Multi-Agency Program
                                                                                                              Confronting Hate: Insights from the Israeli Frontline
                                                                                                           was designed to address the rising tide of hate and

                                                                                                           Brian Seymour, Laurie George, Mike Bauer, Danita DeHaney,
                                                                                                           Melissa McKinlay, Noel Martinez

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 6
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