Page 7 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
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The Jewish Voice, Page 7

      Local Happenings from page 6                       Judaism went on to say anyone who went to this circus was  Lighthouse ArtCenter
                                                         sitting in the seat of the scornful.
      and Iran. He emphasized how strategically important America      In the 1800s the Jewish Lorch family in Germany developed  Receives Grant to Expand
      is to Israel and commended AIPAC for securing needed monies   a circus and the Big Apple circus was formed in 1977 by a Jewish   Free Art Classes for
      and cooperation.                                   co-founder. Cirque du Soleil was also formed by a Jewish person
                                                         named Mitch Garber. Very few people know that Kenneth Feld,   Individuals with Special Needs
      The Jews and the Circus                            a Jewish person, was chief executive officer of Ringling Brothers
                                                         for a longer time than the non-Jewish founders.      Lighthouse ArtCenter
         Where can I go in Israel to see a circus with animals? The      However, Judaism has distinct rules against cruelty to   (LAC) recently received a
      answer is you can’t!                               animals and it is said that one should not train an animal to do   $42,000 grant to expand free
         Back in the first century CE, Roman captors sold many Jews   something it would not do naturally.  art classes for youth and adults
      into gladiator schools as slaves and they were taught to fight      Another Jewish thought says if you normally give leftovers   with special needs. Awarded
      other men and wild animals to death. In those days the gladiator   to your dog, you really should feed them parts of the main meal   through the Cultural Council
      competition was known as a circus and the Midrash refers to a   first so they do not suffer, waiting and hoping that you don’t forget   of Palm Beach County’s Arts
      person who goes to a circus as a sinner. Yet many Jews did go,   them by eating everything on your plate and leaving them nothing.   & Cultural Education Fund,
      especially on Shabbat, as that was one way to prevent Jewish      It is interesting to note that in modern times an ancient   this two-year grant spans
      people from quarreling with each other.            rabbinical decree based on Torah influence now forbids the use   through May 2026, allowing
         Shimon Ben Lakish once sold himself into servitude as a   of animals in circuses.                 LAC to increase its support
      gladiator and later turned his life around to become an esteemed      Long before this became effective, it was forbidden to have   for this important community
      Jewish scholar instead. There was also hope that the circuses   a circus with animals in Israel.     initiative.
      would become homes of the Torah. However, when the Jewish      Andy Greenberg is a 25-year Conservative Jewish educator
      slaughters began in the circuses it was formally forbidden.   for grades 3-12 and a lecturer for adults of all ages.

            get involved 24-25

             Explore exciting opportunities to connect
             with our Jewish community in ways that

             are meaningful to you.

            GivingTuesday                               Sundays Together
            Tuesday, December 3                         January 26 and April 6
            On this global day of giving, our local Jewish  Families with school-aged children are
            community is coming together to make a      invited to experience immersive Jewish
            difference for thousands of people in the   educational programs held at family-
            Palm Beaches, Israel and around the world.  friendly locations throughout Palm
                                                        Beach County.
            Anita & Robert Naftaly
            Day of Awareness                            Good Deeds Day
            Sunday, December 8                          Sunday, April 6
            This annual educational conference raises   Take part in volunteer projects throughout
            awareness about the needs of children with   the Palm Beaches alongside friends and
            disabilities. Educators and families will learn   neighbors, as tens of thousands of people       In 2009, thanks to the generosity and vision of Doctors
            new, innovative tools to create more inclusive   worldwide participate in this international   Vince and Anne Palumbo, Lighthouse ArtCenter launched
            Jewish experiences.                         day of community service.                          The Olivia Palumbo Special Needs Art Class, inspired by
                                                                                                           their granddaughter, which provided free monthly art classes
            8 Days, 8 Ways of Giving Back               Passover Meal Packing                              to individuals with special needs. With the new funding,
                                                                                                           these classes will now be held weekly, opening up more
            Various dates in November,                  and Delivery                                       consistent artistic expression and a wealth of personal growth
            December and January                        Friday, April 11                                   opportunities for participants.
            Choose from among several projects for all   Join with hundreds of volunteers to prepare          “It has always been our long-term goal to offer weekly
            ages, including a food drive, meal deliveries   and deliver more than 1,200 holiday            rather than once-a-month classes. This grant will make this
            to food-insecure seniors and families, and   meals so that seniors and families who are        dream come true,” Anne Palumbo explained. “It is especially
            helping local children improve their reading.  struggling in Jewish Palm Beach can enjoy       meaningful because those we serve flourish most readily with
                                                        a plentiful seder.                                 familiar environments and routine. It is also a boon to their
            MLK Day of Service                                                                             caregivers, who can count on a few hours off each week,
                                                                                                           knowing their loved ones are enjoying a safe and enriching
            Monday, January 20                          2025 Annual Meeting                                experience.”
            Join together with our entire community for   Thursday, May 8                                     Research shows that weekly art classes for individuals
                                                        Gather with Federation’s volunteer leaders,
            this annual day of volunteerism honoring    professionals and the entire community to          with special needs improve social skills, self-expression, and
            Dr. King’s vision of a cohesive society, while   celebrate everything we have collectively     self-esteem, and reduce stress. They also foster community
            taking a stand against antisemitism and     accomplished over the past year, while             and enhance well-being through creative expression.
            hatred of any kind.                         learning about future growth and plans for            Participants in the youth classes engage in various art
                                                        Jewish Palm Beach.                                 projects using pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers,
                                                                                                           watercolor paints, and tempera paints. Similarly, adult
            Get involved in your community.                                                                students explore these mediums while working on projects
                                                                                                           tailored to their interests and abilities.
            We have more opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to                                “We are thrilled to expand our special needs art classes
            connect, learn, advocate and volunteer.                                                        thanks to the generous support of the Cultural Council
                                                                                                           of Palm Beach County and the Frederick A. DeLuca
                                                                                                           Foundation,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at
                                                                                                           Lighthouse ArtCenter. “These classes play a crucial role in
                                            Please scan this QR code or visit                              our Art For All outreach programs, which aim to make art
                                                                            accessible to underserved populations and contribute to their
                                                                                                           education, skill development, and overall well-being.”
                                            for a full list of exciting events.                               Lighthouse ArtCenter’s art outreach initiative, Art
                                                                                                           For All, ensures access to art for everyone, including
                                                                                                           veterans, individuals with special needs, at-risk children
                                                                                                           and adolescents, seniors, and economically disadvantaged
                                                                                                           individuals. With a focus on community collaboration,
                                                                                                           Lighthouse ArtCenter runs sixteen art outreach programs in
                                                                                                           partnership with ten local organizations.
                                                                                                              For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s
                   | 561.478.0700 | @jewishpalmbeach                                 special needs programs and how to get involved, visit https://

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 8

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