Page 18 - PGA Community News- June '24
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Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  June 2024                                                                                                                                                     June 2024
      Lighthouse ArtCenter Welcomes

      Anthony Record As Its New Curator

         Meet Record and the artists from the current exhibition,   the  community  better,                to 2023. He served as the Studio Programs Coordinator for the
      Artistry Through the Ages, for a panel discussion on June 20.  collaborating, exploring              Tampa Museum of Art from 2018 to 2022 and then as curator
         Lighthouse ArtCenter (LAC) in Tequesta is pleased to   and celebrating artists at                 at the Museum of Florida Art & Culture from 2022 to 2024,
      announce the appointment of Anthony Record as its new   Lighthouse ArtCenter.”                       where he curated exhibitions of contemporary artists and
      curator. Record has been deeply involved in the Florida art      Born and raised in                  collectors from Florida. Record is also a painter, and his work
      scene throughout his career, enriching the community through   Florida, Record pursued               has been exhibited internationally at galleries and museums
      his dedication to visual art. He brings a wealth of experience   his studies in studio art at        in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Kanazawa, Vancouver
      and expertise to this pivotal role.               the University of South                            and elsewhere.
         “We are delighted to welcome Anthony to the Lighthouse   Florida,  followed  by  a                   Join us on Thursday, June 20, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. as
      ArtCenter family,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at   Master of Fine Arts degree              Record leads a panel discussion with artists from Artistry
      Lighthouse ArtCenter. “His passion for the arts, coupled with   from the prestigious San             Through the Ages, Lighthouse ArtCenter’s current exhibition.
      his extensive experience in curation and education, will be   Francisco Art Institute.               Meet Anthony Record and learn about the evolution of the
      instrumental in advancing our mission of fostering artistic   While teaching art history and studio art courses at various   exhibiting artists’ work and teaching philosophies.
      excellence and community engagement. We look forward   colleges, he cofounded the artist cooperative gallery QUAID,      For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter and its
      to the exciting exhibitions and initiatives that Anthony will   based in Tampa, Fla., where he curated exhibitions from 2014   programs, please visit
      bring to our organization.”
         “I  am  honored  to  be  welcomed  by  the  vibrant  art
      community here in Tequesta,” said Record, Lighthouse   IBD Is Personal For Gastroenterologist
      ArtCenter’s curator. “I’m looking forward to getting to know
                                                          With TGH Digestive Health Center

        It’s The Law!                                        For gastroenterologist                        treatment for IBD. It’s unique to each patient, and various

                                                          Dr. David Schwimmer,                             combinations of treatment can be used. “It’s important to
       Did You Know That,                                 treating patients with                           treat everyone individually and carefully listen to what

       In Florida…                                        inflammatory bowel                               they need to decide the best course of action.” Treatment
                                                          disease (IBD) is personal.
                                                                                                           can include one of a variety of medications that can be
                                                          The South Florida native                         given orally, intravenously or subcutaneously. Also, since
       By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.                            who recently joined the                          people can lose a lot of weight, treatment can include
          A condominium                                   Tampa General Hospital                           nutritional optimization, working with nutritionists and
       association  and a                                 (TGH) Digestive Health                           dietitians.
       cooperative  (co-                                  Center in Palm Beach                                With  Schwimmer’s  extensive  interest  in  and
       op)  are  both  forms                              County has ulcerative                            experience with treating IBD, many primary doctors
       of  common-interest                                colitis. Luckily, he’s been                      seek his input, regularly referring patients to him. He
       communities,  but  they                            able to manage his disease.                      looks forward  to working with more patients in Palm
       differ in their ownership                          For many,  IBD can run  Dr. David Schwimmer      Beach County and believes the  TGH Digestive Health
       structures and the                                 their life. “The ultimate                        Center’s affiliation with TGH offers the practice access
       rights of residents. Put                           goal is to live a normal life,” said Schwimmer. “We want   to a robust academic health system. “Surgery becomes an
       simply, condominium                                the disease to be an afterthought.” According to a recent   option when medications prove no longer effective. Our
       owners have individual                             study by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, nearly one in   affiliation with Tampa General Hospital offers us access
       ownership of their units and a shared interest in   100 people in the United States has a form of IBD, one of   to phenomenal colorectal physicians.”
       common areas, while co-op residents own shares in a   the highest national rates in the world.         Schwimmer received  his  Bachelor  of  Science
       corporation that collectively owns the entire property.      IBD encompasses various gastrointestinal conditions   in cellular and molecular biology with honors from
       The structure and dynamics of each community type   and serves as an umbrella term that refers to several   the University of Michigan, and earned his Doctor of
       can influence the level of control residents have over   different conditions causing chronic inflammation within   Medicine from the University of Miami Miller School of
       their living spaces and the decision-making processes   the gastrointestinal tract. Two of the most common types   Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in
       within the community.                              of IBD are:                                      internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern
          An operating agreement in Florida is a legal        • Crohn’s disease, which can cause pain and swelling   – Parkland Health in Dallas, and trained for his fellowship
       document that outlines the internal structure,     in any part of the digestive tract               in gastroenterology at University of Florida Health Shands
       organization, and operational procedures of a          • Ulcerative colitis, which can cause inflammation and   Hospital in Gainesville.
       limited liability company  (LLC).  The  operating   ulcers within the rectum and colon                 Schwimmer  is an  active  member  of  the  Crohn’s
       agreement helps establish the rights, responsibilities      Many people refer to IBD and inflammatory bowel   & Colitis Foundation, the  American College of
       and relationships among the members (owners) and   syndrome (IBS) interchangeably. While they have similar   Gastroenterology and the American Gastroenterological
       managers  of  the  company. While  Florida  law  does   symptoms, they’re two different conditions requiring   Association. He has published in major medical journals
       not require LLCs to have an operating agreement, it is   different treatment approaches.  As its name suggests,   and presented at medical conferences speaking on the
       highly recommended so as to specify each member’s   IBS is a syndrome rather than a disease, which means   treatment, outcomes and management of IBD patients.
       rights and duties.                                 that it involves a group of symptoms that may not have      The TGH Digestive Health Center has offices in West
          Estate planning refers to the set of documents that   an identifiable cause. IBD is less common than IBS and,   Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, and Schwimmer
       designates people to act both during and after your lifetime   unlike IBS, can be life-threatening. It’s also possible to   sees patients at both locations. For information,
       and  often  consists  of  some  combination  of  a living   have both IBD and IBS.                  please  call  (561)  739-4TGH  (4844)  or  visit
       revocable trust, last will and testament, health care      Schwimmer  said  there  is  no  one-size-fits-all   ThePalmBeaches.
       surrogate, durable power of attorney and living will.
       It might also include one or more deeds to real property.
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