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VOL. 14 NO. 10                                                                           OCTOBER 2024

      Jewish Lawyers Form New Association, Launch

      with Packed Event in Palm Beach County

         History has taught that when                                                                      fact that this great country allows all of us the great freedom
      antisemitism rears its ugly head, hatred                                                             of practicing our faith or whatever religion we follow. We
      toward others will always follow, which                                                              should never take that for granted.”
      is why a group of local lawyers came
      together following the massacre on                                                                   Jewish Lawyers Form New Association on page 2
      October 7 and decided they were going
      to do something about it.
         They formed the Jewish Lawyers                                                                     Judea
      Association of Palm Beach County,
      an organization of legal professionals
      united in their commitment to the legal                                                               Volunteers at
      profession, support of their Jewish
      ancestry and the State of Israel, and
      freedom of religious practice.                                                                        Quantum House
         The group recently hosted a standing-
      room-only opening event at the Palm
      Beach County Historic 1916 Courthouse.                                                                   During this past year of 5784, the Temple Judea
      More than 200 lawyers, judges, and                                                                    community has demonstrated a renewed commitment to
      community leaders were in attendance, including guest      “We are always stronger when we stand together,” said   volunteering in the local community. They have supported
      speakers West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James and Florida   Gary S. Lesser, founder and president of the Jewish Lawyers   many local organizations while proudly wearing their
      Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz, who presided   Association of Palm Beach County. “We can come together as   coordinated Temple Judea Team Tikkun Olam t-shirts.
      over the swearing in of the organization’s executive officers   Jewish lawyers, judges, and allies and make a difference, fight      They recently sent a group of 18 volunteers to Quantum
      and board of directors.                            antisemitism and hatred, celebrate our Jewish faith and the   House to serve as chef for the day. Each month, the team of
                                                                                                            volunteers shops and cooks dinner for 80 grateful patients
      Alpert JFS, Levine JRFS Announce                                                                      and their families. Quantum House supports families with
                                                                                                            children undergoing special surgery at St. Mary’s hospital.
      New Board Members                                                                                     Families come from all over the world for complicated
                                                                                                            surgeries and stay at Quantum House, which provides
                                                                                                            nightly meals and comfortable accommodations while
                                                                                                            they have to be far from home.
                                                                                                               Cooking  at  Quantum  House  is  a  great  volunteer
                                                                                                            opportunity for families with school-aged children,
                                                                                                            who work hard right next to their parents and siblings
                                                                                                            to provide a delicious meal for those in need. Popular
                                                                                                            meals Team Judea has prepared included spaghetti and
                                                                                                            meatballs, macaroni and cheese, and chicken tenders.
                                                                                                            Volunteers have a great time bonding together as they
                                                                                                            prepare a hearty and nutritious meal, and break bread with
                                                                                                            the patients and their families.
                                                                                                               Volunteers have found this work extremely productive
      Scott Glassman      Emily Grabelsky     Mindy Steiner Nichols  Barbara Shear    Ellen Forrest         and meaningful, and are continually impressed with the
                                                                                                            resourcefulness and strength of the Quantum House
         Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service and Melvin   are learning and/or developmentally disabled. The goal is to   families. They look forward to returning each month
      J. & Clare Levine Jewish Residential & Family Service   optimize residents’ potential, enabling them to lead fulfilling   to be chefs for a day, all while getting to know fellow
      announced five new members to the organizations’ 2024-2025   lives in a less restrictive environment.   community members in the spirit of tikkun olam, healing
      Boards of Directors.                                  The new members joining the Alpert JFS Board of   our world, one effort at a time.
         Alpert JFS is a nationally accredited service provider   Directors are Scott Glassman, Emily Grabelsky, Mindy
      for children, adults, seniors, and Holocaust survivors. The   Steiner Nichols, and Barbara Shear. Ellen Forrest is
      nonprofit delivers high-quality care to over 12,000 people   joining the Levine JFRS Board of Directors.
      each year, from Boynton Beach to Vero Beach. Levine JRFS      “We are thrilled to welcome Scott, Emily, Mindy,
      provides a continuum of cutting-edge residential services for   Barbara, and Ellen to our Alpert JFS and Levine JRFS
      adults struggling with mental illness as well as those who   Boards,” said Marc D. Hopin, CEO of Alpert JFS. “Their
                                                                                 exceptional leadership and
                                                                                 vision come at a pivotal
                                                                                 moment as we celebrate
                                                                                 our  50th  anniversary  and
                                                                                 look ahead to the future.
                                                                                 With their guidance, we are
                                                                                 poised to expand our impact
                                                                                 and continue building a
                                                                                 legacy of support, care, and
                                                                                 service for generations to
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