Page 9 - PGA Community News- June '24
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June 2024                                                                  June 2024                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 9
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

      Dear Taxpayer:                                        On Aug. 22, my office will mail the Truth in Millage,   who have not yet applied for a homestead exemption on
         The summer months are                           or TRIM Notice, to all property owners. This notice of   their permanent residence in Palm Beach County.
      a busy time for my office.                         proposed taxes details the assessed and taxable values of      Enjoy reading and stay safe.
         Before June 1, my office                        your property, as well as the tax rates submitted by taxing                            Respectfully,
      submits  the  estimated                            authorities.                                                         Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS,
      taxable  property  values                             As always, I welcome your comments and questions              Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
      for  2024  to  cities  and                         regarding your property value and exemption amounts.
      other authorities who levy                         Florida law requires my office to value property based   Hurricane Season Begins
      taxes  because  they  need                         on the status of the market as of Jan. 1. We use state-of-
      them  to  begin  developing                        the-art technology to continuously process property data      June kicks off hurricane season, which runs through
      their  budgets. The  taxing                        from local and industry sources and from field inspections   Nov. 30. There are provisions in Florida law that pertain
      authorities review the                             performed by our highly trained appraisal experts.   to your property tax assessment if your home has suffered
      property values in their jurisdictions and decide on a      Now is a good time to check the mailing address   catastrophic damage by a hurricane.
      proposed tax rate.                                 associated  with  your  property  at  Simply      If your home suffers hurricane damage, our office will
         On July 1, my office submits a preliminary tax roll to   search your property and confirm that your mailing   work with you through the assessment process. We review
      Florida’s Department of Revenue (DOR), the agency that   address is correct. If it needs an update, just visit our E   insurance claims, photographs, repair estimates and invoices,
      oversees the operations of all property appraisers in the   Address Change Form.                     and any other documentation that would detail damage. For
      state. The DOR performs a rigorous review and evaluates      In this month’s newsletter there is a reminder that   more information, visit our website or contact (561) 355-3230
      the tax roll for accuracy.                         hurricane season is upon us and a memo to those residents   or
                                                                                                              As you plan for the season ahead, Palm Beach County
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              Emergency Management offers essential tips on hurricane
                                                                                                           preparedness in their Hurricane Planning Guide.

                                                                                                           E-Filing For Homestead
        This One is For YOU, Guys!                      makes the dating process so much easier.

