Page 4 - PGA Community News- June '24
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   June 2024                                                                                                                                                     June 2024

         Editorial Board                                Ask The Juris Doctor

                                                        James A. Cioffi J.D., Attorney-At-Law                 I was recently contacted by a buyer who did not receive
         Editor:       James A. Cioffi                                                                     all the pages of the contract from the seller. Delivery of the
                              Effective Dating                                   contract, and all accompanying disclosures and riders, is a
         Feature Writers:  Dawn Levinstein, POA                                                            key component of the effective date. In this instance the seller
                       Gail Coppage, POA                Dear Juris Doctor;                                 had not delivered the contract to the buyer and the effective
                       Commissioner Maria Marino           I signed a contract to purchase                 date had not yet occurred. None of the time periods which
                       Katie Roundtree
         Contributing                                   a home and my inspection period                    were calculated from the effective date had begun. The date
         Reporter:     Don Kiselewski                   begins 15 days from the effective                  for inspections and the mortgage commitment due date are
                                                        date. I signed the contract on                     dependent upon the effective date.
            Your editors strongly believe that the number   May 10th. Is that the effective                   In another transaction, I was contacted by the listing real
         of people who do become involved with any      date?                                              estate agent because the buyer’s lender requested a legible
         news medium directly reflects on that medium’s        Bryan in PGA National                       copy of the contract be circulated for signatures. It was vital
         excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint.   Dear Bryan;                                        for the parties to include a provision in the second contract
         Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute      The effective date is the date on which all parties have   to confirm it was a duplicate of the first and executed for
         articles or current, timely news items and/or
         “Letters to the Editors.”                      executed and delivered the contract to the other party. If you   legibility purposes only. Otherwise, the second contract
            Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’   were not in the presence of the seller when you signed the   would be considered a new contract with a different effective
         right to publish. Submission must include writer’s   contract, the effective date is the date the last person signed   date from the first contract. There could have been disastrous
         name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles   and initialed any changes and delivered the contract to the   consequences if either party believed the second contract
         /letters will not be published. Opposing views to article   other party. Every contract is executed in a different manner   was independent from the first. It was fortunate that the
         viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome.   so there are many fact scenarios to consider. I always suggest   listing agent had contacted me when she received the second
         Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint   when a contract is signed that all parties communicate to   contract.
         of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should   confirm the effective date. In that way everyone knows the      We always want to be conscious of the execution and
         be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month   date and will be in agreement when calculating time periods.   delivery of contracts so that the effective date is known to
         for the following month’s publication (example: by   Simply circulate an e-mail so that everyone can easily confirm   all parties. I call it “Effective Dating” of the contract.
         January 10 for February publication) to:       or voice an objection. Your real estate agent will facilitate                          Sincerely, J.D.
            C.A.N.! Editors
         or                                             this process.
            Contact the publisher for additional information
         regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail                               Attention:
            Let’s hear from you.
                                                                                   PGA Residents Of Mellowing Years

                                                              A single phone number may help you to live confidently and gracefully in your own home.
                                                              Now there is a volunteer senior ambassador within PGA community who is well-schooled in resources available
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                                                           for many years.
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                                                              • Do you know a neighbor who needs help?
                                                              Don’t wait. Call now. Dorothy Weiss, 624-4035. Let’s keep connected with each other as a community. All you need
                                                           is the desire to live comfortably in your own home.

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