Page 6 - PGA Community News- June '24
P. 6

Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   June 2024                                                                                                                                                     June 2024
      PGA National Members Give Back To Our Community

      PGA Honors Jane Broderick                         Women’s Golf Association

      At Charity Golf Event                             Charity Event

         This year’s closing                               PGAN’s Women’s Golf
      member event honored Jane                         Association’s (WGA) spring
      Broderick, in recognition of                      charity event was held in
      her 37 years at PGA National                      support  of  Connections,  a
      (PGAN). Jane’s PGAN career                        nonprofit school in Palm
      began  in  the  “bag  room”                       Beach  County  that  serves
      in  1987  and  spanned  37                        students with autism and
      years. Her work experience                        related  disabilities. WGA
      in outside operations, retail                     members  played  in  glorious  sunshine  and  participated
      and tournament operations                         in an auction which raised $35,000 to support sending
      proved invaluable when she                        Connection students to a summer camp program.      Women’s Golf Association gave thanks to the event chairs
      was appointed head golf                                                                              for a job well done! From left to right, Karen King-Watt and
      professional, a position that                     PGA National Members Give Back To Our Community    Lisa Rinaldi Palestrini, event cochairs and Cindy McGeever,
      she held for 15 years. Her  Left to right, Pat Hughes-  on page 7                                    president of the WGA
      unique  knowledge  of  all  Gelardi, past president of
      aspects of PGAN led to her  PGAN’s Advisory Board of
      success, first as director of  Governors and Women’s Golf
      golf and in her most recent  Association and guest of   Are You Ready                                                   Hurricane?
      position  as  club  manager.  honor Jane Broderick
      Jane was the first woman to
      be named master professional in both the PGA and LPGA.     For The Next Storm?
      The Community Outreach Charitable Fund
         Jane requested that this season’s
      closing members event benefit                                                                                       No Air Conditioning?
      PGAN’s  Community  Outreach                                                                                           No Refrigeration?
      Charitable  Fund  (COCF). The
      COCF was established in 2021                                                                            FREE
      to enhance the mission of the                                                                                                10% OFF
      Community Outreach Committee                                                                           7 Year Warranty
      which is to support small, local,                                                                      on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
      nonsectarian,  nonpolitical  not-                                                                      Standby Generators*
      for-profit  agencies                                                                                     $ 350                     $ 1,000
      serving  vulnerable
      communities in Palm                                                                                       One-Time                OFF
      Beach  County.  The                                                                                     Maintenance*                Install*
      COCF  does  this  by                                                                                                     *Must show coupons. Call for details.
      making cash grants
      to provide funding                                                                                         561.774.7714
      for  specific  projects
      for these agencies.                                                                                         2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
      The fund, made up                                                                                            West Palm Beach, FL 33409
      of donations from
      members  of  PGA
      National, raised over
      $15,000 at this event.
      The  Signs Tell The                                              
      Story               Judy Borinstein, chair of the
         Cody  Sherrill,  Community Outreach Charitable                                  Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145
      PGAN’s  recently  Committee and Jane Broderick      *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
                                                          the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.
      appointed  club                                     Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
      manager, welcomed                                                    offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
      over 100 golfers,
      volunte ers and
      sponsors to the day’s
      event. Through
      donations to the
      CO CF,  members
      sponsored “Tees and
      Greens”  signs  which
      were posted along the
      entire Palmer course.
      These signs held
      personal messages
      of congratulations
      and thanks to Jane.
      Through the generous  Golf Professional Val Skinner
      sponsorsh i p  of  volunteered her time “hitting
      David Marshall and  a drive for donations” to the
      Associates, Legacy  Community Outreach Charitable
      roofing, Property  Fund in honor of Jane Broderick.
      Transfer Services and  Left to right, Golf Professional Val
      Brightway Insurance,  Skinner, Jane Broderick and Helen                    David Valcich
      all proceeds of the day  Martin
      went to the fund.
         This season alone, the fund made grants of over $40,000
      and has supported programs that range from training
      a service dog for a veteran to providing backpacks for
      children entering the foster system to a reading program for
      underprivileged children to a tennis program for children
      on the autism spectrum. Every grant we make comes with
      a letter explaining that the grant is made up of donations
      from the members of PGA National.                             Nationwide Mortgage Bankers, Inc. (NMB) NMLS# 819382 ( 3 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite
         For  information  about  the  Community  Outreach          403N, Melville, NY 11747 Branch NMLS #1822931 (833) 700-8884 NMB is in no way affiliated with
                                                                    Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. All loans are subject to credit and appraisal approval. Not all applicants may qualify.
      Charitable Fund please email                  Minimum age is 62. A reverse mortgage is a loan and may result in negative equity. The borrower must meet all loan obligations,
                                                                    including maintaining and living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges and maintenance,
                                                                    including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance & HOA fees, as applicable; otherwise, the loan becomes due and payable.
                                                          This is an advertisement. Licensed by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation Mortgage Lender License #MLD713. Additional state licensing
                                                          information can be found at
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