Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice

                                                        All About Kids from page 9
                  simcHas                               JKidz Is Back in Session

                                                           The new JKidz season at Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens
        Alexi Kruzhkov                                  is back in full swing.
                                                           They recently hosted the opening Young Families Friday
           Alexi Kruzhkov                               night dinner of the season. The theme was back to school
        is a seventh grader at                          in the USA, with relay races, games, a meaningful Friday
        The Weiss  School.                              night service, and a Shabbos dinner.
        His interests include                              Students started their first day of Hebrew school with an
        playing travel soccer,                          opening craft and a karate session that corresponded with
        basketball for his school                       an innovative color-leveled Hebrew curriculum.
        team, and competing in                             CTeen Tuesdays also had an opening youth event.
        state and national chess                        The  teens  enjoyed  learning,  playing,  eating,  and  deep
        tournaments. He recently                        discussions led by Rabbi Yisroel and Raizy.
        won first place in the                             Perhaps the most exciting program of the week was the
        2024 Florida State Chess                        JewQ relaunch. The young contestants got to understand
        Championships U1400                             the excitement of the international JewQ Torah contest and
        division. Alexi is a dedicated New York sports fan,   the rewards and incentives it offers.
        watching nearly every Giants, Knicks, and Rangers
        game of the season, and he enjoys making video edits
        of sports highlights. He is also an adventurous eater and
        an enthusiastic food critic. Alexi is excited for his Bar
        Mitzvah at Temple Judea on October 19.

        Lila Hoffer-Bensimhon

           Temple Beth David
        will celebrate the Bat
        Mitzvah of Lila Hoffer-
        Bensimhon on October
        26. Lila is a seventh
        grader at BAK Middle
        School of the  Arts,                                 Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
        majoring in visual arts.
        Lila  attended Temple                                Save up to $164.90
        Beth David preschool
        and  Arthur I. Meyer
        Preparatory School,                                  on your Part B
        where she completed grades K-5. She is a dedicated
        vegetarian, beautiful artist, great big sister, straight A   ATTENTION READERS: This Jewish Community newspaper is monthly direct mailed to 8,000 homes.
        student, amazing Torah reader, and avid Swiftie! Above   premium
                                                             Please support your Jewish businesses and newspaper by advertising and sending your events and photos!
        all, she loves animals, especially her sweet orange rescued                          We appreciate your business.
        cat, Pumpkin. For her mitzvah projects, Lila spent the past             561-741-7770 •
        year doing activities to better herself and the community   Our Medicare Advantage plan,
        as a member of the Temple Beth David B’nai Mitzvah   HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
        Club. She helped provide technical assistance for the
                                                             gives you up to $164.90 back each month
        Temple Beth David community, baked and sold sweets   Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
        to support the Temple Beth David Preschool, volunteered   through the Part B giveback benefit. This
        at Jupiter Creamery, made PB&J sandwiches with South   will return part of your Part B premium
        Florida Food Kitchen for the homeless, packed care   Save up to $174.70                                 Call a licensed independent
        bags for kids for Little Smiles, and volunteered at The   to you through a credit to your Social        sales agent
                                                            Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
                                                             Security check or by reducing the monthly
        Madyson, a local assisted-living facility for the elderly.   on your Part B
                                                            Save up to $164.90
                                                             premium you pay directly to Medicare.
                                                             That’s not the only way our plan is looking
          Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice            on your Part B
        welcomes  announcements  of  life-cycle              out for your wallet, your goals and your                    Peter Gratzon
        events in the local Jewish community. The          Our Medicare Advantage plan, HumanaChoice
                                                             health. It also comes with benefits beyond
        copy deadline is the 15th of the month.            Florida H5216-311 (PPO), gives you up to
                                                             Original Medicare, such as:
                                                            Our Medicare Advantage plan,
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
        Send text and images to bernstein.wendy@           $174.70 back each month through the Part B           561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                                Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                            gives you up to $164.90 back each month                                         giveback benefit. This will return part of your      Monday – Friday
                                                            through the Part B giveback benefit. This
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
                                                            will return part of your Part B premium
                                                                                                                    Call a licensed independent
                                                           Part B premium to you through a credit to your       8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                               Security check each month*
                                                            to you through a credit to your Social
                                                                                                                    sales agent
                                                            Security check or by reducing the monthly
                                                           Social Security check or by reducing the monthly
                                                                No referral required to see in-
                                                            premium you pay directly to Medicare.
                                                           premium you pay directly to Medicare. That’s not                  Peter Gratzon
                                                            That’s not the only way our plan is looking
                                                               network specialists
                                                            out for your wallet, your goals and your
                                                           the only way our plan is looking out for your wallet,
                                                                Routine dental, hearing and
                                                            health. It also comes with benefits beyond
                                                            Original Medicare, such as:
                                                           your goals and your health. It also comes with           561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                               vision coverage
                                                            •   Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                           benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as:              Monday – Friday
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
                                                                                                                    8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                               Security check each month*                 
                                                           •  Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                            •   No referral required to see in-
                                                               network specialists
                                                           up to $174.70 back into your Social Security check       561-361-7173
                                                            •   Routine dental, hearing and
                                                               vision coverage
                                                           each month*                                              561-289-9396 (c)
                                                           •  No referral required to see in-network specialists    Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                    8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                           •  Routine dental, hearing and vision coverage 
                                                                                           A more human way
                                                                                             A more human way
                                                                                           to healthcare™
                                                                                             to healthcare™
                                                            * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                             The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                             Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                            marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                            877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                            su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                            務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
                                                             age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                             877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                             務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
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