        Special Summer Kick-                                                                               Exemption And Portability
        Off Edition By: Kelly                           Revolution Dating plays “wingman” by endorsing men to
        Leary, M.S. & Miranda                           women and vice versa.  Men typically bear the brunt of the      With our homestead exemption e-file, you can e-file the same
        Capparelli                                      work involved with dating, but we make the early steps of   day you close on a new home, even without the deed. You can
                                                        the process easier by providing you with a prospect who   even e-file for portability if moving within the state of Florida.
        “Everything gets                                has already been told about you, and the feeling is mutual.     A homestead exemption can reduce the assessed value
        hotter when the sun                                                                                of your property, thereby reducing the amount of property
        goes down.”--Kenny                              If you haven’t figured this out yet, Revolution Dating is at   tax you pay. In addition, a homestead exemption limits any
        Chesney                                         the top of the matchmaking enterprise. We are the only club   increase to your assessed value to a maximum of 3 percent
        In honor of Father’s                            with a long established corporate headquarters with a five   each year or the amount of the change in the Consumer
        Day, we dedicate this                           star business address, strong ties to the northeast, a CEO   Price Index, whichever is lower. Portability transfers all or a
        month’s article to all the                      with a masters degree, and an impressive vast database   significant portion of your cap savings, up to $500,000, from
        men we adore in and out of the club (and on our team).   of clients. We also provide photos and nothing is public   a home with a homestead exemption to a new home within
        We love you all. Do continue to spread the message of   (unless you give permission). In addition, we have a knack   the state of Florida that qualifies for a homestead exemption.
        love and hope to all your single family and friends. We   for attracting men and women equally regardless of age.     Our Exemption Services Department administers all
        appreciate you.                                                                                    exemptions and portability applications and is available to
                                                        Gentlemen, this is your sign to take action. The next move   answer your questions. Contact them at myexemption@
        Dating in the summer in Florida may be warm (to say the   is yours. The women of Revolution Dating can’t wait to or (561) 355-2866.
        least), but it also can be quite romantic. No area has as many   meet you! (HOT TIP: Ladies, it’s a great month to join as
        singles as we do year-round, ESPECIALLY  in the summer.   new men will be lined up to get started).  Office Closed In Honor Of
        It is high season for new clientele that are new to the area
        or newly single, so now is the time to get your groove on.     We’re looking forward to many hot and steamy summer   Juneteenth
                                                        nights coming soon to club members this June. Let the
        This summer, get by with a little help from your friends   good times roll!                           The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
        that know all the right people in all the right places. Our                                        (including all of our service centers) will be closed in honor
        team will take the guesswork out of finding and asking   XOXO, Kelly & Miranda                     of Juneteenth on Wednesday, June 19. Juneteenth National
        the right person out. As you may know, all of our clients                                          Independence Day commemorates the emancipation of
        are pre-screened. We sit with our clients in a one-on-one   P.S. And one more thing, especially for you guys—if you   enslaved African Americans in the United States.
        private setting to get to know their likes, dislikes, hopes,   ask us for feedback or “sisterly advice” that will help you
        dreams, values, and personalities. We know our clients are   be more appealing to women, we’ll give it. Taking good
        serious but not needy, which is why they come to us. They   care of you is our top priority as we serve you.
        would not be here if they weren’t genuinely looking for a
        quality relationship or playing games, right? Our clients   #Summer2024 #DateLocal #LoveOffline #LoveLocal
        have skin in the game and so do we.             #MenMagnets #TellYourFriends #LiveIRL
        With decades of experience behind us, we’re able to
        match you intentionally, increasing the odds of a true   Revolution  Dating
        connection. This saves everyone time, money, and potential   Founder and CEO, Kelly
        heartache. We are the opposite of online dating. There are   Leary, M.S. has 33 years
        no algorithms in matchmaking which is why this is the   in the dating industry
        way to go--especially for men.                  and a Master’s Degree in
                                                        Clinical Psychology. She
        Men love our approach possibly even more than women   has also been written about
        do for several reasons:                         in The Palm Beach Post,                                  Best Bin Caddy#
                                                        PalmBeacher Magazine,
          • The women we’ll introduce you to look like their   Stuart News, Modern
        photos. They have been verified and ID’s have been   Luxury Palm Beach, and                          NEW!
        checked. No catfish, stalkers, or trolls allowed.  Modern Luxury Manhattan plus many more. Revolution
                                                        Dating members are pre-screened in-person including
          • Our female clients are smart, interesting, and beautiful   background checks. Professional photos are taken by the
        on the inside and the outside. We meet each client in person   staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or blind
        in our office to validate them (we don’t accept everyone   dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that
        who wants to join).                             make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club
                                                        memberships, Kelly and her team also provide feedback                               On sale
          • We know our women clients are sincere daters, not   from dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are available                      $ 79    95
        users like many online huntresses. There won’t be games   by request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are
        or wild surprises when you meet our women.      also available by request for non-members or as an add-on                             Tax Inc.
                                                        to some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential. *By
          • Our women can stand on their own two feet emotionally   demand, a Northeast/TriState area Hub is now available   Recycling Bin Caddy
        and financially. They’re not looking for someone to support   for east coast clients that love to travel. Do call the main   Made in the USA
        them.                                           hotline for more information at 561-630-XOXO (9696) or
                                                        learn more on our website at Revolution Dating :: Home   Using Heavy Duty PVC and All Terrain Wheels.
        We advise our male clients about which of our attractive   of THE Award-Winning Matchmaker This is a First Come,   Easy To Use Design. Arrives Fully Assembled With
        female clients they may wish to pursue based on her   First Serve Model, so do get your name on the A-List today.  Free Local Delivery. (Bins not included.)
        interests, traits, and relationship goals (and yours). This                                                      Call 561.354.8169

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