Page 4 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
P. 4

Page 4, The Jewish Voice

                                                     LocaL Happenings

      Holocaust Learning                                 rise in antisemitism,” said                       Little Liar by Mitch Albom, a New York Times bestseller

      Experience Announces                               Leigh Routman, executive                          about the intertwined lives of three young Holocaust
                                                         director of the Holocaust
                                                                                                           survivors. Admission is $36 per person with registration.
      Next Generations                                   Learning Experience. “This                          professor, noted historian, author, political commentator,
                                                                                                             • A lecture with Dr. Robert Watson, Lynn University
                                                         year, the Next Generations
      Showcase of Events                                 Showcase  of  Events  is                          and community leader on March 12, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                         especially crucial as                             at MorseLife’s Friedman Hall. Watson has published over
         The Holocaust Learning                          antisemitism and violence                         40 books and has been interviewed by local, national, and
      Experience (HLE), a                                against Jews are increasing                       international television, radio, print, and online outlets,
      nonprofit established by                           worldwide. Our events                             including CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Time, USA Today, and
      MorseLife to educate  and                          give people purpose and                           The New York Times. Admission is $36 per person with
      inspire future generations                         understanding, who might  Greta Brewer            registration.
      to end antisemitism and                            otherwise feel discouraged
      combat hate, bigotry, and                          and worried about the future.”                    From Gaza to
      prejudice, announces                                  Running from November through March, the three-event
      the  2024-2025  Next                               series requires registration at holocaustlearningexperience.  Palm Beach Gardens
      Generations Showcase                               org/events and includes:
      o f  E v e n t s.  Ho st e d                          • The  Next  Generations  2024-2025  Season  Kickoff      Shmaya Krinsky, brother of Rebbetzin Chana Vigler and
      by MorseLife Next                                  and white wine reception, November 20, from 3:30 to   Rabbi Liebel Krinsky, received a hero’s welcome at Chabad
      Generations, this series will  Dr. Robert Watson   5:30 p.m. at Clive Daniel Home gallery in Boca Raton.   of Palm Beach Gardens after recently returning from Gaza,
      raise awareness, educate,                          Admission is free complimentary with registration.   where he served as an IDF paratrooper in Khan Younis.
      and unite the community at various venues across Palm      • The annual Bagels and Books with Greta Brewer      The deeply personal connection between Chabad of Palm
      Beach County.                                      brunch and book discussion on January 8, from 10 a.m.   Beach Gardens and Shmaya began months ago when he
         “The annual event showcase provides a wonderful   to 1 p.m., at Boca West Country Club.           contacted Rabbi Dovid and Chana Vigler for support of his
      chance to come together and foster a community        Brewer, a former board member and past vice president
      dedicated to Holocaust awareness and fighting the current   of  education  of  Next  Generations,  will delve  into  The   Local Happenings on page 5


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