Page 11 - PGA Community News- June '24
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June 2024                                                                  June 2024                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 11
      Business Leaders Will Join Together

      To Help Local Family Build A Forever Home

         Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County                                                 to  partner  with  Habitat  for  Humanity  and  help  local
      (HFHGPBC) announced that Executive Build (formerly                                                   families build a path to a better life through affordable
      CEO Build) will take place on Friday, Sept. 27. This is an                                           homeownership. Participants are encouraged to put their
      annual fundraising event in which local executives and                                               leadership into action by rolling up their sleeves and picking
      business leaders leave their offices to pick up hammers                                              up construction tools to literally build a home and hope
      and help build a home alongside a Habitat Partner Family.                                            alongside families in need. In addition to creating a tangible
      This year’s event is cochaired by Robyn Raphael-Dynan                                                and lasting impact in the community, the event provides a
      and Adam Handfinger.                                                                                 unique networking opportunity for the executives, a hands-
         Robyn  Raphael-Dynan  is  the  president  of  RCC                                                 on volunteering opportunity, and high brand visibility for
      Associates, South Florida’s leading general contractor firm.                                         their businesses.
      The firm specializes in building restaurants, hospitality and                                           “By bringing together corporate leaders, government
      commercial projects. She also serves on the HFHGPBC                                                  officials and the families we serve, we hope to shine a light
      Board of Directors.                                                                                  on the critical need for affordable housing in our community
         “As a board member and a longtime Habitat supporter, I   Robyn Raphael-Dynan and Adam Handfinger  and work together to address it,” said Jennifer Thomason,
      am excited to be cochairing this year’s Executive Build on                                           CEO/president of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm
      Sept. 27. I look forward to collaborating with fellow business   construction law specialist.        Beach County.
      leaders in our community to create a lifelong impact for      “I am thrilled to cochair Executive Build 2024 alongside      During  the  one-day  event,  executives  commit  to  a
      families in need of affordable housing,” said Raphael-Dynan.   Robyn,” shared Handfinger. “I look forward to adding   fundraising goal, select a half-day shift, build alongside
         Adam Handfinger is a comanaging partner of Peckar   my voice to advocacy for affordable housing and helping   Habitat  families,  learn  construction  skills,  and  create
      and Abramson’s Miami office, chair of the Client Service   families in need build brighter futures.”   new connections among peers and the community. No
      Committee, and sits on Peckar and Abramson’s Executive      Executive Build is an annual fundraising and home-  construction experience is required to participate.
      Committee.  He  is  certified  by  the  Florida  Bar  as  a   building event that brings executives and leaders together      Individuals  are  required  to  fundraise  or  donate  a
                                                                                                           minimum  of  $3,500  per  person  to  build.  Corporate
                                                                                                           Sponsorships start at $5,000. To sponsor or learn more
         Community Safety                                                                                  about Habitat’s 2024 Executive Build, email dayana.rooks@
                                                                                                  To learn more or donate to support
                                                                                                           Executive Build financially, visit https://habitatgreaterpbc.
         By Keith Echols,                                  Making early preparations is an essential part to   org/executive-build.
         Director of Security,                          being  ready  for  storm  season. As  a  good  neighbor,      Sponsors to date include Aloft Delray Beach (Kickoff
         St. Moritz Security                            clean your yard of any items such as loose roof tiles   Party  Sponsor);  SFBW  (Annual  Magazine  Sponsor);
            I’m sure by now you all                     or any other material that could pose a threat to your   AvalonBay Communities (Hard Hat Sponsor); Akel Homes,
         have seen the devastation                      home or your neighbor’s. If possible, trim all trees and   Baptist  Health,  Florida  Peninsula  Insurance  Company,
         that  was  left  behind  by                    shrubs around your home. Think about stocking up on   Peckar  and Abramson,  RCC Associates,  and Vertical
         the  tornado that ripped                       water, batteries, candles, and other supplies you may   Bridge  (Home  Builder  Sponsors);  Hubbard  Radio/850
         through Tallahassee  last                      need during an emergency period.                   WFTL (Exclusive Radio Sponsor); TFG Financial Advisors
         month. Now that we are in                         As your security provider, we are always ready to   (Community Builder Sponsor); Grimes Events and Party
         hurricane season and unlike                    lend a hand and together we can make a difference.   Tents (Hope Builder Sponsor); ESPN West Palm (Media
         a tornado, we have time to prepare             Never hesitate to call security at (561) 627-1600, if   Sponsor); Magen Protective Services (Security Sponsor);
         for hurricane season.                          you see something, say something!                  and Starbucks (Coffee Sponsor).
                                                                                                                           Photo by MasterWing Creative Agency

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          Chronic pain sufferers find welcomed

          relief through pain management.

          By Valerie Staggs
          When Dr. Nathaniel Drourr started his                                                                      and depression  specifically  is  exceed-
          career as a pain management physician 26                                                                   ingly common in people with chronic
          years ago, the specialty was a new concept                                                                 pain,” says Drourr. He encourages pa-
          in the medical field. While the idea of a                                                                  tients to be advocates for themselves. “You
          physician solely dedicated to helping treat                                                                have every right to ask your doctor for
          patients with chronic pain might have                                                                      another opinion. If you’re not happy with
          seemed unusual back then, today physi-                                                                     where you are, ask for a referral or make an
          cians like Drourr are bringing welcomed                                                                    appointment yourself.”
          relief to patients who have often given up
          hope that they will ever be pain-free.

          “Usually by the time patients get to us
          they have tried a fair amount of things,”
          says Drourr, who has been practicing at
          Jupiter Medical Center for his entire ca-
          reer. “Many have been to surgeons, they
          have tried physical therapy, they’ve  “Patients come to us for a whole list of rea-  way to treat many different conditions
          sometimes done pretty significant pain  sons. The most common is back pain and  is through multiple different avenues,”
          medication. We’re that next step after a  leg pain or sciatica type pain, but patients  says Drourr. “However, we always like to
          lot of the common treatments fail.”   can also have neck or arm pain, shingles  start with non-invasive therapies first.”
                                              type pain or pain related to cancer.”   Non-invasive therapies can include hot/
          Chronic pain is defined as pain that no                                cold therapy, anti-inflammatory medica-
          longer serves a useful purpose. Drourr uses  Pain management physicians see new pa-  tions, physical therapy, massage therapy,
          the analogy of burning your hand to ex-  tients at an initial consultation where they  chiropractic care and TENS unit, a mild
          plain. “If you stick your hand near a flame  are asked in-depth questions about their  electrical nerve stimulation technique. If
          and it burns, you pull your hand away for  pain.  Typical questions touch on where  non-invasive treatments alone do not stem
          good reason. Once that burn heals and the  the pain is located, what makes it better  the pain, pain medication therapies and
          initial pain goes away, any pain you have  or worse and what treatments the patient  injection therapies may be added to the
          past that normal time is chronic pain.”  has already tried. A physical examination  treatment plan. Surgery and spinal cord
                                              is also conducted. The goal in the initial  stimulators can also be a consideration for   Nathaniel Drourr, MD.
          Patients are often referred to a pain man-  consultation is  to develop a  treatment  some conditions.
          agement physician by a primary care doc-  plan to address each patient’s specific type
          tor or another physician such as a surgeon  of pain.                   Left untreated, chronic pain can cause a   For more information about pain
          or orthopedic specialist. Some, like Dro-                              host of other health problems. “Psycho-  management treatment, visit:
          urr, also accept self-referrals from patients  A wide range of options are explored in  logically, how they feel about them-
          directly.                           developing each treatment plan. “The best  selves, how they interact with others,   pain-management
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