Page 16 - PGA Community News- June '24
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Page 16, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  June 2024                                                                                                                                                     June 2024
      Blue Friends Society Champions

      Ocean Conservation At Charlie & Joe’s At Love Street

         The Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC) Blue Friends
      Society gathered for a social at Charlie & Joe’s at Love Street
      on Wednesday, May 8 to support the center’s significant work
      on ocean conservation and sea turtle rehabilitation. More than
      100 members enjoyed cocktails and light bites in the heart
      of Jupiter overlooking serene waterfront views of the Jupiter
      Inlet Lighthouse.
                      Photos by Tracey Benson Photography

                                                                                                           Mimi  Vaughan,  Dr.  Jeff   Steven Heinemann, Tamra
                                                        Lynn Wells, Pete Wells   Rebecca Choron, Gray Welton  Vaughan              FitzGerald

      Lacey Hagler, Susan Holsclaw, Danny Holsclaw
                                                        Debra Cannava, Jay Cannava David Bailey, Anita Bailey  John Marshall, Chryssi Mikus  Amanda Joiner, Andy Dehart

                                                        Orson Whitfield, Alyse Lemstrom, Meg Miller        Jay Cannava, Laurena Leon, Bruce Briggs

                                                          Financial Focus
      Andy Dehart, Tonya Pellegrini, Gui Proenca                                                   ®

             Drainage Information                         Financial Tips For Widows                        months, you may be entitled to Social Security survivor
        From Northern Palm Beach                          And Widowers                                     benefits. (If you remarry before age 60, you typically
                                                                                                           cannot receive survivor benefits, but you can reinstate
       County Improvement District                                                                         them if this subsequent marriage ends.) The amount of
                                                           By Sally Sima Stahl                             your survivor’s benefits depends on your age and the age
           Why do some yards flood after large quantities of rain?       Losing a spouse is                of your deceased spouse. You can’t claim your deceased
                                                                                                           spouse’s benefits along with your own retirement benefits,
        The simple answer is according to most approved drainage   one of the most painful                 so if you qualify for survivor and retirement benefits, you’ll
                                                           experiences anyone can
        designs, some water is meant to be temporarily stored in public   have. Unfortunately,             receive the larger amount. Depending on your situation,
        recreational areas, yard swale and streets. The excess surface   widows and widowers have          you might come out ahead by delaying your retirement
        water slowly drains to community lakes or on-site ponds via   to deal with more than just          benefits, giving them the chance to grow, while you accept
        street and yard drainage grates and/or via swales, ditches   the emotional trauma – they           survivor benefits. For more details on receiving Social
        and canals. The more complex answer is that each yard is   also must consider a range              Security benefits, visit the Social Security Administration’s
        different. Some yards have drainage swale areas. These are   of financial issues. If you’ve        website at
        areas that are sloped to catch water and filter out pollutants as   recently been widowed,         Review Your Estate Plans
        water is absorbed into the ground. Some yards direct water to   what financial moves                 The death of a spouse can certainly affect your family’s
                                                                                                           estate plans. So, it’s a good idea to review these plans to see
        the community drainage system as run-off with very little water   should you consider?             what changes, if any, need to be made. When conducting
        retained in the yard. Familiarize yourself with how your yard     For starters, don’t rush into any major decisions. If you’re   this review, you’ll benefit from working with an estate-
        was built to determine how water drains from your home.  still in the grieving process, you are unlikely to be in the best   planning professional.
                                                           shape to make significant choices affecting your finances and
                                                           your life.                                        Finally, keep in mind that you don’t have to go it
                                                                                                           alone during this difficult time. If you’re already working
        Pressure Washing & Roof Cleaning                     But once you feel ready to look at your situation objectively   with a financial professional, they can help. If you aren’t
                                                           and make appropriate choices, consider the following steps.
         We are ready to exCeed your expeCtationS!         Review Your Finances                            currently working with one, now might be the time to
                                                                                                           start. By looking at your finances and your family situation
                                                             Look at your entire financial picture – your assets,
                   “We Clean Barrel Tile, Metal,           investments, debts and income. If you and your spouse had   holistically, a financial professional can provide guidance
             Asphalt Shingle Roofs & Cedar Shake Roofs”    communicated well about your finances, and you shared   that can help ease the stress you are naturally feeling.
                                                           decisions, you hopefully won’t encounter any big surprises.     Few events are as sad as losing a spouse. But when
                                                           But if your spouse was the partner who mostly handled   you feel ready, start taking the steps necessary to continue
                                                           financial matters, you may need to get up to speed quickly   forward on your life’s journey.
                                                           on what you have and what you owe. And if your spouse     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                           had provided a large amount of your household income,   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
                                                           you will also need to determine what changes you may   Member SIPC.
       • Screen Enclosure Frames                           need to make to your lifestyle.                   Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
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       refund you 100% of your money.  be combined with other   other financial goals. But you’ll also want to be clear about   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
       Call James for Specials!                            what other beneficiaries, such as your children, might   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                                           receive. And while you’re looking at insurance, you also     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                           might want to look at your own policies – do you need to   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
                                                           change beneficiaries?                           qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                                                                             Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
          561-248-1053                                     Review Your Social Security Options             1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                             If you are at least 60 and you were married at least nine
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